how to use [pcl::pcdwriter::writebinary]
时间: 2024-01-11 17:05:47 浏览: 261
To use pcl::PCDWriter::writeBinary, you need to first create a PCLPointCloud2 object to store your point cloud data. Then you can fill in the fields of this object with your data and call writeBinary to save it to disk in binary format. Here's some example code to show how it works:
// create a new PCLPointCloud2 object
pcl::PCLPointCloud2 cloud;
// fill in the fields of the cloud object with your data
// ...
// save the cloud to disk in binary format
pcl::PCDWriter writer;
writer.writeBinary("myfile.pcd", cloud);
This will save your point cloud data to a file called "myfile.pcd" in binary format.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pcl::IOException' what(): : [pcl::PCDWriter::writeASCII] Input point cloud has no data!
This error message indicates that the program is trying to write a point cloud in ASCII format using the PCL library, but the input point cloud has no data. This could be due to an issue with reading the input point cloud or the point cloud being empty.
To solve this issue, you can check the input point cloud file and make sure it contains data. Also, check if the file path and name are correct. If the input point cloud is being generated in the program, make sure it is being populated correctly.
Additionally, you can try using a different format to write the point cloud, such as binary, to see if it resolves the issue.
[pcl::PCDWriter::writeBinary] Error during open!
这个错误通常是由于写入二进制 PCD 文件时,文件无法正确打开所导致的。可能是文件路径错误、权限问题或者磁盘空间不足等原因导致的。要解决这个问题,你可以尝试以下几个步骤:
1. 检查文件路径是否正确,确保你的程序有访问该文件的权限。
2. 检查磁盘空间是否足够,如果磁盘空间不足,可能会导致文件打开失败。
3. 检查文件是否已被其他程序打开,如果是,关闭相关程序或者等待其关闭后再试。
4. 检查 PCD 文件是否已存在,如果存在,考虑删除原文件或者更改写入模式。
如果以上步骤都不能解决问题,你可以考虑使用其他的文件格式,如 ASCII 格式,或者尝试使用其他的 PCD 写入库。