2. The time used to process data is limited. Saturation occurs when the number of measurements,
or batches of targets, reaches a certain extent. In this case, the processing of the data from one
observation has to be interrupted before the processor starts to deal with the next batch of data.
1.2.3 Data Association
In the single-target, clutter-free environment, where there is only one measurement in the target-
related wave gate, only tracking is involved. Under multi-target circumstances, where a single meas-
urement falls in the intersection area of several wave gates or several measurements fall in the
related wave gate of a single target, data association is involved. For instance, suppose two target
tracks have been established before the radar’s nth scanning , and two echoes are detected in the nth
scanning, are the echoes from two new targets or from the two established tracks at that time? If they
are from the two established tracks at that time, then in what way can the echoes resulting from the
two scans and the two tracks be correctly paired? The answer involves data association, the estab-
lishment of the relationship between the radar measurements at a given moment and the measure-
ments (or tracks) at other moments, to check whether these measurements originate from the
processing of the same target (or to ensure a correct process of measurement-and-track pairing).
Data association, also called “data correlation” or “measurement correlation,” is a crucial issue in
radar data processing. False data association could pair the target with a false velocity, which could
result in the collision of aircraft with air traffic control radars, or the loss of target interception with
military radars. Data association is realized through related wave gates, which exclude the true
measurements of other targets and the false measurements of noise and interference.
Generally, data association can be categorized, according to what is being associated with what,
into the following classes [16]:
1. measurement-to-measurement (track initiation);
2. measurement-to-track (track maintenance or track updating);
3. track-to-track, also called track correlation (track fusion).
1.2.4 Wave Gate
In the process of target track initiation and tracking, a wa ve gate is often used to solve data asso-
ciation problems. What then is a wave gate? How many categories is it divided into? A brief
discussion of these questions follows.
An initial wave gate is a domain centering on free measurements, used to determine the region
where the target’s observations may occur. At the track initiation stage, the initial wave gate is
normally bigger for better target acquisition.
A correlation wave gate (or tracking wave gate, validation gate) is a domain centering on the
predicted position of the tracked target, used to determine the region where the target’s observations
may occur [17].
The size of the wave gate is related to the magnitude of radar measurement error, the probability
of correct echo reception, etc. That is to say, when deciding the wave gate’s shape and size,
one should make it highly probable that the true measurement falls in the wave gate, while making
sure that there are not many unrelated measurements in the correlati on wave gate. The echo falling
in the correlation wave gate is called a candidate echo. The size of the tracking gate reflects the
error in the predicted target posit ion and velocity, which is related to the tracking method, radar
measurement error, and required correct correlation rate. The size of the correlation wave gate is
4 Radar Data Processing with Applications