present_state = states[:, :1].contiguous()中present_state的形状

时间: 2024-04-04 18:31:59 浏览: 10
假设`states`是一个形状为`(b, s, c, h, w)`的5维张量,其中`b`表示batch size,`s`表示时间步,`c`表示通道数,`h`和`w`表示空间维度。那么,`present_state`的形状是`(b, 1, c, h, w)`。 具体来说,`present_state`是由`states`沿时间步的维度取第一个时间步的数据得到的,因此其时间步的维度为1,而其他维度与`states`的相同。这里使用`contiguous()`函数是为了保证`present_state`在内存中是连续存储的,以便后续的计算。

if self.n_future > 0: present_state = states[:, :1].contiguous() if self.cfg.PROBABILISTIC.ENABLED: # Do probabilistic computation sample, output_distribution = self.distribution_forward( present_state, future_distribution_inputs, noise ) output = {**output, **output_distribution} # Prepare future prediction input b, _, _, h, w = present_state.shape hidden_state = present_state[:, 0] if self.cfg.PROBABILISTIC.ENABLED: future_prediction_input = sample.expand(-1, self.n_future, -1, -1, -1) else: future_prediction_input = hidden_state.new_zeros(b, self.n_future, self.latent_dim, h, w) # Recursively predict future states future_states = self.future_prediction(future_prediction_input, hidden_state) # Concatenate present state future_states =[present_state, future_states], dim=1)这段代码得到什么?

这段代码的作用是进行未来状态的预测,输出一个字典 `output`,其中包含模型的预测结果。具体来说,这段代码做了以下几件事情: 1. 从输入的 `states` 中取出当前时刻的状态 `present_state`,即第一个时间步的状态。 2. 如果在模型的配置中启用了概率计算(`self.cfg.PROBABILISTIC.ENABLED` 为 True),则进行概率计算,并得到预测结果的采样值 `sample` 和输出分布 `output_distribution`。 3. 根据当前状态,准备好未来预测的输入数据 `future_prediction_input`,其形状为 `(batch_size, n_future, latent_dim, height, width)`,其中 `batch_size` 为批大小,`n_future` 为未来状态的时间步数,`latent_dim` 为隐藏状态的维度,`height` 和 `width` 分别为输入数据的高度和宽度。 4. 使用 `future_prediction` 函数递归地进行未来状态预测,其中 `future_prediction_input` 为输入数据,`hidden_state` 为隐藏状态,输出为 `future_states`,其形状为 `(batch_size, n_future, latent_dim, height, width)`。 5. 将当前状态 `present_state` 和预测的未来状态 `future_states` 进行拼接,得到完整的预测结果 `future_states`,其形状为 `(batch_size, n_future+1, latent_dim, height, width)`。 6. 将预测结果 `future_states` 加入到输出字典 `output` 中,返回该字典。

这段代码中加一个test loss功能 class LSTM(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, output_size, batch_size, device): super().__init__() self.device = device self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_layers = num_layers self.output_size = output_size self.num_directions = 1 # 单向LSTM self.batch_size = batch_size self.lstm = nn.LSTM(self.input_size, self.hidden_size, self.num_layers, batch_first=True) self.linear = nn.Linear(65536, self.output_size) def forward(self, input_seq): h_0 = torch.randn(self.num_directions * self.num_layers, self.batch_size, self.hidden_size).to(self.device) c_0 = torch.randn(self.num_directions * self.num_layers, self.batch_size, self.hidden_size).to(self.device) output, _ = self.lstm(input_seq, (h_0, c_0)) pred = self.linear(output.contiguous().view(self.batch_size, -1)) return pred if __name__ == '__main__': # 加载已保存的模型参数 saved_model_path = '/content/drive/MyDrive/危急值/model/dangerous.pth' device = 'cuda:0' lstm_model = LSTM(input_size=1, hidden_size=64, num_layers=1, output_size=3, batch_size=256, device='cuda:0').to(device) state_dict = torch.load(saved_model_path) lstm_model.load_state_dict(state_dict) dataset = ECGDataset(X_train_df.to_numpy()) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=256, shuffle=True, num_workers=0, drop_last=True) loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.SGD(lstm_model.parameters(), lr=1e-4) for epoch in range(200000): print(f'epoch:{epoch}') lstm_model.train() epoch_bar = tqdm(dataloader) for x, y in epoch_bar: optimizer.zero_grad() x_out = lstm_model( loss = loss_fn(x_out, y.long().to(device)) loss.backward() epoch_bar.set_description(f'loss:{loss.item():.4f}') optimizer.step() if epoch % 100 == 0 or epoch == epoch - 1:, "/content/drive/MyDrive/危急值/model/dangerous.pth") print("权重成功保存一次")

