D_loss_temp = -tf.reduce_mean(M * tf.math.log(D_prob + 1e-8) \ + (1 - M) * tf.math.log(1. - D_prob + 1e-8))
时间: 2024-05-24 13:10:42 浏览: 124
This is a line of code that calculates the loss for a discriminator model in a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN). The cGAN consists of two models, a generator and a discriminator, that are trained together to generate output images that match a desired input condition.
The D_loss_temp variable represents the temporary value of the discriminator loss function. The loss function is calculated using the binary cross-entropy formula, which compares the predicted probability of a real or fake image with the true label.
The tf.reduce_mean function calculates the mean value of the loss over all the samples in a batch.
The M variable represents the mask that is applied to the loss function for the conditional aspect of the cGAN. It is a binary matrix that is the same size as the output image, where a value of 1 represents the areas of the image that need to be generated and a value of 0 represents the areas that can be left unchanged.
The D_prob variable represents the predicted probability of the discriminator model that the generated image is real. The 1e-8 term is added to prevent numerical instability when taking the logarithm of small values.
Overall, this line of code is a crucial step in updating the weights of the discriminator model during the training process of a cGAN.