时间: 2023-10-26 09:45:47 浏览: 68
input, dim=None, _stacklevel=3, dtype=None)
This function computes the softmax of elements along a given dimension of the input tensor. It returns a tensor with the same shape as the input tensor.
The input parameter is the input tensor. The dim parameter specifies the dimension along which the softmax is to be computed. If dim is not specified, the function computes the softmax over the last dimension of the input tensor. The _stacklevel parameter is used to control the level of traceback information displayed in case of errors. The dtype parameter can be used to specify the data type of the output tensor.
The softmax function is defined as follows:
softmax(x_i) = exp(x_i) / sum(exp(x_j)) for j in range(dim)
where x_i is the i-th element along the specified dimension.
The output tensor contains the softmax probabilities for each element along the specified dimension.