f280039 cla

时间: 2023-06-06 14:02:44 浏览: 73
f280039是一种单片机型号,属于TI(德州仪器)公司的C2000系列产品。它是一款高性能、低功耗的32位控制器,主要用于工业控制、电力电子、数字信号处理和汽车电子等领域。该芯片采用了RISC架构,具有高速运算、低功耗、多重保护等特点。它还具有大量的接口和外设,如ADC、PWM、CAN、SPI、USART、I2C等,可以满足不同的应用需求。此外,f280039还支持多种调试和仿真工具,方便用户进行开发和测试。总的来说,f280039 cla是一款功能强大、性能稳定的单片机,被广泛应用于各种工业控制和电子设备中。


f28035_cla_c.cmd是TI公司F28035芯片的CLA(Control Law Accelerator)代码的命令文件。CLA是单独的处理器核,并行运行与CPU相同的指令集来增强处理器性能,以执行各种控制算法。CLA具有总线互联,能够与其他外设协同工作,从而加速实时控制和数字信号处理。f28035_cla_c.cmd是用来配置CLA运行环境的命令文件,它可以控制CLA代码的内存分配和CLA与CPU之间的通信。这个命令文件包括多个片段,如程序启动、片外存储映射和初始化等,每个片段都包括一些设置命令。通过对f28035_cla_c.cmd的修改,程序员可以对CLA的运行环境进行配置,例如配置CLA程序存储在哪个内存区域中,配置CLA可以访问哪些外设资源,以及配置CLA与CPU之间的数据传输等。在CLA程序开发中,f28035_cla_c.cmd是非常重要的文件,其正确性和有效性直接关系到CLA程序的功能和性能。




#外点法(能运行出来) import math import sympy import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) def draw(x,index,M): # F = f + MM * alpha # FF = sympy.lambdify((x1, x2), F, 'numpy') Z = FF(*(X, Y,M)) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='rainbow',alpha=0.5) ax.scatter(x[0], x[1], FF(*(x[0],x[1],M)), c='r',s=80) ax.text(x[0], x[1], FF(*(x[0],x[1],M)), 'here:(%0.3f,%0.3f)' % (x[0], x[1])) ax.set_zlabel('F') # 坐标轴 ax.set_ylabel('X2') ax.set_xlabel('X1') plt.pause(0.1) # plt.show() # plt.savefig('./image/%03d' % index) plt.cla() C = 10 # 放大系数 M = 1 # 惩罚因子 epsilon = 1e-5 # 终止限 x1, x2 = sympy.symbols('x1:3') MM=sympy.symbols('MM') f = -x1 + x2 h = x1 + x2 - 1 # g=sympy.log(x2) if sympy.log(x2)<0 else 0 g = sympy.Piecewise((x2-1, x2 < 1), (0, x2 >= 1)) # u=lambda x: alpha = h ** 2 + g ** 2 F = f + MM * alpha # 梯度下降来最小化F def GD(x,M,n): # F = f + M * alpha # delta_x = 1e-11 # 数值求导 # t = 0.0001 # 步长 e = 0.001 # 极限 # my_print(e) np.array(x) for i in range(15): t = sympy.symbols('t') grad = np.asarray( [sympy.diff(F, x1).subs([(x1, x[0]), (x2, x[1]),(MM,M)]), sympy.diff(F, x2).subs([(x1, x[0]), (x2, x[1]),(MM,M)])]) # print('g',grad) # print((x-t*grad)) # print(F.subs([(x1,(x-t*grad)[0]),(x2,(x-t*grad)[1])])) t = sympy.solve(sympy.diff(F.subs([(x1, (x - t * grad)[0]), (x2, (x - t * grad)[1]),(MM,M)]), t), t) print('t',t) x = x - t * grad print('x', x) # print('mmm',M) draw(x,n*10+i,M) # my_print(np.linalg.norm(grad)) # print(type(grad)) if (abs(grad[0]) < e and abs(grad[1]) < e): # print(np.linalg.norm(grad)) print('g', grad) break return list(x) pass x = [-0.5, 0.2] X = np.arange(0, 4, 0.25) Y = np.arange(0, 4,

