
5星 · 超过95%的资源 1 下载量 23 浏览量 更新于2024-03-05 收藏 1001KB DOC 举报
Abstract The automatic vending machine is an important application of automation technology in people's lives. With the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, the performance requirements for vending machines are becoming higher and higher. The main function of the vending machine is to complete the automatic vending process through human-machine dialogue. This paper designs an automatic vending machine with an 80C51 single-chip microcontroller produced by INTEL as the core, and focuses on introducing the overall system design scheme, hardware selection basis, software usage methods and techniques in detail. Using 80C51 as the CPU processing unit to connect various functional modules; using a 4*4 matrix keyboard as the input control module to select the types and quantities of goods and simulate the function of coin input; using the LCD1602 liquid crystal as the display module to display the current shopping status and currency status; using LEDs to display the currently selected goods and vending status. By connecting various modules through the Protues7.5 single-chip circuit diagram for wiring, and then using the Keil uVision3 professional compilation software to complete source program compilation and debugging, the final experimental circuit simulation of the vending machine is carried out to simulate automatic vending. Combining the working principle, system design, software compilation and experimental simulation to achieve the related functions of automatic vending. Keywords: automatic vending machine, 80C51 single-chip microcontroller, compilation simulation