new_distance = distances[router][current_router] + next(link[2] for link in links if link[0] == current_router and link[1] == neighbor) 什么意思

时间: 2023-12-23 18:04:36 浏览: 22
这段代码是用来更新起点router到节点neighbor的最短距离。其中,distances是一个二维数组,记录了各个节点之间的距离;router和neighbor分别是起点和终点;current_router是中间节点,表示当前正在计算以它为中间节点的最短距离。links是一个列表,记录了各个节点之间的连接关系,每个连接关系由三个元素组成:起点、终点和距离。 代码中的next()函数用于查找当前节点current_router和它的邻居节点neighbor之间的连接关系,并返回它们之间的距离。具体来说,它通过遍历links列表,找到起点为current_router、终点为neighbor的连接关系,并返回该连接关系的距离。 最后,通过将起点到当前节点的距离distances[router][current_router]和当前节点到邻居节点的距离相加,得到起点到邻居节点的距离new_distance。如果new_distance比distances[router][neighbor]小,就更新distances[router][neighbor]的值为new_distance,表示发现了一条更短的路径。

Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\pythonProject\LSA\", line 32, in <module> new_distance = distances[router][current_router] + next(link[2] for link in links if link[0] == current_router and link[1] == neighbor) StopIteration 怎么改?

为了避免 `StopIteration` 异常的出现,可以使用一个变量来保存连接关系的距离值,如果找到符合条件的连接关系,则将距离值赋值给变量;否则,将变量设置为一个默认值,比如 None。 例如,可以将代码修改为以下形式: ``` distance_found = None for link in links: if link[0] == current_router and link[1] == neighbor: distance_found = link[2] break if distance_found is not None: new_distance = distances[router][current_router] + distance_found if new_distance < distances[router][neighbor]: distances[router][neighbor] = new_distance ``` 这样,就可以避免 `StopIteration` 异常的出现,同时保证了代码的正确性。

# 使用Dijkstra算法计算最短距离 for router in routers: visited = set() unvisited = set() for router in routers: unvisited.add(router) # 将所有路由器设置为未访问状态 while unvisited: current_router = min(unvisited, key=lambda r: distances[router][r]) # 从未访问节点集合中选取距离最小的节点,并将其作为当前节点进行扩展 unvisited.remove(current_router) visited.add(current_router) # 将当前节点设置为 for neighbor in router_neighbors[current_router]: distance_found = None for link in links: if link[0] == current_router and link[1] == neighbor: distance_found = link[2] break if distance_found is not None: new_distance = distances[router][current_router] + distance_found if new_distance < distances[router][neighbor]: distances[router][neighbor] = new_distance # 更新起点router到所有邻居节点的最短距离 有问题要怎么改?

这段代码存在一些问题,可以进行如下改进: 1. 第一行的for循环中,变量router和外部的变量router重名,应将内部变量改为其他名称; 2. 第4行的unvisited集合应该初始化为所有路由器的集合,而不是在for循环中初始化; 3. 第6行的current_router应该从当前起点router开始,而不是从所有路由器中选取; 4. 第10-14行的距离计算和更新应该使用neighbor作为索引,而不是router; 5. 第14行应该使用current_router作为索引,而不是router。 修改后的代码如下所示: ``` # 使用Dijkstra算法计算最短距离 for r in routers: visited = set() unvisited = set(routers) distances = {r: {r: 0} for r in routers} # 初始化所有路由器之间的距离为0 while unvisited: current_router = min(unvisited, key=lambda x: distances[r][x]) # 选取距离最小的节点,并将其作为当前节点进行扩展 unvisited.remove(current_router) visited.add(current_router) for neighbor in router_neighbors[current_router]: distance_found = None for link in links: if link[0] == current_router and link[1] == neighbor: distance_found = link[2] break if distance_found is not None: new_distance = distances[r][current_router] + distance_found if new_distance < distances[r][neighbor]: distances[r][neighbor] = new_distance # 更新起点r到所有邻居节点的最短距离 ``` 请注意,这只是一种可能的修改方式,具体的修改方式可能需要根据具体问题进行调整。


