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"Applying UML and Patterns, 3rd Edition - UML和模式应用" 本书《Applying UML and Patterns》是关于统一建模语言(UML)和设计模式在软件开发中的应用指南。作者通过详实的示例和实践过程,阐述了如何在实际项目中有效地运用UML和设计模式。以下是书中的关键知识点: 1. **UML(统一建模语言)**:UML是一种标准化的建模语言,用于可视化、构建和文档化软件系统。在书中,作者介绍了UML的主要图表类型,如用例图、类图、序列图、活动图等,以及它们在软件开发周期的不同阶段的应用。 - **用例图(Use-Case Diagrams)**:描绘了系统与用户之间的交互,表示了系统的功能需求。 - **类图(Class Diagrams)**:展示了系统中类的结构和关系,包括类的属性、操作以及类之间的关联、继承和接口实现。 - **序列图(Sequence Diagrams)**:描述对象间的交互顺序,展现了消息传递的时间顺序。 - **活动图(Activity Diagrams)**:用于表示工作流程或系统行为,类似于流程图。 2. **统一过程(Unified Process)**:书中的示例基于统一过程,这是一种迭代和增量的软件开发过程模型。它包括了初始、细化、构造和转换四个主要迭代阶段。 - **初始阶段(Inception)**:确定项目范围,创建业务模型和愿景文档。 - **细化阶段(Elaboration)**:细化需求,构建用例模型和设计模型。 - **构造阶段(Construction)**:实现设计,编写代码,并进行初步测试。 - **转换阶段(Transition)**:系统集成,进行全面测试和准备部署。 3. **设计模式**:设计模式是软件设计中经过验证的解决方案,用于解决常见问题。书中讨论了如何将这些模式应用到UML中,以增强设计的可读性和可维护性。例如,书中提到的概念类在领域模型中启发了一些软件类的设计。 4. **迭代开发**:书中强调了迭代开发的重要性,每个迭代都会产生可交付的软件版本,允许团队逐步完善系统。 5. **文档和工件**:书中列出了多个开发过程中产生的关键工件,如业务模型、需求文档、设计模型、实施模型、测试模型、项目管理计划等,以及它们之间的关系和迭代中的作用。 6. **实例分析**:通过"Process Sale"这一场景,展示了如何使用UML工具进行业务建模、用例建模、设计建模和测试建模。例如,"Register"用例的系统序列图解释了销售过程中的交互细节。 7. **系统实现**:书中还涵盖了如何将UML模型转化为实际的代码实现,以及如何通过测试模型确保系统的质量。 《Applying UML and Patterns》提供了一个全面的框架,帮助读者理解如何在实际项目中结合UML和设计模式来有效地进行软件开发。通过学习,开发者可以提高设计的质量,降低项目的复杂性,并更好地沟通和管理软件开发过程。
2011-08-09 上传
Written for the developer with previous programming and design experience, Applying UML and Patterns combines UML, software patterns, and Java to illustrate the author's own design strategy. Though author Craig Larman sometimes relies heavily on the jargon of software engineering, there's no doubt that his book contains some immediately useful ideas on software design, using the latest and greatest in software-engineering research. This book begins by outlining a basic process of software design using iterative, object-oriented techniques. The case study used for this text is a point-of-sale (POS) system, a helpful real-world example. The book constructs use case diagrams and basic conceptual and class models for this system. The author then adds sequence diagrams to show how the POS system will do its processing and collaboration diagrams to show how objects will interact with one another. The author uses standard UML diagrams to document the design. When it comes to refining class design, the author's experience with patterns really shines. His General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns (GRASP) suggest guidelines for designing classes that work together effectively. Larman believes that the ability to assign responsibilities to classes effectively is one of the most important aspects of good object-oriented design. His patterns allow this to happen and provide an interesting contribution to the design process. (The author also introduces more widely used software patterns to enhance the design process.) When it comes to coding the design, Java is the programming language of choice for this text. Further chapters discuss how to refine an initial design using an iterative process of software engineering. While it's unlikely that readers will adopt Larman's approach to software design in its entirety, his guidelines--and application of patterns to class design, all documented using UML--make this a worthwhile text for the more experienced reader. --Richard

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2023-05-05 上传