Next, the first order statistics of the no. 36 kernel and the second order statistics of the no. 28 kernel were calculated; these refer to the designs of the no. 13,751 and no. 13,768 features. The characteristics of the filter response were reflected in the two parameters. As the second order statistics of the no. 28 kernel show, the no. 107 filter response of the wild-type tumor was more internally complicated and had more texture information. As the first order statistics of the no. 36 kernel show, the no. 107 filter response of the mutation-bearing tumors had lower intensity and was more gathered around the no. 36 kernel (the no. 36 kernel had a mean value of −0.1352 and a variance of 0.0055). Thus, the prediction based on CNN features clearly provided good results. Indeed, the two types of tumors have significantly different responses in deep filter banks. 解释
时间: 2024-04-03 15:34:24 浏览: 147
Then, the median absolute deviations (MAD) was calculated for each remained feature21. Features with MAD equal to zero were discarded, as these features were considered as non-informative. After this step, 33881 features were left. Next, we further selected features with prognostic value. Here the prognostic performance is assessed using the concordance index (C-index), a generalization of the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC)22. The C-index for each feature was calculated. Features with C-index ≥ 0.580 are considered as predictive factors. After prognostic performance analysis, 1581 features remained. Then, we further reduced the data dimension by removing highly correlated features. Here the correlation coefficient between each pair of features is calculated. For feature pair with correlated coefficient ≥0.90, the more prognostic feature is retained and the other feature is removed. Finally, the remained 150 image features are selected and regarded as robust, predictive and nonredundant. 解释
用中文解释This is a MATLAB function that takes in a confusion matrix and a boolean variable called 'verbatim'. The confusion matrix is a 3x3 matrix that is the output of the MATLAB function 'confusionmat'. The function then computes various statistics based on this confusion matrix and returns them in a struct called 'stats'. The statistics computed are true positives (tp), false positives (fp), false negatives (fn), and true negatives (tn). These statistics are calculated for each class in the confusion matrix. The function loops through each class and computes the corresponding statistics. The 'verbose' variable controls whether the generated table is output to the command window. If 'verbose' is set to 1, the table is output. Otherwise, it is not. Overall, this function is useful for evaluating the performance of a classification algorithm by analyzing the confusion matrix.