以下是加入 Test Loss 功能后的代码: ```python import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim from import DataLoader class LSTM(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, output_size, batch_size, device): super().__init__() self.device = device self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_layers = num_layers self.output_size = output_size self.num_directions = 1 # 单向LSTM self.batch_size = batch_size self.lstm = nn.LSTM(self.input_size, self.hidden_size, self.num_layers, batch_first=True) self.linear = nn.Linear(65536, self.output_size) def forward(self, input_seq): h_0 = torch.randn(self.num_directions * self.num_layers, self.batch_size, self.hidden_size).to(self.device) c_0 = torch.randn(self.num_directions * self.num_layers, self.batch_size, self.hidden_size).to(self.device) output, _ = self.lstm(input_seq, (h_0, c_0)) pred = self.linear(output.contiguous().view(self.batch_size, -1)) return pred if __name__ == '__main__': # 加载已保存的模型参数 saved_model_path = '/content/drive/MyDrive/危急值/model/dangerous.pth' device = 'cuda:0' lstm_model = LSTM(input_size=1, hidden_size=64, num_layers=1, output_size=3, batch_size=256, device=device).to(device) state_dict = torch.load(saved_model_path) lstm_model.load_state_dict(state_dict) # 加载测试数据集 test_dataset = ECGDataset(X_test_df.to_numpy()) test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=256, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, drop_last=False) # 定义损失函数和优化器 loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.SGD(lstm_model.parameters(), lr=1e-4) # 开始训练 for epoch in range(200000): print(f'epoch:{epoch}') lstm_model.train() epoch_bar = tqdm(dataloader) for x, y in epoch_bar: optimizer.zero_grad() x_out = lstm_model( loss = loss_fn(x_out, y.long().to(device)) loss.backward() epoch_bar.set_description(f'loss:{loss.item():.4f}') optimizer.step() # 计算测试集上的平均损失 test_loss = 0.0 lstm_model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for x, y in test_loader: x_out = lstm_model( loss = loss_fn(x_out, y.long().to(device)) test_loss += loss.item() * x.size(0) test_loss /= len(test_dataset) print(f'Test Loss: {test_loss:.4f}') if epoch % 100 == 0 or epoch == epoch - 1:, "/content/drive/MyDrive/危急值/model/dangerous.pth") print("权重成功保存一次") ``` 在这个代码中,我们首先加载了测试数据集 `test_dataset` 和测试数据加载器 `test_loader`。在每个 epoch 完成后,我们计算测试集上的平均损失值。我们使用 `lstm_model.eval()` 将模型设为评估模式,并利用 `torch.no_grad()` 避免计算梯度,以加速计算。最后,我们输出测试集上的平均损失值。


分析这个代码class OhemCrossEntropy(nn.Module): def __init__(self, ignore_label=-1, thres=0.7, min_kept=100000, weight=None): super(OhemCrossEntropy, self).__init__() self.thresh = thres self.min_kept = max(1, min_kept) self.ignore_label = ignore_label self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss( weight=weight, ignore_index=ignore_label, reduction='none' ) def _ce_forward(self, score, target): ph, pw = score.size(2), score.size(3) h, w = target.size(1), target.size(2) if ph != h or pw != w: score = F.interpolate(input=score, size=( h, w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=config.MODEL.ALIGN_CORNERS) loss = self.criterion(score, target) return loss def _ohem_forward(self, score, target, **kwargs): ph, pw = score.size(2), score.size(3) h, w = target.size(1), target.size(2) if ph != h or pw != w: score = F.interpolate(input=score, size=( h, w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=config.MODEL.ALIGN_CORNERS) pred = F.softmax(score, dim=1) pixel_losses = self.criterion(score, target).contiguous().view(-1) mask = target.contiguous().view(-1) != self.ignore_label tmp_target = target.clone() tmp_target[tmp_target == self.ignore_label] = 0 pred = pred.gather(1, tmp_target.unsqueeze(1)) pred, ind = pred.contiguous().view(-1,)[mask].contiguous().sort() min_value = pred[min(self.min_kept, pred.numel() - 1)] threshold = max(min_value, self.thresh) pixel_losses = pixel_losses[mask][ind] pixel_losses = pixel_losses[pred < threshold] return pixel_losses.mean() def forward(self, score, target): if config.MODEL.NUM_OUTPUTS == 1: score = [score] weights = config.LOSS.BALANCE_WEIGHTS assert len(weights) == len(score) functions = [self._ce_forward] * \ (len(weights) - 1) + [self._ohem_forward] return sum([ w * func(x, target) for (w, x, func) in zip(weights, score, functions) ])

