unity resources.load
时间: 2023-04-30 11:03:17 浏览: 246
"Resources.Load" 是 Unity 中用于加载资源的函数。它可以加载包括预制体、图片、音频等在内的各种类型的资源。通常,这些资源应该放在 "Resources" 目录下,这样才能被正确加载。使用方法如下:
Resources.Load("资源名称", 资源类型);
Sprite mySprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Sprites/MySprite");
这将加载名为 "MySprite" 的精灵,该精灵位于 "Resources/Sprites" 目录下。
unity resources.loadall
Unity's Resources.LoadAll() method is used to load all assets at a specific path in the project's "Resources" folder. It returns an array of objects, which can be cast to the appropriate type of asset.
For example, if you have a folder called "Materials" in your "Resources" folder, and you want to load all of the materials in that folder, you can use the following code:
Material[] materials = Resources.LoadAll<Material>("Materials");
This will load all of the materials in the "Materials" folder and store them in the "materials" array.
Note that using Resources.LoadAll() can be inefficient and slow, especially if you have a large number of assets in the folder you are loading from. It is generally recommended to use other methods (such as AssetBundle) for loading assets at runtime, especially for larger projects.
unity Resources.Load() sprit
是的,您可以使用 `Resources.Load()` 函数从 `Resources` 文件夹中加载 `Sprite`。
以下是一个示例代码,它从 `Resources` 文件夹中加载一个名为 "MySprite" 的 `Sprite`:
// 加载 Sprite
Sprite mySprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("MySprite");
在使用 `Resources.Load()` 函数时,请注意以下几点:
1. `Resources` 文件夹必须位于您的项目的 `Assets` 文件夹中。
2. 您必须在 `Resources` 文件夹中创建一个子文件夹,并将您的 `Sprite` 放入其中。
3. 您需要将 `Sprite` 的文件名(不包括扩展名)传递给 `Resources.Load()` 函数。
例如,如果您的 `Sprite` 文件位于 `Assets/Resources/Sprites/MySprite.png`,您需要这样加载它:
Sprite mySprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Sprites/MySprite");
请注意,在使用 `Resources.Load()` 函数加载资源时,Unity 编辑器会在构建过程中打包这些资源。因此,如果您有大量的 `Sprite` 或其他资源需要加载,最好将它们打包到 Asset Bundle 中,以避免构建时间过长。