def reset(self, screen, robot, new_robot, dusts, agent): self.screen = screen self.robot = robot self.new_robot = new_robot self.dusts = dusts self.current_dusts = len(self.dusts) nearest_dust, self.distance = self.get_nearest_dust() self.agent = agent robot_x, robot_y = self.robot.rect.centerx, self.robot.rect.centery dust_x, dust_y = nearest_dust.rect.centerx, nearest_dust.rect.centery sin = (robot_x - dust_x) / self.distance cos = (robot_y - dust_y) / self.distance dust_angle = math.atan2(sin, cos) / math.pi * 180 return self.robot.rect.centerx, self.robot.rect.centery, self.robot.angle, nearest_dust.rect.centerx, nearest_dust.rect.centery, dust_angle, self.distance

时间: 2024-04-09 16:31:38 浏览: 15
这是Environment类中的一个方法reset,它接受一些来初始化环境的状态,并返回初始状态的。 在方法内部,传入的参数screen、robot、new_robot、dusts和agent会被分别赋值给对应的属性。 接下来,通过调用get_nearest_dust方法来获取最近的尘埃物体,并将结果赋值给nearest_dust和distance属性。 然后,机器人和最近尘埃物体的位置信息会被获取,并计算机器人与尘埃之间的角度。这些信息会被用来表示初始状态。 最后,方法返回机器人和尘埃的位置信息、机器人的角度、尘埃的位置信息、尘埃与机器人之间的角度和距离。 还有其他问题吗?

class Environment: def __init__(self): self.screen = None self.robot = None self.new_robot = None self.dusts = None self.current_dusts = None self.nearest_dust, self.distance = None, None self.agent = None

这是一个名为Environment的类,它具有一些属性和方法用于描述一个环境。属性包括screen(屏幕)、robot(机器人)、new_robot(新机器人)、dusts(尘埃)、current_dusts(当前尘埃)、nearest_dust(最近的尘埃)和distance(距离),以及agent(代理)。 你的第一个问题是什么?

def __init__(self, node_type_list, standardization, scenes=None, attention_radius=None, robot_type=None): self.scenes = scenes self.node_type_list = node_type_list self.attention_radius = attention_radius self.NodeType = NodeTypeEnum(node_type_list) self.robot_type = robot_type self.standardization = standardization self.standardize_param_memo = dict() self._scenes_resample_prop = None

这是一个 Python 代码的类的初始化函数 `__init__`。它接收参数: - node_type_list:节点类型列表 - standardization:标准化参数 - scenes:场景(可选) - attention_radius:关注半径(可选) - robot_type:机器人类型(可选) 在函数内部,它会定义和初始化多个类的成员变量: - self.scenes:场景 - self.node_type_list:节点类型列表 - self.attention_radius:关注半径 - self.NodeType:节点类型枚举 - self.robot_type:机器人类型 - self.standardization:标准化参数 - self.standardize_param_memo:标准化参数备忘录,一个字典类型 - self._scenes_resample_prop:场景重采样比例,初始值为 None。


import pygame import math from pygame.sprite import Sprite class Robot(Sprite): def __init__(self, screen): # initialize robot and its location 初始化机器人及其位置 self.screen = screen # load image and get rectangle 加载图像并获取矩形 self.image = pygame.image.load('images/robot.png').convert_alpha() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.screen_rect = screen.get_rect() # put sweeper on the center of window 把扫地机器人放在界面中央 = # 初始角度 self.angle = 0 self.moving_speed = [1, 1] self.moving_pos = [self.rect.centerx, self.rect.centery] self.moving_right = False self.moving_left = False def blitme(self): # buld the sweeper at the specific location 把扫地机器人放在特定的位置 self.screen.blit(self.image, self.rect) def update(self, new_robot): # 旋转图片(注意:这里要搞一个新变量,存储旋转后的图片) new_robot.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.image, self.angle) # 校正旋转图片的中心点 new_robot.rect = new_robot.image.get_rect( self.moving_pos[0] -= math.sin(self.angle / 180 * math.pi) * self.moving_speed[0] self.moving_pos[1] -= math.cos(self.angle / 180 * math.pi) * self.moving_speed[1] self.rect.centerx = self.moving_pos[0] self.rect.centery = self.moving_pos[1] # 右转的处理 if self.moving_right: self.angle -= 1 if self.angle < -180: self.angle = 360 + self.angle # 左转的处理 if self.moving_left: self.angle += 1 if self.angle > 180: self.angle = self.angle - 360 # 上下边界反弹的处理 if ( <= 0 and -90 < self.angle < 90) or ( self.rect.bottom >= self.screen_rect.height and (self.angle > 90 or self.angle < -90)): self.angle = 180 - self.angle # 左右边界反弹的处理 if (self.rect.left <= 0 and 0 < self.angle < 180) or ( self.rect.right >= self.screen_rect.width and (self.angle > 180 or self.angle < 0)): self.angle = - self.angle

