for i in range(self.scale): for j in range(self.scale): start_x, start_y = i * step_h, j * step_w end_x, end_y = min(start_x + step_h, height), min(start_y + step_w, width) if i == (self.scale - 1): end_x = height if j == (self.scale - 1): end_y = width local_x += [start_x, end_x] local_y += [start_y, end_y] attention_ind += [i, j]
时间: 2023-05-19 19:05:00 浏览: 134
这段代码是 Python 中的双重循环,用于计算矩阵的局部坐标和注意力索引。其中,scale 是矩阵的大小,step_h 和 step_w 是每个局部矩阵的步长,height 和 width 是整个矩阵的高度和宽度。在循环中,首先计算出当前局部矩阵的起始坐标和结束坐标,然后根据当前循环的索引确定注意力索引,最后将局部坐标和注意力索引存储在 local_x、local_y 和 attention_ind 中。
没有GPU,优化程序class point_cloud_generator(): def init(self, rgb_file, depth_file, save_ply, camera_intrinsics=[312.486, 243.928, 382.363, 382.363]): self.rgb_file = rgb_file self.depth_file = depth_file self.save_ply = save_ply self.rgb = cv2.imread(rgb_file) self.depth = cv2.imread(self.depth_file, -1) print("your depth image shape is:", self.depth.shape) self.width = self.rgb.shape[1] self.height = self.rgb.shape[0] self.camera_intrinsics = camera_intrinsics self.depth_scale = 1000 def compute(self): t1 = time.time() depth = np.asarray(self.depth, dtype=np.uint16).T self.Z = depth / self.depth_scale fx, fy, cx, cy = self.camera_intrinsics X = np.zeros((self.width, self.height)) Y = np.zeros((self.width, self.height)) for i in range(self.width): X[i, :] = np.full(X.shape[1], i) self.X = ((X - cx / 2) * self.Z) / fx for i in range(self.height): Y[:, i] = np.full(Y.shape[0], i) self.Y = ((Y - cy / 2) * self.Z) / fy data_ply = np.zeros((6, self.width * self.height)) data_ply[0] = self.X.T.reshape(-1)[:self.width * self.height] data_ply[1] = -self.Y.T.reshape(-1)[:self.width * self.height] data_ply[2] = -self.Z.T.reshape(-1)[:self.width * self.height] img = np.array(self.rgb, dtype=np.uint8) data_ply[3] = img[:, :, 0:1].reshape(-1)[:self.width * self.height] data_ply[4] = img[:, :, 1:2].reshape(-1)[:self.width * self.height] data_ply[5] = img[:, :, 2:3].reshape(-1)[:self.width * self.height] self.data_ply = data_ply t2 = time.time() print('calcualte 3d point cloud Done.', t2 - t1) def write_ply(self): start = time.time() float_formatter = lambda x: "%.4f" % x points = [] for i in self.data_ply
It that the code is generating a point cloud from an RGB-D image pair. Since you mentioned that you do not have a GPU, one possible optimization could be to use the `numba` library to speed up the computation. Here is how you can modify the code to use `numba`:
1. Import the `numba` library by adding the following line at the top of your code:
import numba
2. Add the `@numba.jit(nopython=True)` decorator to the `compute` method to enable `numba` JIT compilation:
def compute(self):
# rest of the code
3. Modify the `for` loops in the `compute` method to use `numba`'s `prange` function to parallelize the computation across multiple CPU cores:
for i in numba.prange(self.width):
# rest of the code
for i in numba.prange(self.height):
# rest of the code
4. Add the `@numba.jit(nopython=True)` decorator to the `write_ply` method as well, since it is also computationally intensive:
def write_ply(self):
# rest of the code
With these modifications, the `compute` and `write_ply` methods should run faster. However, keep in mind that `numba`'s JIT compilation can take some time during the first function call, so subsequent calls should be faster. Also, note that `numba`'s `prange` function only works with integer indices, so you may need to convert floating-point indices to integers before using them in the loops.
请帮忙修改,python制作GUI窗口,需要有设置屏幕的X和Y的位置,然后鼠标开启点击,还有一个按钮和输入框可以设置多少分钟点击一次. import tkinter as tk import pyautogui class MyWindow: def __init__(self): self.window = tk.Tk() self.window.geometry("300x200") self.label = tk.Label(self.window, text="请将鼠标移动到需要点击的位置并点击下面的按钮") self.label.pack() self.button = tk.Button(self.window, text="开始点击", command=self.start_clicking) self.button.pack() self.click_position = None self.click_count = 1 def start_clicking(self): if self.click_position is None: self.label.config(text="请先设置需要点击的位置") return for i in range(self.click_count):[0], self.click_position[1]) def set_position(self): self.click_position = pyautogui.position() self.label.config(text=f"已设置点击位置为({self.click_position[0]}, {self.click_position[1]})") def set_count(self, count): self.click_count = count def run(self): self.window.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': window = MyWindow()
1. 添加设置窗口位置的功能,可以通过设置 self.window.geometry() 中传入参数来实现:
self.window.geometry("300x200+100+100") # 设置窗口大小和位置,这里是在屏幕左上角偏移100像素
2. 添加输入框和按钮,可以让用户设置点击间隔时间,这里使用 tkinter 的 Entry 组件和 Scale 组件:
self.time_label = tk.Label(self.window, text="点击间隔时间(分钟):")
self.time_var = tk.DoubleVar(value=1)
self.time_scale = tk.Scale(self.window, from_=0.1, to=60, resolution=0.1, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, variable=self.time_var)
self.count_label = tk.Label(self.window, text="点击次数:")
self.count_var = tk.IntVar(value=1)
self.count_entry = tk.Entry(self.window, textvariable=self.count_var)
3. 修改 start_clicking() 方法,将点击间隔时间和点击次数作为参数传入,通过 time.sleep() 函数实现间隔时间:
import time
def start_clicking(self):
if self.click_position is None:
time_interval = self.time_var.get() * 60 # 点击间隔时间,单位秒
click_count = self.count_var.get() # 点击次数
for i in range(click_count):[0], self.click_position[1])
4. 添加一个设置点击位置的按钮,让用户可以重新设置点击位置:
self.set_position_button = tk.Button(self.window, text="设置点击位置", command=self.set_position)