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"激光染料液晶系统中的电场诱导随机激光发射反转模式切换" 这篇研究论文报告了一种在染料掺杂液晶系统中通过电场诱导的随机激光发射现象。该系统采用具有负介电各向异性的液晶基质,并掺杂了激光染料PM 597,构建在一个75微米厚的细胞中,细胞内有同向排列层。在没有外加电场的情况下,由于液晶取向的均匀性,只能观察到增益自发发射(Amplified Spontaneous Emission, ASE)。然而,当施加电场时,液晶取向会转变为一种类似平面的构型,局部非均匀性导致液晶取向的变化。 在无电场状态下,液晶分子沿一个共同的方向排列,这种有序状态阻碍了激光振荡的发生,因此仅能观察到ASE。ASE是一种光放大过程,其中受激发射的光子刺激更多的分子跃迁到激发态,从而产生更多的光子,但还不足以形成激光束。然而,当外部电场被应用时,液晶分子的排列受到干扰,转变为一种类似于平面的不均匀状态。这种转变允许光子在液晶分子中形成反馈谐振腔,促进了光子的相干放大,从而产生了随机激光发射。 随机激光(Random Laser)是一种不同于传统激光器的光源,它没有固定的光学谐振腔结构,而是依赖于介质内的多重散射来形成多个共振腔,导致激光的随机发射方向。在本实验中,电场诱导的液晶取向变化提供了这种散射环境,使得随机激光得以实现。 此外,文章指出,液晶的局部非均匀性是关键因素,因为它创建了多个散射中心,这些中心作为随机激光的潜在谐振腔。这种非均匀性可以通过调整电场强度进行控制,进而调控随机激光的发射特性,包括波长、发射强度和模式分布。 这篇研究揭示了电场如何通过改变液晶分子的取向,从ASE转变为随机激光发射,展示了电场在调控光子行为和激光特性方面的潜力。这一发现对于发展新型的激光器和光学器件,如可调谐激光源、高速光通信设备以及生物医学成像技术等,具有重要的理论和应用价值。
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用c++解决pipeline system consists of N transfer station, some of which are connected by pipelines. For each of M pipelines the numbers of stations A[i] and B[i], which are connected by this pipeline, and its profitability C[i] are known. A profitability of a pipeline is an amount of dollars, which will be daily yielded in taxes by transferring the gas through this pipeline. Each two stations are connected by not more than one pipeline. The system was built by Soviet engineers, who knew exactly, that the gas was transferred from Ukrainian gas fields to Siberia and not the reverse. That is why the pipelines are unidirectional, i.e. each pipeline allows gas transfer from the station number A[i] to the station number B[i] only. More over, if it is possible to transfer the gas from the station X to the station Y (perhaps, through some intermediate stations), then the reverse transfer from Y to X is impossible. It is known that the gas arrives to the starting station number S and should be dispatched to the buyers on the final station number F. The President ordered the Government to find a route (i.e. a linear sequence of stations which are connected by pipelines) to transfer the gas from the starting to the final station. A profitability of this route should be maximal. A profitability of a route is a total profitability of its pipelines. Unfortunately, the President did not consider that some pipelines ceased to exist long ago, and, as a result, the gas transfer between the starting and the final stations may appear to be impossible... Input The first line contains the integer numbers N (2 ≤ N ≤ 500) and M (0 ≤ M ≤ 124750). Each of the next M lines contains the integer numbers A[i], B[i] (1 ≤ A[i], B[i] ≤ N) and C[i] (1 ≤ C[i] ≤ 10000) for the corresponding pipeline. The last line contains the integer numbers S and F (1 ≤ S, F ≤ N; S ≠ F). Output If the desired route exists, you should output its profitability. Otherwise you should output "No solution".

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