import sys import random import pygame from dust import Dust def check_keydown_events(event, robot): if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: # move right robot.moving_right = True elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: # move left robot.moving_left = True def check_keyup_events(event, robot): if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: robot.moving_right = False elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: robot.moving_left = False def check_events(robot): # respond to keyboard and mouse item # supervise keyboard and mouse item for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: check_keydown_events(event, robot) elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: check_keyup_events(event, robot) def update_screen(ai_settings, screen, dusts, robot,detector): # fill color 填充颜色 screen.fill(ai_settings.bg_color) # check robot and dust collisions check_robot_dust_collisions(robot, dusts) # draw the dusts dusts.draw(screen) # draw the robot robot.blitme() # draw the detector detector.blitme() # visualiaze the window pygame.display.flip() def create_dust(ai_settings, screen, dusts): """Create dust, and place it in the room.""" dust = Dust(ai_settings, screen) dust.rect.x = random.randint(50, ai_settings.screen_width - 50) dust.rect.y = random.randint(50, ai_settings.screen_height - 50) dusts.add(dust) def create_room(ai_settings, screen, dusts): """Create a full room of dusts.""" for mine_number in range(ai_settings.dust_number): create_dust(ai_settings, screen, dusts) def check_robot_dust_collisions(robot, dusts): """Respond to robot-dust collisions.""" # Remove any robot and dusts that have collided. pygame.sprite.spritecollide(robot, dusts, True, None)

BEGIN REGION Servo Power //Servo Power IF "AlwaysTRUE" AND "Control Voltage On" THEN "Robot1 Power for Servo 1-2" := "Robot2 Power for Servo 3-4" := "Robot3 Power for Servo 5-6" := "Robot4 Power for Travelling Servo 7-8" := "Robot5 Power for Travelling Servo 9-10" := true; ELSE "Robot1 Power for Servo 1-2" := "Robot2 Power for Servo 3-4" := "Robot3 Power for Servo 5-6" := "Robot4 Power for Travelling Servo 7-8" := "Robot5 Power for Travelling Servo 9-10" := FALSE; END_IF; //Servo Limit Sensor - 启用硬限位 IF "AlwaysTRUE" AND NOT "Buzzer Stop Button" THEN "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot1.X.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot1.Z.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot2.X.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot2.Z.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot3.X.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot3.Z.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot4.X.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot4.Z.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot5.X.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot5.Z.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Load.X.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".UnLoad.X.CamAct := TRUE; ELSE "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot1.X.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot1.Z.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot2.X.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot2.Z.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot3.X.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot3.Z.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot4.X.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot4.Z.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot5.X.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot5.Z.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Load.X.CamAct := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".UnLoad.X.CamAct := false; END_IF; //Robot1 X Power And Reset "FC192_Robot_Power"("E-Stop" := "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot1.X."E-Stop", Fault := "DB1001_Actual Status Epos".Robot1.X.Fault, Ready := "DB1001_Actual Status Epos".Robot1.X.OFF1_Ready, "Alarm Reset" := "Alarm Reset", Off1 => "DB1002_Control Status Epos".Robot1.X.Off1, "Enable Temp" := "DB1003_Servo Button"."Robot1 X"."Servo enabled Temp", "Enable Reset" := "DB1003_Servo Button"."Robot1 X"."Servo enabled Reset", "Time" := "DB3_Time".Robot1.T65);



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