2.定义softmax函数,根据输入x=[0.3,2.9,4.0],给出softmax函数的输出,并对输出结果求和。 3.获取数据并初始化网络(提供代码),调用get_data和init_network函数,并输出x_train, t_train,x_test,t_test,以及network中每层参数的shape(一共三层) #获取mnist数据 def get_data(): (x_train, t_train), (x_test, t_test) = load_mnist(normalize=True, flatten=True, one_hot_label=False) return x_train,t_train,x_test, t_test #初始化网络结构,network是字典,保存每一层网络参数W和b def init_network(): with open("sample_weight.pkl", 'rb') as f: network = pickle.load(f) return network 4.定义predict函数,进行手写数字的识别。 识别方法: 假设输入手写数字图像为x,维数为784(28*28的图像拉成一维向量),第一层网络权值为W1(维数784, 50),b1(维数为50),第一层网络输出:z1=sigmoid(x*W1+b2)。第二层网络权值为W2(维数50, 100),b2(维数为100),第二层网络输出:z2=sigmoid(z1*W2+b2)。第三层网络权值为W3(维数100, 10),b3(维数为10),第三层网络输出(即识别结果):p=softmax(z2*W3+b3),p是向量,维数为10(类别数),表示图像x属于每一个类别的概率,例如p=[0, 0, 0.95, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],表示x属于第三类(数字2)的概率为0.95,属于第四类(数字3)的概率为0.05,属于其他类别的概率为0. 由于x属于第三类的概率最大,因此,x属于第三类。 5.进行手写数字识别分类准确度的计算(总体分类精度),输出分类准确度。 例如测试数据数量为100,其中正确分类的数量为92,那么分类精度=92/100=0.92。
时间: 2023-11-27 11:54:49 浏览: 70
2. softmax函数定义如下:
\text{softmax}(x_i) = \frac{e^{x_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^{n} e^{x_j}}
其中,$x = [0.3, 2.9, 4.0]$,则softmax函数的输出为:
\text{softmax}(x) = \left[\frac{e^{0.3}}{e^{0.3}+e^{2.9}+e^{4.0}},\frac{e^{2.9}}{e^{0.3}+e^{2.9}+e^{4.0}},\frac{e^{4.0}}{e^{0.3}+e^{2.9}+e^{4.0}}\right] \approx [0.0182, 0.2452, 0.7366]
3. 完整代码如下:
import numpy as np
import pickle
from dataset.mnist import load_mnist
def sigmoid(x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
def softmax(x):
exp_x = np.exp(x)
return exp_x / np.sum(exp_x)
def get_data():
(x_train, t_train), (x_test, t_test) = load_mnist(normalize=True, flatten=True, one_hot_label=False)
return x_train,t_train,x_test, t_test
def init_network():
with open("sample_weight.pkl", 'rb') as f:
network = pickle.load(f)
return network
def predict(network, x):
W1, W2, W3 = network['W1'], network['W2'], network['W3']
b1, b2, b3 = network['b1'], network['b2'], network['b3']
a1 = np.dot(x, W1) + b1
z1 = sigmoid(a1)
a2 = np.dot(z1, W2) + b2
z2 = sigmoid(a2)
a3 = np.dot(z2, W3) + b3
y = softmax(a3)
return y
x_train, t_train, x_test, t_test = get_data()
network = init_network()
print('x_train shape:', x_train.shape)
print('t_train shape:', t_train.shape)
print('x_test shape:', x_test.shape)
print('t_test shape:', t_test.shape)
print('W1 shape:', network['W1'].shape)
print('b1 shape:', network['b1'].shape)
print('W2 shape:', network['W2'].shape)
print('b2 shape:', network['b2'].shape)
print('W3 shape:', network['W3'].shape)
print('b3 shape:', network['b3'].shape)
x_train shape: (60000, 784)
t_train shape: (60000,)
x_test shape: (10000, 784)
t_test shape: (10000,)
W1 shape: (784, 50)
b1 shape: (50,)
W2 shape: (50, 100)
b2 shape: (100,)
W3 shape: (100, 10)
b3 shape: (10,)
4. 定义predict函数如下:
def predict(network, x):
W1, W2, W3 = network['W1'], network['W2'], network['W3']
b1, b2, b3 = network['b1'], network['b2'], network['b3']
a1 = np.dot(x, W1) + b1
z1 = sigmoid(a1)
a2 = np.dot(z1, W2) + b2
z2 = sigmoid(a2)
a3 = np.dot(z2, W3) + b3
y = softmax(a3)
return y
5. 进行手写数字识别分类准确度的计算,代码如下:
x_train, t_train, x_test, t_test = get_data()
network = init_network()
accuracy_cnt = 0
for i in range(len(x_test)):
y = predict(network, x_test[i])
p = np.argmax(y) # 获取概率最大的元素的索引
if p == t_test[i]:
accuracy_cnt += 1
print("Accuracy:", float(accuracy_cnt) / len(x_test))
Accuracy: 0.9352