bool isPolygonInside(const std::vector<cv::Point>& polygon1, const std::vector<cv::Point>& polygon2, double& outsideArea) { // Check if all vertices of polygon1 are inside polygon2 for (const auto& vertex : polygon1) { double distance = cv::pointPolygonTest(polygon2, vertex, true); if (distance < 0) { // Vertex is outside polygon2 // Calculate area of polygon1 outside polygon2 cv::Mat polygon1Mat = cv::Mat(polygon1).reshape(1); cv::Mat polygon2Mat = cv::Mat(polygon2).reshape(1); std::vector<cv::Point2f> intersectionPolygon; if (cv::isContourConvex(polygon1) && cv::isContourConvex(polygon2)) { cv::Mat intersectionMat; cv::intersectConvexConvex(polygon1Mat, polygon2Mat, intersectionMat); if (cv::countNonZero(intersectionMat) > 0) { intersectionMat.reshape(2).copyTo(intersectionPolygon); } } else { cv::Rect rect1 = cv::boundingRect(polygon1Mat); cv::Rect rect2 = cv::boundingRect(polygon2Mat); cv::Rect intersectionRect = rect1 & rect2; if (!intersectionRect.empty()) { cv::Mat intersectionMat = cv::Mat::zeros(intersectionRect.size(), CV_8UC1); cv::fillConvexPoly(intersectionMat, polygon1 -, cv::Scalar(255)); cv::fillConvexPoly(intersectionMat, polygon2 -, cv::Scalar(0), cv::LINE_AA); std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> contours; cv::findContours(intersectionMat, contours, cv::RETR_EXTERNAL, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); if (!contours.empty()) { intersectionPolygon = contours[0]; } } } double intersectionArea = std::abs(cv::contourArea(intersectionPolygon)); double polygon1Area = std::abs(cv::contourArea(polygon1)); outsideArea = polygon1Area - intersectionArea; return false; } } // All vertices of polygon1 are inside polygon2 return true; }
时间: 2024-02-14 13:32:48 浏览: 169
for(unsigned long i = 0; i < polygon.points.size()-1; i++) { float x = + 1).x -; float y = + 1).y -; QPoint axis(-y, x); std::pair<float, float> projPoy = GetProjectionRange(polygon.points, axis); std::pair<float, float> projRec = GetProjectionRange(rect.points, axis); if(projPoy.second < projRec.first || projRec.second < projRec.second) { return true; } } for(unsigned long i = 0; i < rect.points.size() -1; i++) { float x = + 1).x -; float y = + 1).y -; QPoint axis(-y, x); std::pair<float, float> projPoy = GetProjectionRange(polygon.points, axis); std::pair<float, float> projRec = GetProjectionRange(rect.points, axis); if(projPoy.second < projRec.first || projRec.second < projRec.second) { return true; } }这段代码如何优化
1. 减少重复计算:可以将 `GetProjectionRange(polygon.points, axis)` 和 `GetProjectionRange(rect.points, axis)` 的结果存储起来,避免重复计算。
2. 循环边界优化:循环条件 `i < polygon.points.size()-1` 和 `i < rect.points.size() -1` 中的 `-1` 可以优化为比较 `i+1` 和 `i` 的方式,这样可以避免每次循环都进行 `-1` 的计算。
3. 代码复用:可以将两个循环中的重复代码提取出来,避免代码冗余。
bool isOverlap(const Polygon& polygon, const Rectangle& rect) {
auto checkOverlap = [](const std::vector<QPoint>& points, const QPoint& axis) {
std::pair<float, float> proj = GetProjectionRange(points, axis);
return proj;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < polygon.points.size(); i++) {
unsigned long nextIndex = (i + 1) % polygon.points.size();
float x = polygon.points[nextIndex].x - polygon.points[i].x;
float y = polygon.points[nextIndex].y - polygon.points[i].y;
QPoint axis(-y, x);
std::pair<float, float> projPoy = checkOverlap(polygon.points, axis);
std::pair<float, float> projRec = checkOverlap(rect.points, axis);
if (projPoy.second < projRec.first || projRec.second < projRec.second) {
return true;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < rect.points.size(); i++) {
unsigned long nextIndex = (i + 1) % rect.points.size();
float x = rect.points[nextIndex].x - rect.points[i].x;
float y = rect.points[nextIndex].y - rect.points[i].y;
QPoint axis(-y, x);
std::pair<float, float> projPoy = checkOverlap(polygon.points, axis);
std::pair<float, float> projRec = checkOverlap(rect.points, axis);
if (projPoy.second < projRec.first || projRec.second < projRec.second) {
return true;
return false;
这样优化后,代码更加简洁和高效。同时,注意将 `Polygon` 和 `Rectangle` 的定义添加到代码中,并根据实际情况进行调整。
解释下面每句代码的含义与作用,num eCtrlID { IDC_NULL, //null command IDC_LOADIMAGE, //Load Image IDC_LOADVECTOR, //Load Vector IDC_NEWVECTOR, //New Vector IDC_SAVE, //Save Vector IDC_DRAWPOINT, //Draw Point IDC_DRAWLINE, //Draw Line IDC_DRAWPOLYGON, //Draw Polygon IDC_EXIT = 999 //Exit};// 编辑状态enum eEditType { // ET_NULL, //无编辑状态 ET_PNT, //输入点 ET_LIN, //输入线 ET_PLY, //输入多边形 ET_LAST //结束标志};class Manager{public: Manager(); void start(); void onMenuMouseMessage(const MOUSEMSG& msg); void onDrawMouseMessage(const MOUSEMSG& msg); void onMenuLButtondown(const MOUSEMSG& msg); void onDrawLButtondown(const MOUSEMSG& msg); //void onDrawLButtonup(const MOUSEMSG& msg); void onDrawMousemove(const MOUSEMSG& msg); void onDrawRButtonup(const MOUSEMSG& msg); void onLoad(); void onSave();protected: eCtrlID CheckCtrlID(int x, int y); //根据鼠标位置,返回单击的按钮IDprivate: bool m_bExit; eEditType m_nEditType; // 编辑类型 std::vector<POINT> m_ptList; //点序列,每次单击就追加一个 POINT m_ptPrev; //鼠标移动前鼠标的位置 Point* m_point; //ShapeSet m_shapeSet;};
这段代码定义了一些枚举类型和一个类Manager。其中,枚举类型num eCtrlID定义了一些常量,表示程序中的不同命令,如加载图片、新建向量、保存向量等。枚举类型eEditType定义了一些常量,表示程序中的不同编辑状态,如输入点、输入线、输入多边形等。
类Manager中包含了一些成员函数,如start()、onMenuMouseMessage()、onDrawMouseMessage()等,用于处理程序中的不同事件。其中,CheckCtrlID(int x, int y)函数用于根据鼠标位置,返回单击的按钮ID。类Manager还包含了一些成员变量,如m_bExit表示程序是否退出,m_nEditType表示当前编辑状态,m_ptList表示点序列,m_ptPrev表示鼠标移动前鼠标的位置,m_point表示一个点对象,m_shapeSet表示一个形状集合对象。这些成员变量的作用是在程序中保存和处理不同的数据。