请调用刚写的findpeak函数完成这个代码# Mean shift algorithm def meanshift(data, r): labels = np.zeros(len(data.T)) peaks = [] #聚集的类中心 label_no = 1 #当前label labels[0] = label_no # findpeak is called for the first index out of the loop peak = findpeak(data, 0, r) peakT = np.concatenate(peak, axis=0).T peaks.append(peakT) # Every data point is iterated through for idx in range(0, len(data.T)): # 遍历数据,寻找当前点的peak # 并实时关注当前peak是否会收敛到一个新的聚类(和已有peaks比较) # 若是,更新label_no,peaks,labels,继续 # 若不是,当前点就属于已有类,继续 ### YOUR CODE HERE pass ### END YOUR CODE #print(set(labels)) return labels, np.array(peaks).T

时间: 2024-02-14 18:10:14 浏览: 22
好的,现在我们需要在meanshift函数中调用findpeak函数,找到每个数据点所属的聚类的中心点(peak)。同时,我们需要检查当前点的peak是否已经存在于已有的聚类中,如果是,则将该点赋予已有的类别,否则创建一个新的类别。以下是代码实现: ``` def meanshift(data, r): labels = np.zeros(len(data.T)) peaks = [] #聚集的类中心 label_no = 1 #当前label labels[0] = label_no peak = findpeak(data, 0, r) peakT = np.concatenate(peak, axis=0).T peaks.append(peakT) for idx in range(1, len(data.T)): # 寻找当前点的peak curr_peak = findpeak(data, idx, r) # 实时关注当前peak是否会收敛到一个新的聚类(和已有peaks比较) found_cluster = False for i, p in enumerate(peaks): # 计算当前点与已有的peak之间的距离 dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((curr_peak - p)**2)) if dist <= r: # 如果距离小于等于r,则将该点归入已有的类别中 labels[idx] = i+1 found_cluster = True break if not found_cluster: # 如果距离大于r,则创建一个新的类别 label_no += 1 labels[idx] = label_no peaks.append(np.concatenate(curr_peak, axis=0).T) return labels, np.array(peaks).T ``` 在循环中,我们首先调用findpeak函数找到当前点的peak,然后遍历所有已经存在的peak,计算当前点与它们之间的距离,如果距离小于等于r,则将该点归为已有的类别中,否则创建一个新的类别。需要注意的是,我们在labels中使用1,2,3...等正整数来表示不同的类别,而非像k-means那样使用0,1,2...等整数。


import numpy as np from platypus import NSGAII, Problem, Real, Integer # 定义问题 class JobShopProblem(Problem): def __init__(self, jobs, machines, processing_times): num_jobs = len(jobs) num_machines = len(machines[0]) super().__init__(num_jobs, 1, 1) self.jobs = jobs self.machines = machines self.processing_times = processing_times self.types[:] = Integer(0, num_jobs - 1) self.constraints[:] = [lambda x: x[0] == 1] def evaluate(self, solution): job_order = np.argsort(np.array(solution.variables[:], dtype=int)) machine_available_time = np.zeros(len(self.machines)) job_completion_time = np.zeros(len(self.jobs)) for job_idx in job_order: job = self.jobs[job_idx] for machine_idx, processing_time in zip(job, self.processing_times[job_idx]): machine_available_time[machine_idx] = max(machine_available_time[machine_idx], job_completion_time[job_idx]) job_completion_time[job_idx] = machine_available_time[machine_idx] + processing_time solution.objectives[:] = [np.max(job_completion_time)] # 定义问题参数 jobs = [[0, 1], [2, 0], [1, 2]] machines = [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1]] processing_times = [[5, 4], [3, 5], [1, 3]] # 创建算法实例 problem = JobShopProblem(jobs, machines, processing_times) algorithm = NSGAII(problem) algorithm.population_size = 100 # 设置优化目标 problem.directions[:] = Problem.MINIMIZE # 定义算法参数 algorithm.population_size = 100 max_generations = 100 mutation_probability = 0.1 # 设置算法参数 algorithm.max_iterations = max_generations algorithm.mutation_probability = mutation_probability # 运行算法 algorithm.run(max_generations) # 输出结果 print("最小化的最大完工时间:", algorithm.result[0].objectives[0]) print("工件加工顺序和机器安排方案:", algorithm.result[0].variables[:]) 请检查上述代码

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import talib def initialize(context): context.symbol = 'BTCUSDT' context.window_size = 5 context.deviation = 1 context.trade_size = 0.01 context.stop_loss = 0.05 context.take_profit = 0.1 schedule_function(rebalance, date_rules.every_day(), time_rules.market_open()) def rebalance(context, data): price = data.history(context.symbol, 'close', context.window_size + 1, '1d') signal = mean_reversion_signal(price, context.window_size, context.deviation) current_position = context.portfolio.positions[context.symbol].amount if signal[-1] == 1 and current_position <= 0: target_position_size = context.trade_size / data.current(context.symbol, 'close') order_target_percent(context.symbol, target_position_size) elif signal[-1] == -1 and current_position >= 0: order_target(context.symbol, 0) elif current_position > 0: current_price = data.current(context.symbol, 'close') stop_loss_price = current_price * (1 - context.stop_loss) take_profit_price = current_price * (1 + context.take_profit) if current_price <= stop_loss_price or current_price >= take_profit_price: order_target(context.symbol, 0) def moving_average(x, n): ma = talib.SMA(x, timeperiod=n) return ma def std_deviation(x, n): std = talib.STDDEV(x, timeperiod=n) return std def mean_reversion_signal(price, window_size, deviation): ma = moving_average(price, window_size) std = std_deviation(price, window_size) upper_band = ma + deviation * std lower_band = ma - deviation * std signal = np.zeros_like(price) signal[price > upper_band] = -1 # 卖出信号 signal[price < lower_band] = 1 # 买入信号 return signal ''' 运行回测 ''' start_date = pd.to_datetime('2019-01-01', utc=True) end_date = pd.to_datetime('2021-01-01', utc=True) results = run_algorithm( start=start_date, end=end_date, initialize=initialize, capital_base=10000, data_frequency='daily', bundle='binance' ) ''' 查看回测结果 ''' print(results.portfolio_value)运行有错误

