时间: 2023-07-16 19:17:23 浏览: 98
clear all;
close all;
M = 4; % Modulation order
k = log2(M); % Number of bits per symbol
EbNoVec = 0:14; % Eb/No values to simulate
numSymPerFrame = 10000; % Number of symbols per frame
numFrames = 5; % Number of frames to simulate
totNumBits = numFrames*numSymPerFrame*k; % Total number of bits transmitted
% Generate a vector of random bits
dataIn = randi([0 1], totNumBits, 1);
% Create a 4PAM modulator System object
pamMod = comm.PAMModulator(M);
% Create a 4PAM demodulator System object
pamDemod = comm.PAMDemodulator(M);
% Create an AWGN channel System object
awgnChannel = comm.AWGNChannel('NoiseMethod', 'Signal to noise ratio (Eb/No)', 'EbNo', EbNoVec(1));
% Create a bit error rate calculator System object
berCalc = comm.ErrorRate;
% Loop over the various Eb/No values
for n = 1:length(EbNoVec)
% Set the channel Eb/No
awgnChannel.EbNo = EbNoVec(n);
% Initialize the error statistics
numErrs = 0;
numBits = 0;
% Loop over the number of frames to simulate
for p = 1:numFrames
% Generate a vector of random bits
dataIn = randi([0 1], totNumBits, 1);
% Modulate the data
dataMod = step(pamMod, dataIn);
% Pass the modulated data through the channel
dataRx = step(awgnChannel, dataMod);
% Demodulate the received data
dataDemod = step(pamDemod, dataRx);
% Calculate and accumulate the number of bit errors
bitErrs = sum(dataIn ~= dataDemod);
numErrs = numErrs + bitErrs;
% Accumulate the total number of bits
numBits = numBits + totNumBits;
% Calculate the bit error rate and add it to the BER vector
berVec(n) = step(berCalc, numErrs, numBits);
% Calculate the theoretical bit error rate and add it to the BER vector
EbNo = EbNoVec(1:15);
berTheory = 0.5*erfc(sqrt(0.5*10.^(EbNo/10)));
% Plot the theoretical and simulated bit error rates
semilogy(EbNoVec, berVec, 'o-', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
semilogy(EbNo, berTheory, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2);
grid on;
legend('Simulation', 'Theory');
xlabel('Eb/No (dB)');
ylabel('Bit Error Rate');