while run: draw(win, grid, ROWS, width) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False # 鼠标左键点击设置起点、终点或障碍物 if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() row, col = get_clicked_pos(pos, ROWS, width) node = grid[row][col] if not start and node != end: start = node start.make_start() elif not end and node != start: end = node end.make_end() elif node != end and node != start: node.make_barrier() # 鼠标右键点击删除起点、终点或障碍物 elif pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[2]: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() row, col = get_clicked_pos(pos, ROWS, width) node = grid[row][col] node.reset() if node == start: start = None elif node == end: end = None # 按下空格键开始或重新开始路径规划 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and not started and start and end: for row in grid: for node in row: node.update_neighbours(grid) algorithm(lambda: draw(win, grid, ROWS, width), grid, start, end) # 按下C键清空地图 if event.key == pygame.K_c: start = None end = None grid = make_grid(ROWS, width) pygame.quit()这段代码的运行逻辑

时间: 2024-02-10 13:19:23 浏览: 39

while run: draw(win, grid, ROWS, width) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False

这段代码是一个 Pygame 应用程序的主循环。它在一个 while 循环中不断执行,直到 `run` 变量被设置为 False。在每次循环中,程序会调用 `draw` 函数来绘制可视化界面。接着,程序会通过 `pygame.event.get()` 函数获取 Pygame 中的事件,例如鼠标点击、键盘按键等等。程序通过检查每个事件的类型来决定如何处理它们。在这段代码中,如果检测到 `pygame.QUIT` 事件,就会将 `run` 变量设置为 False,从而退出主循环,关闭 Pygame 应用程序。


好的,以下是用pygame实现A*算法的代码示例: ```python import pygame import math from queue import PriorityQueue WIDTH = 800 WIN = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, WIDTH)) pygame.display.set_caption("A* Path Finding Algorithm") RED = (255, 0, 0) GREEN = (0, 255, 0) BLUE = (0, 0, 255) YELLOW = (255, 255, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) PURPLE = (128, 0, 128) ORANGE = (255, 165, 0) GREY = (128, 128, 128) TURQUOISE = (64, 224, 208) class Spot: def __init__(self, row, col, width): self.row = row self.col = col self.x = row * width self.y = col * width self.color = WHITE self.neighbours = [] self.width = width def get_pos(self): return self.row, self.col def is_closed(self): return self.color == RED def is_open(self): return self.color == GREEN def is_barrier(self): return self.color == BLACK def is_start(self): return self.color == ORANGE def is_end(self): return self.color == TURQUOISE def reset(self): self.color = WHITE def make_start(self): self.color = ORANGE def make_closed(self): self.color = RED def make_open(self): self.color = GREEN def make_barrier(self): self.color = BLACK def make_end(self): self.color = TURQUOISE def make_path(self): self.color = PURPLE def draw(self, win): pygame.draw.rect(win, self.color, (self.x, self.y, self.width, self.width)) def update_neighbours(self, grid): self.neighbours = [] if self.row < ROWS - 1 and not grid[self.row + 1][self.col].is_barrier(): # DOWN self.neighbours.append(grid[self.row + 1][self.col]) if self.row > 0 and not grid[self.row - 1][self.col].is_barrier(): # UP self.neighbours.append(grid[self.row - 1][self.col]) if self.col < ROWS - 1 and not grid[self.row][self.col + 1].is_barrier(): # RIGHT self.neighbours.append(grid[self.row][self.col + 1]) if self.col > 0 and not grid[self.row][self.col - 1].is_barrier(): # LEFT self.neighbours.append(grid[self.row][self.col - 1]) def h(p1, p2): x1, y1 = p1 x2, y2 = p2 return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2) def reconstruct_path(came_from, current, draw): while current in came_from: current = came_from[current] current.make_path() draw() def algorithm(draw, grid, start, end): count = 0 open_set = PriorityQueue() open_set.put((0, count, start)) came_from = {} g_score = {spot: float("inf") for row in grid for spot in row} g_score[start] = 0 f_score = {spot: float("inf") for row in grid for spot in row} f_score[start] = h(start.get_pos(), end.get_pos()) open_set_hash = {start} while not open_set.empty(): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() current = open_set.get()[2] open_set_hash.remove(current) if current == end: reconstruct_path(came_from, end, draw) end.make_end() start.make_start() return True for neighbour in current.neighbours: temp_g_score = g_score[current] + 1 if temp_g_score < g_score[neighbour]: came_from[neighbour] = current g_score[neighbour] = temp_g_score f_score[neighbour] = temp_g_score + h(neighbour.get_pos(), end.get_pos()) if neighbour not in open_set_hash: count += 1 open_set.put((f_score[neighbour], count, neighbour)) open_set_hash.add(neighbour) neighbour.make_open() draw() if current != start: current.make_closed() return False def make_grid(rows, width): grid = [] gap = width // rows for i in range(rows): grid.append([]) for j in range(rows): spot = Spot(i, j, gap) grid[i].append(spot) return grid def draw_grid(win, rows, width): gap = width // rows for i in range(rows): pygame.draw.line(win, GREY, (0, i * gap), (width, i * gap)) for j in range(rows): pygame.draw.line(win, GREY, (j * gap, 0), (j * gap, width)) def draw(win, grid, rows, width): win.fill(WHITE) for row in grid: for spot in row: spot.draw(win) draw_grid(win, rows, width) pygame.display.update() def get_clicked_pos(pos, rows, width): gap = width // rows y, x = pos row = y // gap col = x // gap return row, col def main(win, width): ROWS = 50 grid = make_grid(ROWS, width) start = None end = None run = True while run: draw(win, grid, ROWS, width) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: # LEFT pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() row, col = get_clicked_pos(pos, ROWS, width) spot = grid[row][col] if not start and spot != end: start = spot start.make_start() elif not end and spot != start: end = spot end.make_end() elif spot != end and spot != start: spot.make_barrier() elif pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[2]: # RIGHT pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() row, col = get_clicked_pos(pos, ROWS, width) spot = grid[row][col] spot.reset() if spot == start: start = None elif spot == end: end = None if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and start and end: for row in grid: for spot in row: spot.update_neighbours(grid) algorithm(lambda: draw(win, grid, ROWS, width), grid, start, end) if event.key == pygame.K_c: start = None end = None grid = make_grid(ROWS, width) pygame.quit() main(WIN, WIDTH) ``` 希望对你有帮助!