for k in range(cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.NPOINTS.__len__()): mlps = cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.MLPS[k].copy() channel_out = 0 for idx in range(mlps.__len__()): mlps[idx] = [channel_in] + mlps[idx] channel_out += mlps[idx][-1] self.SA_modules.append( PointnetSAModuleMSG( npoint=cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.NPOINTS[k], radii=cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.RADIUS[k], nsamples=cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.NSAMPLE[k], mlps=mlps, use_xyz=use_xyz, bn=cfg.RPN.USE_BN ) ) skip_channel_list.append(channel_out) channel_in = channel_out self.FP_modules = nn.ModuleList() for k in range(cfg.RPN.FP_MLPS.__len__()): pre_channel = cfg.RPN.FP_MLPS[k + 1][-1] if k + 1 < len(cfg.RPN.FP_MLPS) else channel_out self.FP_modules.append( PointnetFPModule(mlp=[pre_channel + skip_channel_list[k]] + cfg.RPN.FP_MLPS[k]) ) def _break_up_pc(self, pc): xyz = pc[..., 0:3].contiguous() features = ( pc[..., 3:].transpose(1, 2).contiguous() if pc.size(-1) > 3 else None ) return xyz, features def forward(self, pointcloud: torch.cuda.FloatTensor): xyz, features = self._break_up_pc(pointcloud) l_xyz, l_features = [xyz], [features] for i in range(len(self.SA_modules)): li_xyz, li_features = self.SA_modules[i](l_xyz[i], l_features[i]) l_xyz.append(li_xyz) l_features.append(li_features) for i in range(-1, -(len(self.FP_modules) + 1), -1): l_features[i - 1] = self.FP_modules[i]( l_xyz[i - 1], l_xyz[i], l_features[i - 1], l_features[i] ) return l_xyz[0], l_features[0]在forward函数中,如果我要使用channel_out变量传入SA_modules中,我该如何在forward函数中计算并得到它,再传入SA_modules中,你可以给我详细的代码吗?

class SelfAttention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, reduction=4): super(SelfAttention, self).__init__() self.avg_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool1d(1) self.fc1 = nn.Conv1d(in_channels, in_channels // reduction, 1, bias=False) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.fc2 = nn.Conv1d(in_channels // reduction, in_channels, 1, bias=False) self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() def forward(self, x): b, c, n = x.size() y = self.avg_pool(x) y = self.fc1(y) y = self.relu(y) y = self.fc2(y) y = self.sigmoid(y) return x * y.expand_as(x) def get_model(input_channels=6, use_xyz=True): return Pointnet2MSG(input_channels=input_channels, use_xyz=use_xyz) class Pointnet2MSG(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_channels=6, use_xyz=True): super().__init__() self.SA_modules = nn.ModuleList() channel_in = input_channels skip_channel_list = [input_channels] for k in range(cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.NPOINTS.len()): mlps = cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.MLPS[k].copy() channel_out = 0 for idx in range(mlps.len()): mlps[idx] = [channel_in] + mlps[idx] channel_out += mlps[idx][-1] mlps.append(channel_out) self.SA_modules.append( nn.Sequential( PointnetSAModuleMSG( npoint=cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.NPOINTS[k], radii=cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.RADIUS[k], nsamples=cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.NSAMPLE[k], mlps=mlps, use_xyz=use_xyz, bn=cfg.RPN.USE_BN ), SelfAttention(channel_out) ) ) skip_channel_list.append(channel_out) channel_in = channel_out self.FP_modules = nn.ModuleList() for k in range(cfg.RPN.FP_MLPS.len()): pre_channel = cfg.RPN.FP_MLPS[k + 1][-1] if k + 1 < len(cfg.RPN.FP_MLPS) else channel_out self.FP_modules.append( PointnetFPModule( mlp=[pre_channel + skip_channel_list[k]] + cfg.RPN.FP_MLPS[k] ) ) def _break_up_pc(self, pc): xyz = pc[..., 0:3].contiguous() features = ( pc[..., 3:].transpose(1, 2).contiguous() if pc.size(-1) > 3 else None ) return xyz, features def forward(self, pointcloud: torch.cuda.FloatTensor): xyz, features = self._break_up_pc(pointcloud) l_xyz, l_features = [xyz], [features] for i in range(len(self.SA_modules)): li_xyz, li_features = self.SA_modules[i](l_xyz[i], l_features[i]) l_xyz.append(li_xyz) l_features.append(li_features) for i in range(-1, -(len(self.FP_modules) + 1), -1): l_features[i - 1] = self.FP_modules[i]( l_xyz[i - 1], l_xyz[i], l_features[i - 1], l_features[i] ) return l_xyz[0], l_features[0]在forward函数中,如果我要使用channel_out变量传入SA_modules中,我该如何在forward函数中计算并得到它,再传入SA_modules中,你可以给我详细的代码吗?

