Cannot find appropriate system libraries for WITH_SSL=system. Make sure you have specified a supported SSL version. Valid options are : system (use the OS openssl library), yes (synonym for system), </path/to/custom/openssl/installation> CMake Error at cmake/ssl.cmake:66 (MESSAGE): Please install the appropriate openssl developer package. Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/ssl.cmake:260 (FATAL_SSL_NOT_FOUND_ERROR) CMakeLists.txt:483 (MYSQL_CHECK_SSL)
时间: 2024-02-16 18:02:34 浏览: 427
这个错误是由于缺少 OpenSSL 库或版本不支持导致的。解决方法如下:
1. 确保 OpenSSL 库已经安装。在 Linux 上,您可以使用包管理器安装 OpenSSL 库,例如 apt-get、yum 等。在 Windows 上,您可以从 OpenSSL 官网下载适合您的版本并安装。
2. 如果您已经安装了 OpenSSL 库,但是仍然遇到此错误,请确保您使用的是支持的版本。MySQL 可以使用 OpenSSL 1.0.x 或 1.1.x 版本。检查您的 OpenSSL 版本并确保它与 MySQL 兼容。
3. 如果您使用的是自定义 OpenSSL 安装路径,请在 WITH_SSL 选项中指定路径,例如:-DWITH_SSL=/path/to/openssl。
4. 如果您在构建 MySQL 时使用了系统 OpenSSL 库,并且仍然遇到此错误,请确保您的系统 OpenSSL 库版本与 MySQL 兼容。您可以尝试使用自定义 OpenSSL 安装路径或升级您的系统 OpenSSL 库。
如果您仍然无法解决此问题,请提供更多上下文信息,例如您正在尝试构建什么,使用的操作系统和 CMake 版本等。
class GetKmers: def __init__(self, out_dir, kmer, job_id, chr_dir, chromsize_path, idx_path): """Creates all the possible k-mers for part of the genome. Used a referece file to find the appropriate chromosome, start and end position. Passes through the fasta file of the chromosome and generates all of the possible k-mers. Args: :param out_dir: Directory for saving <chrom>.<jobid>.kmer.gz files :param str kmer: k-mer string such as 'k24' :param int job_id: Reference ID used for finding chrom, start and end :param chr_dir: Path to directory with chromosome fasta files :param chromsize_path: Path to 2 column file of chrom\tsize\n :param idx_path: Path to 4 column file of index\tchrom\tst\tend\n :returns: An object with methods such as get_step_fasta(), get_seq_ar(), write_kmers() and write_regions(). :raises ValueError: if expected chromosome path does not exist """ self.out_dir = out_dir self.kmer = kmer self.job_id = job_id self.chromsize_path = chromsize_path self.chr_dir = chr_dir self.idx_path = idx_path self.chrom, self.start, self.end = self.get_region() self.chrom_path = "{}/{}.fasta".format( self.chr_dir, self.chrom) if not os.path.exists(self.chrom_path): raise ValueError( "{} does not exist".format(self.chrom_path)) elif not os.path.exists(self.idx_path): raise ValueError( "{} does not exist".format(self.idx_path))分析这段代码的作用
这段代码定义了一个名为 GetKmers 的类,用于创建基因组局部区域的所有可能的 k-mer,通过参考文件查找适当的染色体,开始和结束位置。该类具有获取步骤 fasta 文件、获取序列数组、写入 k-mer 和写入区域等方法。其中,参数包括输出文件夹、k-mer 字符串、参考 ID、染色体 fasta 文件夹路径、染色体大小文件路径和索引文件路径等。如果预期的染色体路径或索引文件路径不存在,将引发 ValueError 异常。
Write a function is_bst, which takes a Tree t and returns True if, and only if, t is a valid binary search tree, which means that: Each node has at most two children (a leaf is automatically a valid binary search tree). The children are valid binary search trees. For every node, the entries in that node's left child are less than or equal to the label of the node. For every node, the entries in that node's right child are greater than the label of the node.其中class Tree: def init(self, label, branches=[]): for b in branches: assert isinstance(b, Tree) self.label = label self.branches = list(branches) def is_leaf(self): return not self.branches def map(self, fn): self.label = fn(self.label) for b in self.branches: def contains(self, e): if self.label == e: return True for b in self.branches: if e in b: return True return False def repr(self): if self.branches: branch_str = ', ' + repr(self.branches) else: branch_str = '' return 'Tree({0}{1})'.format(self.label, branch_str) def str(self): def print_tree(t, indent=0): tree_str = ' ' * indent + str(t.label) + "\n" for b in t.branches: tree_str += print_tree(b, indent + 1) return tree_str return print_tree(self).rstrip()
Here's one possible implementation of the `is_bst` function using recursion to check the validity of each node in the binary search tree:
def is_bst(t):
def is_bst_helper(t, min_val, max_val):
if t.is_leaf():
return True
elif len(t.branches) == 1:
return False
left_bst = is_bst_helper(t.branches[0], min_val, t.label)
right_bst = is_bst_helper(t.branches[1], t.label, max_val)
return left_bst and right_bst and min_val <= t.label and t.label <= max_val
return is_bst_helper(t, float('-inf'), float('inf'))
The `is_bst_helper` function takes in a tree `t`, a minimum value `min_val`, and a maximum value `max_val`, and returns `True` if `t` is a valid binary search tree within the range `[min_val, max_val]`. If `t` is a leaf, it is automatically a valid binary search tree, so `True` is returned. If `t` has only one child, it cannot be a valid binary search tree, so `False` is returned. Otherwise, the function recursively checks that the left and right subtrees are valid binary search trees within the appropriate ranges, and that the label of `t` is between `min_val` and `max_val`. Finally, the `is_bst` function calls `is_bst_helper` with the root of the input tree `t` and the initial range `[-inf, inf]`.