这是对单个文件进行预测“import os import json import torch from PIL import Image from torchvision import transforms import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from model import convnext_tiny as create_model def main(): device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print(f"using {device} device.") num_classes = 5 img_size = 224 data_transform = transforms.Compose( [transforms.Resize(int(img_size * 1.14)), transforms.CenterCrop(img_size), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])]) # load image img_path = "../tulip.jpg" assert os.path.exists(img_path), "file: '{}' dose not exist.".format(img_path) img = Image.open(img_path) plt.imshow(img) # [N, C, H, W] img = data_transform(img) # expand batch dimension img = torch.unsqueeze(img, dim=0) # read class_indict json_path = './class_indices.json' assert os.path.exists(json_path), "file: '{}' dose not exist.".format(json_path) with open(json_path, "r") as f: class_indict = json.load(f) # create model model = create_model(num_classes=num_classes).to(device) # load model weights model_weight_path = "./weights/best_model.pth" model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_weight_path, map_location=device)) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): # predict class output = torch.squeeze(model(img.to(device))).cpu() predict = torch.softmax(output, dim=0) predict_cla = torch.argmax(predict).numpy() print_res = "class: {} prob: {:.3}".format(class_indict[str(predict_cla)], predict[predict_cla].numpy()) plt.title(print_res) for i in range(len(predict)): print("class: {:10} prob: {:.3}".format(class_indict[str(i)], predict[i].numpy())) plt.show() if __name__ == '__main__': main()”,改为对指定文件夹下的左右文件进行预测,并绘制混淆矩阵

import os import json import torch from PIL import Image from torchvision import transforms from model import resnet34 def main(): device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") data_transform = transforms.Compose( [transforms.Resize(256), transforms.CenterCrop(224), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])]) # load image # 指向需要遍历预测的图像文件夹 imgs_root = "../dataset/val" assert os.path.exists(imgs_root), f"file: '{imgs_root}' dose not exist." # 读取指定文件夹下所有jpg图像路径 img_path_list = [os.path.join(imgs_root, i) for i in os.listdir(imgs_root) if i.endswith(".jpg")] # read class_indict json_path = './class_indices.json' assert os.path.exists(json_path), f"file: '{json_path}' dose not exist." json_file = open(json_path, "r") class_indict = json.load(json_file) # create model model = resnet34(num_classes=16).to(device) # load model weights weights_path = "./newresNet34.pth" assert os.path.exists(weights_path), f"file: '{weights_path}' dose not exist." model.load_state_dict(torch.load(weights_path, map_location=device)) # prediction model.eval() batch_size = 8 # 每次预测时将多少张图片打包成一个batch with torch.no_grad(): for ids in range(0, len(img_path_list) // batch_size): img_list = [] for img_path in img_path_list[ids * batch_size: (ids + 1) * batch_size]: assert os.path.exists(img_path), f"file: '{img_path}' dose not exist." img = Image.open(img_path) img = data_transform(img) img_list.append(img) # batch img # 将img_list列表中的所有图像打包成一个batch batch_img = torch.stack(img_list, dim=0) # predict class output = model(batch_img.to(device)).cpu() predict = torch.softmax(output, dim=1) probs, classes = torch.max(predict, dim=1) for idx, (pro, cla) in enumerate(zip(probs, classes)): print("image: {} class: {} prob: {:.3}".format(img_path_list[ids * batch_size + idx], class_indict[str(cla.numpy())], pro.numpy())) if __name__ == '__main__': main()

