时间: 2024-04-21 08:24:29 浏览: 65
根据上面的代码片段,`{hash:true,empty:true}` 是作第二个参数传递给 `serialize` 函数的一个配置对象。
在这个上下文中,`{hash:true,empty:true}` 可能表示了一些序列化选项,用于指定序列化的行为。具体来说,可能有以下解释:
- `hash:true`:表示在序列化过程中包含对象的哈希值。哈希值是一个唯一的标识符,用于标识对象的内容。这个选项可能会在序列化后的字符串中包含一个用于表示对象哈希值的字段。
- `empty:true`:表示允许序列化空属性。如果对象中存在空属性(属性值为 undefined 或 null),那么这个选项可能会让序列化后的结果中保留这些空属性。
请注意,上述解释只是对可能含义的猜测,具体取决于 `serialize` 函数的实现和调用者的意图。要准确理解 `{hash:true,empty:true}` 的含义,你需要查阅相关文档或查看 `serialize` 函数的实现代码。
const { id, bookname, author, publisher } = serialize(editForm,{hash:true,empty:true})
这是一个解构赋值的语法,它从 `serialize(editForm,{hash:true,empty:true})` 的结果中提取出 `id`、`bookname`、`author` 和 `publisher` 属性的值,并将它们分别赋值给对应的变量。
假设 `serialize(editForm,{hash:true,empty:true})` 的结果是一个对象,且该对象具有 `id`、`bookname`、`author` 和 `publisher` 属性,那么上述解构赋值语句将会将这些属性的值赋值给对应的变量。
例如,如果 `serialize(editForm,{hash:true,empty:true})` 的结果是 `{ id: 1, bookname: 'JavaScript Basics', author: 'John Doe', publisher: 'CSDN Press' }`,那么解构赋值后,`id` 的值将为 1,`bookname` 的值将为 'JavaScript Basics',`author` 的值将为 'John Doe',`publisher` 的值将为 'CSDN Press'。
Implement the hash table (with chaining) data structure. Your table should be able to grow and shrink based on how many items are there. contain at least the following methods: * __init__: initialize the data structure * hash: implement a hash function that is chosen from a universal hash family * search: search for a key in the table, return True if found, False otherwise * insert: insert a key into the table if it is not already in there * delete: delete a key from the table * size: return the number of buckets in your hash table
Sure, here's an implementation of a hash table with chaining in Python:
import random
class HashTable:
def __init__(self, capacity=10):
self.capacity = capacity
self.size = 0
self.table = [[] for _ in range(self.capacity)]
def hash(self, key):
hash_value = 0
for i in range(len(key)):
hash_value = (hash_value * 31 + ord(key[i])) % self.capacity
return hash_value
def search(self, key):
hash_value = self.hash(key)
bucket = self.table[hash_value]
for i in range(len(bucket)):
if bucket[i][0] == key:
return True
return False
def insert(self, key):
if self.search(key):
hash_value = self.hash(key)
bucket = self.table[hash_value]
bucket.append((key, None))
self.size += 1
if self.size >= self.capacity * 0.7:
def delete(self, key):
hash_value = self.hash(key)
bucket = self.table[hash_value]
for i in range(len(bucket)):
if bucket[i][0] == key:
self.size -= 1
if self.size <= self.capacity * 0.3:
def size(self):
return self.capacity
def _resize(self):
self.capacity *= 2
new_table = [[] for _ in range(self.capacity)]
for bucket in self.table:
for key, value in bucket:
hash_value = self.hash(key)
new_table[hash_value].append((key, value))
self.table = new_table
The `__init__` method initializes the hash table with a specified capacity (default is 10), and creates a list of empty lists to represent the buckets.
The `hash` method takes in a key and maps it to an integer value between 0 and the capacity of the table using a hash function. In this case, we're using a simple polynomial rolling hash function.
The `search` method searches for a key in the table by computing its hash value and checking if it exists in the corresponding bucket.
The `insert` method inserts a key into the table by computing its hash value and appending it to the corresponding bucket. If the load factor of the table exceeds 0.7, the table is resized to double its capacity.
The `delete` method deletes a key from the table by computing its hash value and removing it from the corresponding bucket. If the load factor of the table falls below 0.3, the table is resized to half its capacity.
The `size` method simply returns the current capacity of the table.
The `_resize` method is a private helper method that is called by the `insert` and `delete` methods when the load factor threshold is exceeded. It creates a new table with double or half the capacity of the current table, and rehashes all the keys in the old table into the new table.