import networkx as nx from neo4j import GraphDatabase from import Data # Connect to Neo4j database driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(username, password)) # Define a Cypher query to retrieve nodes and relationships from Neo4j query = """ MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target, type(r) AS edge_type, labels(n) AS source_labels, labels(m) AS target_labels, properties(n) AS source_props, properties(m) AS target_props """ # Execute the query and retrieve the results with driver.session() as session: results = # Convert the query results to a NetworkX graph graph = nx.MultiDiGraph() for record in results: graph.add_edge(record['source'], record['target'], key=record['edge_type'], source_labels=record['source_labels'], target_labels=record['target_labels'], source_props=record['source_props'], target_props=record['target_props']) # Convert the NetworkX graph to a PyTorch Geometric Data object x = [] edge_index = [] edge_attr = [] for node in graph.nodes(): node_attrs = [] for label in graph.nodes[node]['labels']: node_attrs.append(label) for prop in graph.nodes[node]['source_props']: node_attrs.append(prop) x.append(node_attrs) for source, target, data in graph.edges(keys=True, data=True): edge_index.append([source, target]) edge_attrs = [] for label in data['source_labels']: edge_attrs.append(label) for prop in data['properties']: edge_attrs.append(prop) edge_attr.append(edge_attrs) data = Data(x=torch.tensor(x), edge_index=torch.tensor(edge_index).t().contiguous(), edge_attr=torch.tensor(edge_attr))详细注释

import torch import torch.nn as nn from pointnet2_lib.pointnet2.pointnet2_modules import PointnetFPModule, PointnetSAModuleMSG from lib.config import cfg def get_model(input_channels=6, use_xyz=True): return Pointnet2MSG(input_channels=input_channels, use_xyz=use_xyz) class Pointnet2MSG(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_channels=6, use_xyz=True): super().__init__() self.SA_modules = nn.ModuleList() channel_in = input_channels skip_channel_list = [input_channels] for k in range(cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.NPOINTS.__len__()): mlps = cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.MLPS[k].copy() channel_out = 0 for idx in range(mlps.__len__()): mlps[idx] = [channel_in] + mlps[idx] channel_out += mlps[idx][-1] self.SA_modules.append( PointnetSAModuleMSG( npoint=cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.NPOINTS[k], radii=cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.RADIUS[k], nsamples=cfg.RPN.SA_CONFIG.NSAMPLE[k], mlps=mlps, use_xyz=use_xyz, bn=cfg.RPN.USE_BN ) ) skip_channel_list.append(channel_out) channel_in = channel_out self.FP_modules = nn.ModuleList() for k in range(cfg.RPN.FP_MLPS.__len__()): pre_channel = cfg.RPN.FP_MLPS[k + 1][-1] if k + 1 < len(cfg.RPN.FP_MLPS) else channel_out self.FP_modules.append( PointnetFPModule(mlp=[pre_channel + skip_channel_list[k]] + cfg.RPN.FP_MLPS[k]) ) def _break_up_pc(self, pc): xyz = pc[..., 0:3].contiguous() features = ( pc[..., 3:].transpose(1, 2).contiguous() if pc.size(-1) > 3 else None ) return xyz, features def forward(self, pointcloud: torch.cuda.FloatTensor): xyz, features = self._break_up_pc(pointcloud) l_xyz, l_features = [xyz], [features] for i in range(len(self.SA_modules)): li_xyz, li_features = self.SA_modules[i](l_xyz[i], l_features[i]) l_xyz.append(li_xyz) l_features.append(li_features) for i in range(-1, -(len(self.FP_modules) + 1), -1): l_features[i - 1] = self.FP_modules[i]( l_xyz[i - 1], l_xyz[i], l_features[i - 1], l_features[i] ) return l_xyz[0], l_features[0]

