def create_frustum(self): # Create grid in image plane h, w = self.cfg.IMAGE.FINAL_DIM downsampled_h, downsampled_w = h // self.encoder_downsample, w // self.encoder_downsample # Depth grid depth_grid = torch.arange(*self.cfg.LIFT.D_BOUND, dtype=torch.float) depth_grid = depth_grid.view(-1, 1, 1).expand(-1, downsampled_h, downsampled_w) n_depth_slices = depth_grid.shape[0] # x and y grids x_grid = torch.linspace(0, w - 1, downsampled_w, dtype=torch.float) x_grid = x_grid.view(1, 1, downsampled_w).expand(n_depth_slices, downsampled_h, downsampled_w) y_grid = torch.linspace(0, h - 1, downsampled_h, dtype=torch.float) y_grid = y_grid.view(1, downsampled_h, 1).expand(n_depth_slices, downsampled_h, downsampled_w) # Dimension (n_depth_slices, downsampled_h, downsampled_w, 3) # containing data points in the image: left-right, top-bottom, depth frustum = torch.stack((x_grid, y_grid, depth_grid), -1) return nn.Parameter(frustum, requires_grad=False)这段代码产生了什么?
时间: 2024-04-02 16:34:16 浏览: 113
这段代码产生了一个张量 frustum,它是一个形状为 (n_depth_slices, downsampled_h, downsampled_w, 3) 的四维张量,其中 n_depth_slices 为深度切片的个数,downsampled_h 和 downsampled_w 分别为图像高度和宽度经过下采样后的大小。该张量的第四个维度包含了每一个像素在图像平面上的位置 (x, y) 和对应的深度信息。具体地,对于第 i 个深度切片,其深度信息为 depth_grid[i],而每一个像素在图像平面上的位置信息则由 x_grid 和 y_grid 两个张量组成。x_grid 和 y_grid 分别是形状为 (n_depth_slices, downsampled_h, downsampled_w) 的三维张量,表示图像平面上每个像素的水平和垂直位置。最后,torch.stack((x_grid, y_grid, depth_grid), -1) 将这三个张量按照最后一个维度进行堆叠,得到形状为 (n_depth_slices, downsampled_h, downsampled_w, 3) 的张量 frustum,它包含了所有像素在图像平面上的位置和对应的深度信息。
def create_frustum(self): # Create grid in image plane h, w = self.cfg.IMAGE.FINAL_DIM downsampled_h, downsampled_w = h // self.encoder_downsample, w // self.encoder_downsample # Depth grid depth_grid = torch.arange(*self.cfg.LIFT.D_BOUND, dtype=torch.float) depth_grid = depth_grid.view(-1, 1, 1).expand(-1, downsampled_h, downsampled_w) n_depth_slices = depth_grid.shape[0] # x and y grids x_grid = torch.linspace(0, w - 1, downsampled_w, dtype=torch.float) x_grid = x_grid.view(1, 1, downsampled_w).expand(n_depth_slices, downsampled_h, downsampled_w) y_grid = torch.linspace(0, h - 1, downsampled_h, dtype=torch.float) y_grid = y_grid.view(1, downsampled_h, 1).expand(n_depth_slices, downsampled_h, downsampled_w) # Dimension (n_depth_slices, downsampled_h, downsampled_w, 3) # containing data points in the image: left-right, top-bottom, depth frustum = torch.stack((x_grid, y_grid, depth_grid), -1) return nn.Parameter(frustum, requires_grad=False)最终得到的frustum是几维的
最终得到的frustum是4维的,维度为 (n_depth_slices, downsampled_h, downsampled_w, 3)。其中n_depth_slices是深度网格的数量,downsampled_h和downsampled_w是图像经过下采样后的高度和宽度,3表示每个数据点的坐标分别为x、y和深度。
def get_geometry(self, intrinsics, extrinsics): """Calculate the (x, y, z) 3D position of the features. """ rotation, translation = extrinsics[..., :3, :3], extrinsics[..., :3, 3] B, N, _ = translation.shape # Add batch, camera dimension, and a dummy dimension at the end points = self.frustum.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(-1) # Camera to ego reference frame points =[:, :, :, :, :, :2] * points[:, :, :, :, :, 2:3], points[:, :, :, :, :, 2:3]), 5) combined_transformation = rotation.matmul(torch.inverse(intrinsics)) points = combined_transformation.view(B, N, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3).matmul(points).squeeze(-1) points += translation.view(B, N, 1, 1, 1, 3) # The 3 dimensions in the ego reference frame are: (forward, sides, height) return points这段代码的意思是什么?
在函数中,首先从外参中提取旋转和平移矩阵。然后将输入的二维特征点扩展成一个四维张量,其中第一维是batch size,第二维是相机数量,第三维是特征点数量,第四维是x、y和一个占位的维度。
1. 将二维特征点的前两个维度(x和y)乘以深度(z)并将其放在新的第三个维度中,这样就得到了三维特征点的相机坐标。
2. 将相机坐标转换为自车参考系下的坐标。这里使用了相机内参矩阵和旋转矩阵进行计算。
3. 将平移矩阵加到每个特征点的位置上,以获得相对于自车坐标系的绝对位置。