import torch import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from torch import autograd """ 用神经网络模拟微分方程,f(x)'=f(x),初始条件f(0) = 1 """ class Net(nn.Module): def __init__(self, NL, NN): # NL n个l(线性,全连接)隐藏层, NN 输入数据的维数, # NL是有多少层隐藏层 # NN是每层的神经元数量 super(Net, self).__init__() self.input_layer = nn.Linear(1, NN) self.hidden_layer = nn.Linear(NN,int(NN/2)) ## 原文这里用NN,我这里用的下采样,经过实验验证,“等采样”更优。更多情况有待我实验验证。 self.output_layer = nn.Linear(int(NN/2), 1) def forward(self, x): out = torch.tanh(self.input_layer(x)) out = torch.tanh(self.hidden_layer(out)) out_final = self.output_layer(out) return out_final net=Net(4,20) # 4层 20个 mse_cost_function = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean') # Mean squared error 均方误差求 optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(),lr=1e-4) # 优化器 def ode_01(x,net): y=net(x) y_x = autograd.grad(y, x,grad_outputs=torch.ones_like(net(x)),create_graph=True)[0] return y-y_x # y-y' = 0 # requires_grad=True).unsqueeze(-1) plt.ion() # 动态图 iterations=200000 for epoch in range(iterations): optimizer.zero_grad() # 梯度归0 ## 求边界条件的损失函数 x_0 = torch.zeros(2000, 1) y_0 = net(x_0) mse_i = mse_cost_function(y_0, torch.ones(2000, 1)) # f(0) - 1 = 0 ## 方程的损失函数 x_in = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=2.0, size=(2000, 1)) pt_x_in = autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(x_in).float(), requires_grad=True) # x 随机数 pt_y_colection=ode_01(pt_x_in,net) pt_all_zeros= autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.zeros((2000,1))).float(), requires_grad=False) mse_f=mse_cost_function(pt_y_colection, pt_all_zeros) # y-y' = 0 loss = mse_i + mse_f loss.backward() # 反向传播 optimizer.step() # 优化下一步。This is equivalent to : theta_new = theta_old - alpha * derivative of J w.r.t theta if epoch%1000==0: y = torch.exp(pt_x_in) # y 真实值 y_train0 = net(pt_x_in) # y 预测值 print(epoch, "Traning Loss:", loss.data) print(f'times {epoch} - loss: {loss.item()} - y_0: {y_0}') plt.cla() plt.scatter(pt_x_in.detach().numpy(), y.detach().numpy()) plt.scatter(pt_x_in.detach().numpy(), y_train0.detach().numpy(),c='red') plt.pause(0.1)

在如下这段代码的基础上,实现连接不同二级杆组的功能:function pendulumGUI %创建主窗口和控件 f = figure('Visible','off','Position',[360,500,450,285]); hstart = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Start','Position',[315,220,70,25],'Callback',@startbutton_Callback); hstop = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Stop','Position',[315,180,70,25],'Callback',@stopbutton_Callback); htext = uicontrol('Style','text','String','Angle:','Position',[325,130,40,15]); hslider = uicontrol('Style','slider','Min',0,'Max',180,'Value',90,'Position',[100,90,250,20],'SliderStep',[1/179 10/179],'Callback',@slider_Callback); ha = axes('Units','pixels','Position',[50,60,200,185]); %初始化参数 L = 1; dt = 0.05; theta = 90; omega = 0; g = 9.8; t = 0; %绘图函数 function draw_pendulum(theta) x = L*sin(theta*pi/180); y = -L*cos(theta*pi/180); plot([0,x],[0,y],'LineWidth',2,'MarkerFaceColor','k','MarkerSize',10); axis([-L-0.5,L+0.5,-L-0.5,L+0.5]); axis square; title(sprintf('Time: %.2f s, Angle: %.2f deg',t,theta)); end %启动按钮回调函数 function startbutton_Callback(source,eventdata) set(hstart,'Enable','off'); set(hstop,'Enable','on'); while get(hstop,'Value') == 0 theta = theta + omega*dt; omega = omega - g/L*sin(theta*pi/180)*dt; t = t + dt; cla; draw_pendulum(theta); pause(0.01); end set(hstart,'Enable','on'); set(hstop,'Enable','off'); set(hstop,'Value',0); end %停止按钮回调函数 function stopbutton_Callback(source,eventdata) set(hstop,'Value',1); end %滑动条回调函数 function slider_Callback(source,eventdata) theta = get(hslider,'Value'); cla; draw_pendulum(theta); end %显示主窗口 set(f,'Name','Pendulum GUI','NumberTitle','off','Resize','off','Visible','on'); end




cla 清除当前轴 class 获知对象类别或创建对象 clc 清除指令窗 clear 清除内存变量和函数 clf 清除图对象 clock 时钟 colorcube 三浓淡多彩交叉色图矩阵 colordef 设置色彩缺省值 colormap 色图 colspace ...










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以下是用matlab绘制高斯色噪声情况下频率估计CRLB的代码: ```matlab % 参数设置 N = 100; % 信号长度 se = 0.5; % 噪声方差 w = zeros(N,1); % 高斯色噪声 w(1) = randn(1)*sqrt(se); for n = 2:N w(n) = 0.8*w(n-1) + randn(1)*sqrt(se); end % 计算频率估计CRLB fs = 1; % 采样频率 df = 0.01; % 频率分辨率 f = 0:df:fs/2; % 频率范围 M = length(f); CRLB = zeros(M,1); for

JSBSim Reference Manual



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