CSDN IT狂飙上传的代码均可运行,功能ok的情况下才上传的,直接替换数据即可使用,小白也能轻松上手 【资源说明】 基于MATLAB实现的OFDM经典同步算法之一Park算法仿真,附带Park算法经典文献+代码文档+使用说明文档.rar 1、代码压缩包内容 主函数:main.m; 调用函数:其他m文件;无需运行 运行结果效果图; 2、代码运行版本 Matlab 2020b;若运行有误,根据提示GPT修改;若不会,私信博主(问题描述要详细); 3、运行操作步骤 步骤一:将所有文件放到Matlab的当前文件夹中; 步骤二:双击打开main.m文件; 步骤三:点击运行,等程序运行完得到结果; 4、仿真咨询 如需其他服务,可后台私信博主; 4.1 期刊或参考文献复现 4.2 Matlab程序定制 4.3 科研合作 功率谱估计: 故障诊断分析: 雷达通信:雷达LFM、MIMO、成像、定位、干扰、检测、信号分析、脉冲压缩 滤波估计:SOC估计 目标定位:WSN定位、滤波跟踪、目标定位 生物电信号:肌电信号EMG、脑电信号EEG、心电信号ECG 通信系统:DOA估计、编码译码、变分模态分解、管道泄漏、滤波器、数字信号处理+传输+分析+去噪、数字信号调制、误码率、信号估计、DTMF、信号检测识别融合、LEACH协议、信号检测、水声通信 5、欢迎下载,沟通交流,互相学习,共同进步!

基于MATLAB实现的imu和视觉里程计 kalman滤波器 进行融合+使用说明文档.rar

CSDN IT狂飙上传的代码均可运行,功能ok的情况下才上传的,直接替换数据即可使用,小白也能轻松上手 【资源说明】 基于MATLAB实现的imu和视觉里程计 kalman滤波器 进行融合+使用说明文档.rar 1、代码压缩包内容 主函数:main.m; 调用函数:其他m文件;无需运行 运行结果效果图; 2、代码运行版本 Matlab 2020b;若运行有误,根据提示GPT修改;若不会,私信博主(问题描述要详细); 3、运行操作步骤 步骤一:将所有文件放到Matlab的当前文件夹中; 步骤二:双击打开main.m文件; 步骤三:点击运行,等程序运行完得到结果; 4、仿真咨询 如需其他服务,可后台私信博主; 4.1 期刊或参考文献复现 4.2 Matlab程序定制 4.3 科研合作 功率谱估计: 故障诊断分析: 雷达通信:雷达LFM、MIMO、成像、定位、干扰、检测、信号分析、脉冲压缩 滤波估计:SOC估计 目标定位:WSN定位、滤波跟踪、目标定位 生物电信号:肌电信号EMG、脑电信号EEG、心电信号ECG 通信系统:DOA估计、编码译码、变分模态分解、管道泄漏、滤波器、数字信号处理+传输+分析+去噪、数字信号调制、误码率、信号估计、DTMF、信号检测识别融合、LEACH协议、信号检测、水声通信 5、欢迎下载,沟通交流,互相学习,共同进步!




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