def forward(self, l, ab, y, idx=None): K = int(self.params[0].item()) T = self.params[1].item() Z_l = self.params[2].item() Z_ab = self.params[3].item() momentum = self.params[4].item() batchSize = l.size(0) outputSize = self.memory_l.size(0) # the number of sample of memory bank inputSize = self.memory_l.size(1) # the feature dimensionality # score computation if idx is None: # 用 AliasMethod 为 batch 里的每个样本都采样 4096 个负样本的 idx idx = self.multinomial.draw(batchSize * (self.K + 1)).view(batchSize, -1) # sample positives and negatives, 0).copy_( # sample weight_l = torch.index_select(self.memory_l, 0, idx.view(-1)).detach() weight_l = weight_l.view(batchSize, K + 1, inputSize) out_ab = torch.bmm(weight_l, ab.view(batchSize, inputSize, 1)) # sample weight_ab = torch.index_select(self.memory_ab, 0, idx.view(-1)).detach() weight_ab = weight_ab.view(batchSize, K + 1, inputSize) out_l = torch.bmm(weight_ab, l.view(batchSize, inputSize, 1)) if self.use_softmax: out_ab = torch.div(out_ab, T) out_l = torch.div(out_l, T) out_l = out_l.contiguous() out_ab = out_ab.contiguous() else: out_ab = torch.exp(torch.div(out_ab, T)) out_l = torch.exp(torch.div(out_l, T)) # set Z_0 if haven't been set yet, # Z_0 is used as a constant approximation of Z, to scale the probs if Z_l < 0: self.params[2] = out_l.mean() * outputSize Z_l = self.params[2].clone().detach().item() print("normalization constant Z_l is set to {:.1f}".format(Z_l)) if Z_ab < 0: self.params[3] = out_ab.mean() * outputSize Z_ab = self.params[3].clone().detach().item() print("normalization constant Z_ab is set to {:.1f}".format(Z_ab)) # compute out_l, out_ab out_l = torch.div(out_l, Z_l).contiguous() out_ab = torch.div(out_ab, Z_ab).contiguous() # # update memory with torch.no_grad(): l_pos = torch.index_select(self.memory_l, 0, y.view(-1)) l_pos.mul_(momentum) l_pos.add_(torch.mul(l, 1 - momentum)) l_norm = l_pos.pow(2).sum(1, keepdim=True).pow(0.5) updated_l = l_pos.div(l_norm) self.memory_l.index_copy_(0, y, updated_l) ab_pos = torch.index_select(self.memory_ab, 0, y.view(-1)) ab_pos.mul_(momentum) ab_pos.add_(torch.mul(ab, 1 - momentum)) ab_norm = ab_pos.pow(2).sum(1, keepdim=True).pow(0.5) updated_ab = ab_pos.div(ab_norm) self.memory_ab.index_copy_(0, y, updated_ab) return out_l, out_ab





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管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


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1. 可见光定位LED型号:一般可使用5mm或3mm的普通白色LED,也可以选择专门用于定位的LED,例如OSRAM公司的SFH 4715AS或Vishay公司的VLMU3500-385-120。 2. 供电硬件型号:可以使用常见的直流电源供电,也可以选择专门的LED驱动器,例如Meanwell公司的ELG-75-C或ELG-150-C系列。 3. 广角镜头和探测器型号:一般可采用广角透镜和CMOS摄像头或光电二极管探测器,例如Omron公司的B5W-LA或Murata公司的IRS-B210ST01。 4. 实验设计流程步骤: 1)确定实验目的和研究对象,例如车辆或机器人的定位和导航。

JSBSim Reference Manual



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