时间: 2023-05-24 20:07:10 浏览: 280
import sensor
import time
openmv cannot import name UART
The error message "cannot import name UART" usually occurs when the code is trying to import the UART module from the OpenMV library, but the module is not available. This can happen if the module is not installed or if it is not compatible with the version of OpenMV that you are using.
To fix this error, you can try the following steps:
1. Check that you have the latest version of OpenMV installed. You can download the latest version from the OpenMV website.
2. Make sure that the UART module is installed. You can check this by opening the OpenMV IDE and going to "Tools" -> "Manage Libraries". Look for the UART module and make sure it is installed.
3. If the UART module is not installed, you can install it by clicking on the "Install" button next to it in the "Manage Libraries" window.
4. If the UART module is installed but you are still getting the error, try importing it with a different name. For example, instead of "import UART", you can try "import pyb.UART as UART".
If none of these steps work, you may need to check your code for syntax errors or consult the OpenMV documentation or forum for further assistance.
openmv import json
在OpenMV中,`import json` 是用来处理JSON数据的模块,它允许你将Python的数据结构转换成JSON格式,以便于传输或者存储。这里的核心代码展示了如何使用:
1. 定义了一个包含班级、姓名和分数的字典 `datas`[^1]:
datas = {
'class': 'B19231',
'name': 'LiMing',
'score': 89,
2. 使用`json.dumps()` 函数将Python字典转换为JSON字符串:
output = json.dumps(datas)
3. 如果你想通过UART(通用异步收发器)将数据发送到外部设备(如51单片机),比如串口助手,你可以这样做:
uart.write(output + '\n')
`write()` 方法用于将字符串(在这里是JSON对象)写入UART端口,添加`\n`是为了在接收端识别每一行数据。