COL 10(3), 031601(2012) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS March 10, 2012
Linear and nonlinear optical properties of Au/SiO
nanocomposite prepared by P123
Jingyue Fang (½½½)
, Shiqiao Qin (zzz), Xueao Zhang (ÜÜÜÆÆƦ¦¦), and Shengli Chang (~~~|||)
Scho ol of Science, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
Corresp onding author: fjy
Received August 11, 2011; accepted September 9, 2011; posted online November 1, 2011
Mesop orous silica thin films loaded with gold nanoparticles are synthesized in the presence of
(P123). Transmission electron microscope images show that the matrix of the nanocom-
p osite is an ordered porous structure with a two-dimensional hexagonal phase. The wide-angle X-ray
diffraction pattern implies that the nanocomposite contains gold crystals. These metallic nanoparticle-
embedded solid thin films show some linear and nonlinear optical properties due to their special structure
and composition. Gold nanoparticles bring about surface plasmon resonance, and an absorption peak
stemming from this effect has been observed. The linear absorption property is analyzed by a quantum
mechanism, and the results show that it is influenced by the size and volume fraction of gold nanoparticles.
Furthermore, it shows an obviously clear nonlinear optical property measured by the z -scan technique. The
magnitude of the nonlinear refractive index of the nanocomposite is estimated to be about 10
OCIS codes: 160.4330, 190.4720, 240.6680, 310.6860.
doi: 10.3788/COL201210.031601.
Mesoporous silica thin film (MSTF) has been widely
studied because of its special structure: it has highly or-
dered nanoscale pores and its surface area is much larger
than bulk materials. Furthermore, the pore size of MSTF
can be regulated by adjusting the preparation conditions,
which makes it suitable as a template to assemble other
nanomaterials. Metallic nanoparticle (MNP) possesses
novel optoelectronic properties, and the MSTF pro-
vides one of the means to synthesize MNPs and get the
nanocomposite of MNP-embedded silica thin films. If the
MNPs can be loaded in each pore of the MSTF, MNPs ar-
ray can be obtained in silica thin films. In addition, the
resultant MNPs@MSTF nanocomp osite is compatible
with conventional Si fabrication technology. Moreover,
this technology can fabricate single-electron tunneling de-
vices using the MNPs@MSTF nanocomposite
. They
are expected to surpass the limits of conventional silicon
devices with ultra-low power and scalability down to the
sub-nanometer regime.
We have reported the synthesis of MSTF incorporated
with gold nanoparticles (GNPs)
; in this letter, we
mainly discuss its optical property. As the surface plasma
resonance (SPR) of GNPs, the nanocomposite displays
some linear optical properties, such that the absorption
peak can be controlled by the MSTF structure, as well
as the size and volume fraction of GNPs
. Within
the framework of the Drude dispersion relation, the SPR
absorption, including that of particles smaller than 10
nm, can be successfully explained with the Maxwell-
Garnett (MG) theory. If the GNPs are so small that the
conduction band breaks into discrete levels, the Drude
expression may no longer be valid and should be replaced
by a quantum mechanical model
. We use the quantum
mechanical model to analyze how the size and volume
fraction of GNPs influence the optical property of the
GNPs@MSTF nanocomposite. Nonlinear optical prop-
erty is another important trait of this nanocomposite,
and we get the third nonlinear refractive index by the
z -scan technique
The synthesis of MSTFs was carried out accord-
ing to the template-assisted evaporation-induced self-
assembly procedure in the presence of surfactant tem-
plate EO
(P123) under acidic conditions.
The final reactant molar ratio was tetraethoxysi-
lane (TEOS): 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES):
OH: HCl: H
O: P123 = 0.9: 0.1: 20: 0.15: 5: 0.01.
More details can be found in our previous work
. Using
as the gold precursor, GNPs were incorporated
in the mesopores of MSTFs by means of neutralization
and reduction reactions. GNPs@MSTF samples with
different reaction time of 2, 6, and 10 h were produced.
Transmission electron microscope (TEM) images were
recorded to observe the surface of MSTFs using FEI
Tecnai G
20 S-Twin apparatus at an accelerating volt-
age of 200 kV. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were
obtained using a Rigaku D/MAX2200 diffractometer
featuring Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.15418 nm) at 40 kV
and 200 mA. Ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) absorption
spectra were recorded on a spectrophotometer (U–4100,
Hitach, Japan) with 2-nm resolution using air as refer-
ence. Moreover, z -scan measurements were performed
using a Ti:sapphire laser (Mai Tai HP, CA, USA) oper-
ated at a repetition rate of 80 MHz in TEM
mode with
an average power of about 2 W.
Figures 1(a) and (b) demonstrate the striped channels
and ringent hexagonal pores, respectively, implying that
MSTF possesses a highly ordered porous structure with
a two-dimensional (2D) hexagonal phase.
The wide-angle XRD pattern of Fig. 2 confirms that
well-crystallized GNPs are incorporated in the matrix
of MSTF since the intensity peak at about 38
can be
indexed to the (111) reflections of the face-centered cubic
(FCC) gold. The inset in Fig. 2 shows the high-resolution
TEM (HRTEM) image of a single 8.5-nm-diameter GNP
(the period of the striped channels is about 0.24 nm).
This verifies that the GNP is well crystallized and that
the pore of MSTF confines its size.
1671-7694/2012/031601(4) 031601-1
° 2012 Chinese Optics Letters