Search for 'catkin' in workspace failed (catkin_find_pkg catkin /home/d/catkin_ws/src):
时间: 2024-05-21 09:18:47 浏览: 139
This error message indicates that the `catkin` package could not be found in your workspace. There are a few possible reasons for this:
1. The package has not been properly installed or built in your workspace. Make sure that you have run `catkin_make` or `catkin build` in your workspace after adding the `catkin` package.
2. The package has been installed in a different workspace or directory. Check that the package is installed in the correct location and that your `ROS_PACKAGE_PATH` environment variable is set correctly.
3. There is a typo or misspelling in the package name. Double-check that you have spelled the package name correctly in your code or in any configuration files.
If none of these solutions work, try running `rospack profile` to update your package path and then try again.