帮我在下面的代码中添加高斯优化,原代码如下:import numpy as np from sklearn.svm import OneClassSVM from scipy.optimize import minimize def fitness_function(x): """ 定义适应度函数,即使用当前参数下的模型进行计算得到的损失值 """ gamma, nu = x clf = OneClassSVM(kernel='rbf', gamma=gamma, nu=nu) clf.fit(train_data) y_pred = clf.predict(test_data) # 计算错误的预测数量 error_count = len([i for i in y_pred if i != 1]) # 将错误数量作为损失值进行优化 return error_count def genetic_algorithm(x0, bounds): """ 定义遗传算法优化函数 """ population_size = 20 # 种群大小 mutation_rate = 0.1 # 变异率 num_generations = 50 # 迭代次数 num_parents = 2 # 选择的父代数量 num_elites = 1 # 精英数量 num_genes = x0.shape[0] # 参数数量 # 随机初始化种群 population = np.random.uniform(bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1], size=(population_size, num_genes)) for gen in range(num_generations): # 选择父代 fitness = np.array([fitness_function(x) for x in population]) parents_idx = np.argsort(fitness)[:num_parents] parents = population[parents_idx] # 交叉 children = np.zeros_like(parents) for i in range(num_parents): j = (i + 1) % num_parents mask = np.random.uniform(size=num_genes) < 0.5 children[i, mask] = parents[i, mask] children[i, ~mask] = parents[j, ~mask] # 变异 mask = np.random.uniform(size=children.shape) < mutation_rate children[mask] = np.random.uniform(bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1], size=np.sum(mask)) # 合并种群 population = np.vstack([parents, children]) # 选择新种群 fitness = np.array([fitness_function(x) for x in population]) elites_idx = np.argsort(fitness)[:num_elites] elites = population[elites_idx] # 输出结果 best_fitness = fitness[elites_idx[0]] print(f"Gen {gen+1}, best fitness: {best_fitness}") return elites[0] # 初始化参数 gamma0, nu0 = 0.1, 0.5 x0 = np.array([gamma0, nu0]) bounds = np.array([[0.01, 1], [0.01, 1]]) # 调用遗传算法优化 best_param = genetic_algorithm(x0, bounds) # 在最佳参数下训练模型,并在测试集上进行测试 clf = OneClassSVM(kernel='rbf', gamma=best_param[0], nu=best_param[1]) clf.fit(train_data) y_pred = clf.predict(test_data) # 计算错误的预测数量 error_count = len([i for i in y_pred if i != 1]) print(f"Best fitness: {error_count}, best parameters: gamma={best_param[0]}, nu={best_param[1]}")

将这段代码转换为伪代码:def levenberg_marquardt(fun, grad, jacobian, x0, iterations, tol): """ Minimization of scalar function of one or more variables using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Parameters ---------- fun : function Objective function. grad : function Gradient function of objective function. jacobian :function function of objective function. x0 : numpy.array, size=9 Initial value of the parameters to be estimated. iterations : int Maximum iterations of optimization algorithms. tol : float Tolerance of optimization algorithms. Returns ------- xk : numpy.array, size=9 Parameters wstimated by optimization algorithms. fval : float Objective function value at xk. grad_val : float Gradient value of objective function at xk. grad_log : numpy.array The record of gradient of objective function of each iteration. """ fval = None # y的最小值 grad_val = None # 梯度的最后一次下降的值 x_log = [] # x的迭代值的数组,n*9,9个参数 y_log = [] # y的迭代值的数组,一维 grad_log = [] # 梯度下降的迭代值的数组 x0 = asarray(x0).flatten() if x0.ndim == 0: x0.shape = (1,) # iterations = len(x0) * 200 k = 1 xk = x0 updateJ = 1 lamda = 0.01 old_fval = fun(x0) gfk = grad(x0) gnorm = np.amax(np.abs(gfk)) J = [None] H = [None] while (gnorm > tol) and (k < iterations): if updateJ == 1: x_log = np.append(x_log, xk.T) yk = fun(xk) y_log = np.append(y_log, yk) J = jacobian(x0) H = np.dot(J.T, J) H_lm = H + (lamda * np.eye(9)) gfk = grad(xk) pk = - np.linalg.inv(H_lm).dot(gfk) pk = pk.A.reshape(1, -1)[0] # 二维变一维 xk1 = xk + pk fval = fun(xk1) if fval < old_fval: lamda = lamda / 10 xk = xk1 old_fval = fval updateJ = 1 else: updateJ = 0 lamda = lamda * 10 gnorm = np.amax(np.abs(gfk)) k = k + 1 grad_log = np.append(grad_log, np.linalg.norm(xk - x_log[-1:])) fval = old_fval grad_val = grad_log[-1] return xk, fval, grad_val, x_log, y_log, grad_log









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