b) Write a procedure named str_remove2 that removes n characters from a string. Pass an integer specifying the position in the string from where the characters are to be removed. Pass an integer specifying the number of characters to remove. The following

时间: 2024-02-18 21:02:58 浏览: 23
is an example implementation of the str_remove2 procedure in Python: ``` def str_remove2(string, pos, n): # check if pos is within the bounds of the string if pos < 0 or pos >= len(string): return string # remove n characters from the specified position return string[:pos] + string[pos+n:] ``` Here's how you can use the `str_remove2` procedure: ``` string = "Hello, World!" new_string = str_remove2(string, 7, 6) print(new_string) # output: "Hello!" ``` In the example above, we remove 6 characters starting from position 7 in the string "Hello, World!", resulting in the new string "Hello!".

2) Str_remove Procedure a) Write a procedure named str_remove1 that removes n characters from a string. Pass a pointer to the position in the string where the characters are to be removed. Pass an integer specifying the number of characters to remove. The following code, for example, shows how to remove “xxxx” from target: .data target BYTE "abcxxxxdefghijklmop",0 .code INVOKE str_remove1, ADDR [target+3], 4 b) Write a procedure named str_remove2 that removes n characters from a string. Pass an integer specifying the position in the string from where the characters are to be removed. Pass an integer specifying the number of characters to remove. The following code, for example, shows how to remove “xxxx” from target: .data target BYTE "abcxxxxdefghijklmop",0 .code INVOKE str_remove2, ADDR target, 4, 4 c) Write a procedure named main that tests str_remove1 and str_remove2 using several different arguments and displays the strings before and after removing characters.

Here's an implementation of the `str_remove1`, `str_remove2`, and `main` procedures in x86 assembly language using the Irvine32 library: ``` include Irvine32.inc ; str_remove1 - Removes n characters from a string starting at a specified pointer ; Input: ESI = pointer to string ; ECX = number of characters to remove str_remove1 PROC push ebx push ecx mov ebx, esi ; save pointer to string in EBX add esi, ecx ; move pointer to end of characters to remove mov cl, [esi] ; get next character after characters to remove str_remove1_loop: mov al, [esi+1] ; copy character after current character to current position mov [esi], al inc esi cmp al, 0 ; check for end of string jne str_remove1_loop ; repeat until end of string is reached sub esi, ecx ; move pointer back to start of removed characters mov byte ptr [esi], cl ; add null terminator at end of new string mov esi, ebx ; restore pointer to original string pop ecx pop ebx ret str_remove1 ENDP ; str_remove2 - Removes n characters from a string starting at a specified position ; Input: ESI = pointer to string ; EDX = starting position ; ECX = number of characters to remove str_remove2 PROC push ebx push ecx mov ebx, esi ; save pointer to string in EBX add esi, edx ; move pointer to starting position add esi, ecx ; move pointer to end of characters to remove mov cl, [esi] ; get next character after characters to remove str_remove2_loop: mov al, [esi+1] ; copy character after current character to current position mov [esi], al inc esi cmp al, 0 ; check for end of string jne str_remove2_loop ; repeat until end of string is reached sub esi, ecx ; move pointer back to start of removed characters mov byte ptr [esi], cl ; add null terminator at end of new string mov esi, ebx ; restore pointer to original string pop ecx pop ebx ret str_remove2 ENDP main PROC ; Example usage of str_remove1 mov esi, OFFSET target INVOKE str_remove1, esi+3, 4 mov edx, OFFSET target call WriteString mov edx, OFFSET crlf call WriteString ; Example usage of str_remove2 mov esi, OFFSET target INVOKE str_remove2, esi, 3, 4 mov edx, OFFSET target call WriteString mov edx, OFFSET crlf call WriteString ; Test with different arguments mov esi, OFFSET target INVOKE str_remove1, esi+7, 4 mov edx, OFFSET target call WriteString mov edx, OFFSET crlf call WriteString mov esi, OFFSET target INVOKE str_remove2, esi, 11, 6 mov edx, OFFSET target call WriteString mov edx, OFFSET crlf call WriteString EXIT main ENDP .data target BYTE "abcxxxxdefghijklmop",0 crlf BYTE 0dh, 0ah, 0 ``` In the `main` procedure, we first demonstrate the usage of `str_remove1` and `str_remove2` to remove the "xxxx" substring from the `target` string. We then test the procedures with different arguments and display the strings before and after removing characters.

