face_region = regionprops(L, 'Area', 'BoundingBox'); face_area = [face_region.Area]; face_idx = find(face_area > (.26)*max(face_area));face_shown = ismember(L, face_idx);
时间: 2024-03-04 19:53:30 浏览: 64
请详细解释下这段代码void FaceTracker::OnNewFaceData( const std::vector<human_sensing::CrosFace>& faces) { // Given |f1| and |f2| from two different (usually consecutive) frames, treat // the two rectangles as the same face if their position delta is less than // kFaceDistanceThresholdSquare. // // This is just a heuristic and is not accurate in some corner cases, but we // don't have face tracking. auto is_same_face = [&](const Rect<float>& f1, const Rect<float>& f2) -> bool { const float center_f1_x = f1.left + f1.width / 2; const float center_f1_y = f1.top + f1.height / 2; const float center_f2_x = f2.left + f2.width / 2; const float center_f2_y = f2.top + f2.height / 2; constexpr float kFaceDistanceThresholdSquare = 0.1 * 0.1; const float dist_square = std::pow(center_f1_x - center_f2_x, 2.0f) + std::pow(center_f1_y - center_f2_y, 2.0f); return dist_square < kFaceDistanceThresholdSquare; }; for (const auto& f : faces) { FaceState s = { .normalized_bounding_box = Rect<float>( f.bounding_box.x1 / options_.active_array_dimension.width, f.bounding_box.y1 / options_.active_array_dimension.height, (f.bounding_box.x2 - f.bounding_box.x1) / options_.active_array_dimension.width, (f.bounding_box.y2 - f.bounding_box.y1) / options_.active_array_dimension.height), .last_detected_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Now(), .has_attention = std::fabs(f.pan_angle) < options_.pan_angle_range}; bool found_matching_face = false; for (auto& known_face : faces_) { if (is_same_face(s.normalized_bounding_box, known_face.normalized_bounding_box)) { found_matching_face = true; if (!s.has_attention) { // If the face isn't looking at the camera, reset the timer. s.first_detected_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Max(); } else if (!known_face.has_attention && s.has_attention) { // If the face starts looking at the camera, start the timer. s.first_detected_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Now(); } else { s.first_detected_ticks = known_face.first_detected_ticks; } known_face = s; break; } } if (!found_matching_face) { s.first_detected_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Now(); faces_.push_back(s); } } // Flush expired face states. for (auto it = faces_.begin(); it != faces_.end();) { if (ElapsedTimeMs(it->last_detected_ticks) > options_.face_phase_out_threshold_ms) { it = faces_.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } }
v = VideoReader('shoujilux7.mp4'); min_area = 500; se = strel('square', 3); prev_frame = []; while hasFrame(v) frame = readFrame(v); gray_frame = rgb2gray(frame); % gamma校正 gamma = 1.5; gamma_corrected = imadjust(gray_frame,[],[],gamma); % 高斯滤波 sigma = 1; hsize = ceil(6*sigma); h = fspecial('gaussian', hsize, sigma); filtered_frame = imfilter(gamma_corrected, h); % 帧差法 if isempty(prev_frame) prev_frame = filtered_frame; continue; end frame_diff = abs(double(filtered_frame) - double(prev_frame)); frame_diff = (frame_diff > frame_diff_threshold); % 形态学处理 frame_diff = imclose(frame_diff, se); frame_diff = imfill(frame_diff, 'holes'); % 框选运动目标 stats = regionprops(frame_diff, 'BoundingBox', 'Area'); max_area = 0; max_idx = 0; for i = 1:numel(stats) if stats(i).Area > max_area max_area = stats(i).Area; max_idx = i; end end if max_area > min_area frame = insertShape(frame, 'Rectangle', stats(max_idx).BoundingBox, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', 'red'); end % 显示结果 imshow(frame); % 更新前一帧 prev_frame = filtered_frame; end修改
v = VideoReader('shoujilux7.mp4');
min_area = 500;
se = strel('square', 3);
prev_frame = [];
frame_diff_threshold = 20; % 定义帧差阈值
while hasFrame(v)
% 省略部分代码
% 修改框选运动目标部分的代码
frame_diff = imfill(frame_diff, 'holes');
CC = bwconncomp(frame_diff);
numPixels = cellfun(@numel,CC.PixelIdxList);
[~, idx] = max(numPixels);
if numPixels(idx) > min_area
frame = insertShape(frame, 'Rectangle', CC.BoundingBox(idx,:), 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', 'red');