时间: 2023-04-26 21:01:05 浏览: 246
DataFrame.sort_values() missing 1 required positional argument: 'by'
The error message "DataFrame.sort_values() missing 1 required positional argument: 'by'" typically occurs when you try to call the `sort_values()` method of a pandas DataFrame without specifying the "by" parameter, which is required to indicate the column(s) to sort by.
To fix this error, you need to specify the "by" parameter and provide the name(s) of the column(s) you want to sort by. For example, if you have a DataFrame called "df" and you want to sort it by the "col1" column, you can do:
You can also sort by multiple columns by passing a list of column names to the "by" parameter. For example:
df.sort_values(by=['col1', 'col2'])
This will first sort the DataFrame by the "col1" column, and then sort by the "col2" column for any ties in "col1".
TypeError: DataFrame.sort_values() missing 1 required positional argument: 'by'
当你遇到 `TypeError: DataFrame.sort_values() missing 1 required positional argument: 'by'` 这样的错误,它通常意味着你在使用Python的Pandas库对DataFrame数据框进行排序操作时,忘记提供 `by` 参数。`sort_values()` 函数用于按照指定的列或多列对DataFrame进行排序。
`by` 参数是必需的,它接受一列或多列的名称作为排序依据,可以是单个字符串(如 "column_name"),也可以是一个列表或数组(如 ['column1', 'column2'])。
df_sorted = df.sort_values(by='column_name')
如果你没有提供 `by`,Pandas会期待一个列名或列名的序列,所以你需要检查一下是不是忘记了传递列名,或者列名拼写、大小写是否有误。