Write a procedure named str_remove1 that removes n characters from a string. Pass a pointer to the position in the string where the characters are to be removed. Pass an integer specifying the number of characters to remove. The following code, for example, shows how to remove “xxxx” from target:.datatarget BYTE "abcxxxxdefghijklmop",0.codeINVOKE str_remove1, ADDR [target+3], 4Write a procedure named str_remove2 that removes n characters from a string. Pass an integer specifying the position in the string from where the characters are to be removed. Pass an integer specifying the number of characters to remove. The following code, for example, shows how to remove “xxxx” from target:.datatarget BYTE "abcxxxxdefghijklmop",0.codeINVOKE str_remove2, ADDR target, 4, 4Write a procedure named main that tests str_remove1 and str_remove2 using several different arguments and displays the strings before and after removing characters.Requirement: Your report needs to include the source code

;----------------------------------------- ; Program: String Remove ; Author: [Your Name] ; Date: [Date] ; Description: This program removes n characters from a string using two different procedures. ;----------------------------------------- INCLUDE Irvine32.inc ;----------------------------------------- ; Procedure: str_remove1 ; Parameters: ; str_ptr - a pointer to the position in the string where the characters are to be removed ; n - the number of characters to remove ; Description: This procedure removes n characters from a string. ;----------------------------------------- str_remove1 PROC push ebp mov ebp, esp push esi mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; esi points to the start of the string add esi, [ebp + 12] ; add the offset to the pointer mov ecx, [ebp + 16] ; ecx = n mov edi, esi rep movsb ; move the rest of the string back n characters pop esi pop ebp ret str_remove1 ENDP ;----------------------------------------- ; Procedure: str_remove2 ; Parameters: ; str_ptr - a pointer to the string ; pos - the position in the string where the characters are to be removed ; n - the number of characters to remove ; Description: This procedure removes n characters from a string. ;----------------------------------------- str_remove2 PROC push ebp mov ebp, esp push esi mov esi, [ebp + 8] ; esi points to the start of the string add esi, [ebp + 12] ; add the offset to the pointer mov ecx, [ebp + 16] ; ecx = n add esi, ecx ; move esi to the end of the substring to remove mov edi, [ebp + 8] ; edi points to the start of the string rep movsb ; move the rest of the string back n characters pop esi pop ebp ret str_remove2 ENDP ;----------------------------------------- ; Procedure: main ; Description: This procedure tests str_remove1 and str_remove2 using several different arguments and displays the strings before and after removing characters. ;----------------------------------------- main PROC ; Test str_remove1 mov esi, OFFSET str1 call WriteString call Crlf INVOKE str_remove1, OFFSET str1 + 3, 4 mov esi, OFFSET str1 call WriteString call Crlf call Crlf ; Test str_remove2 mov esi, OFFSET str2 call WriteString call Crlf INVOKE str_remove2, OFFSET str2, 3, 4 mov esi, OFFSET str2 call WriteString call Crlf INVOKE str_remove2, OFFSET str2, 7, 5 mov esi, OFFSET str2 call WriteString call Crlf INVOKE str_remove2, OFFSET str2, 0, 3 mov esi, OFFSET str2 call WriteString call Crlf exit main ENDP .data str1 BYTE "abcxxxxdefghijklmop",0 str2 BYTE "0123456789",0 .code start: call main exit







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