时间: 2023-10-08 15:07:08 浏览: 178
tf::transform is a data structure used in the Robotics Operating System (ROS) to represent a rigid-body transformation between two coordinate frames. It is a 4x4 matrix that describes the translation and rotation of one frame with respect to another. It is commonly used in robotics applications for tasks such as robot localization, mapping, and navigation. The tf::transform library provides functions for performing common operations on transform matrices, such as concatenation, inversion, and interpolation.
map_to_odom_(tf::Transform(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY( 0, 0, 0 ), tf::Point(0, 0, 0 ))), laser_count_(0), private_nh_("~"), scan_filter_sub_(NULL), scan_filter_(NULL), transform_thread_(NULL)
- nh_:节点句柄;
- odom_frame_id_:里程计坐标系的名称;
- base_frame_id_:机器人底座坐标系的名称;
- tf_listener_:监听器,用于获取tf变换;
- map_to_odom_:一种tf变换,将/map坐标系转换到/odom坐标系;
- laser_count_:激光雷达数据的计数器;
- private_nh_:私有的节点句柄,用于读取节点参数;
- scan_filter_sub_:激光雷达数据的订阅者;
- scan_filter_:激光雷达数据的滤波器;
- transform_thread_:tf变换的线程。
SlamGMapping::SlamGMapping(): map_to_odom_(tf::Transform(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY( 0, 0, 0 ), tf::Point(0, 0, 0 ))), laser_count_(0), private_nh_("~"), scan_filter_sub_(NULL), scan_filter_(NULL), transform_thread_(NULL) { seed_ = time(NULL); init(); }
这段代码是 `SlamGMapping` 类的构造函数。它首先初始化了一些成员变量,如 `map_to_odom_`、`laser_count_`、`private_nh_`、`scan_filter_sub_`、`scan_filter_` 和 `transform_thread_`。然后它使用当前时间 `time(NULL)` 作为随机数生成器的种子,并调用了 `init()` 函数进行初始化。由于代码缺少上下文,无法判断 `init()` 函数的具体实现。