import Astar import heapq start_cor = (19, 0) waypoints = [(5, 15), (5, 1), (9, 3), (11, 17), (7, 19), (15, 19), (13, 1), (15, 5)] end_cor = (1, 20) def distance(_from, _to): x1, y1 = _from x2, y2 = _to distancepath = Astar.find_path(x1, y1, x2, y2) return distancepath n = len(waypoints) adj_matrix = [[0] * n for _ in range(n)] for i in range(n): for j in range(i + 1, n): dist = distance(waypoints[i], waypoints[j]) adj_matrix[i][j] = dist adj_matrix[j][i] = dist start = 0 end = n - 1 distances = [[float('inf')] * (n + 1) for _ in range(n)] visited = set() heap = [(0, 0, start)] while heap: (dist, num_visited, current) = heapq.heappop(heap) if current == end and num_visited == 8: break if (current, num_visited) in visited: continue visited.add((current, num_visited)) for neighbor, weight in enumerate(adj_matrix[current]): if weight > 0: new_num_visited = num_visited if neighbor in range(start + 1, end) and (current not in range(start + 1, end)) and num_visited < 8: new_num_visited += 1 new_distance = dist + weight if new_distance < distances[neighbor][new_num_visited]: distances[neighbor][new_num_visited] = new_distance heapq.heappush(heap, (new_distance, new_num_visited, neighbor)) min_dist = float('inf') min_num_visited = 8 for i in range(8): if distances[end][i] < min_dist: min_dist = distances[end][i] min_num_visited = i path = [end] current = end num_visited = min_num_visited for i in range(len(waypoints), 0, -1): if current in range(i): num_visited -= 1 for neighbor, weight in enumerate(adj_matrix[current]): if weight > 0 and (neighbor, num_visited) in visited and distances[neighbor][num_visited] + weight == \ distances[current][num_visited]: path.append(neighbor) current = neighbor break path.reverse() print(f"The optimal path from start to end through the 8 waypoints is: {path}") print(f"The total distance is: {distances[end][min_num_visited]}")

import Astar import heapq start_cor = (19, 0) treasures = [(5, 15), (5, 1), (9, 3), (11, 17), (7, 19), (15, 19), (13, 1), (15, 5)] end_cor = (1, 20) # 定义一个函数计算两个坐标之间的距离 def distance(_from, _to): # 返回从起点到终点的最短路径 x1, y1 = _from x2, y2 = _to distancepath = Astar.find_path(x1, y1, x2, y2) return distancepath n = len(treasures) adj_matrix = [[0] * n for _ in range(n)] for i in range(n): for j in range(i + 1, n): dist = distance(treasures[i], treasures[j]) adj_matrix[i][j] = dist adj_matrix[j][i] = dist # 使用Dijkstra算法求解最短路径 start = 0 end = n - 1 distances = [float('inf')] * n distances[start] = 0 visited = set() heap = [(0, start)] while heap: (dist, current) = heapq.heappop(heap) if current == end: break if current in visited: continue visited.add(current) for neighbor, weight in enumerate(adj_matrix[current]): if weight > 0 and neighbor not in visited: new_distance = dist + weight if new_distance < distances[neighbor]: distances[neighbor] = new_distance heapq.heappush(heap, (new_distance, neighbor)) # 输出结果 path = [end] current = end while current != start: for neighbor, weight in enumerate(adj_matrix[current]): if weight > 0 and distances[current] == distances[neighbor] + weight: path.append(neighbor) current = neighbor break print(path) path.reverse() print(f"从第{start+1}个坐标开始经过其他几个坐标最后到达第{end+1}个坐标的最短路线为:{path}") print(f"总距离为:{distances[end]}"

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 设置模拟参数 num_boids = 50 # 粒子数 max_speed = 0.03 # 最大速度 max_force = 0.05 # 最大受力 neighborhood_radius = 0.2 # 邻域半径 separation_distance = 0.05 # 分离距离 alignment_distance = 0.1 # 对齐距离 cohesion_distance = 0.2 # 凝聚距离 # 初始化粒子位置和速度 positions = np.random.rand(num_boids, 2) velocities = np.random.rand(num_boids, 2) * max_speed # 模拟循环 for i in range(1000): # 计算邻域距离 distances = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(positions[:, np.newaxis, :] - positions), axis=-1)) neighbors = np.logical_and(distances > 0, distances < neighborhood_radius) # 计算三个力 separation = np.zeros_like(positions) alignment = np.zeros_like(positions) cohesion = np.zeros_like(positions) for j in range(num_boids): # 计算分离力 separation_vector = positions[j] - positions[neighbors[j]] separation_distance_mask = np.linalg.norm(separation_vector, axis=-1) < separation_distance separation_vector = separation_vector[separation_distance_mask] separation[j] = np.sum(separation_vector, axis=0) # 计算对齐力 alignment_vectors = velocities[neighbors[j]] alignment_distance_mask = np.linalg.norm(separation_vector, axis=-1) < alignment_distance alignment_vectors = alignment_vectors[alignment_distance_mask] alignment[j] = np.sum(alignment_vectors, axis=0) # 计算凝聚力 cohesion_vectors = positions[neighbors[j]] cohesion_distance_mask = np.linalg.norm(separation_vector, axis=-1) < cohesion_distance cohesion_vectors = cohesion_vectors[cohesion_distance_mask] cohesion[j] = np.sum(cohesion_vectors, axis=0) # 计算总受力 total_force = separation + alignment + cohesion total_force = np.clip(total_force, -max_force, max_force) # 更新速度和位置 velocities += total_force velocities = np.clip(velocities, -max_speed, max_speed) positions += velocities # 绘制粒子 plt.clf() plt.scatter(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1], s=5) plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.pause(0.01)










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