ros::NodeHandle nh("~")
时间: 2023-11-29 18:04:33 浏览: 55
This line of code creates a NodeHandle object named "nh" with a private namespace. The "~" symbol specifies that the namespace is private to this node.
In ROS, nodes are individual processes that perform specific tasks. Each node communicates with other nodes through topics, services, and parameters. A NodeHandle object provides an interface for a node to interact with these communication mechanisms.
Using a private namespace allows a node to have its own set of parameters and avoid naming conflicts with other nodes. The private namespace is typically used for parameters that are specific to a particular instance of the node.
ros::nodehandle nh
ros::nodehandle nh;
ros::nodehandle nh; 是ROS中的一个节点句柄,用于创建一个ROS节点并与ROS系统进行通信。它可以用来发布和订阅ROS主题、调用ROS服务、获取ROS参数等。在ROS中,节点是一个独立的进程,可以与其他节点进行通信,以实现分布式计算。通过使用节点句柄,我们可以在ROS系统中创建和管理节点,从而实现ROS程序的开发和运行。