时间: 2024-05-04 12:17:06 浏览: 162
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
struct Point3D {
float x, y, z;
std::vector<Point3D> readPointCloud(const std::string& filename) {
std::vector<Point3D> pointCloud;
std::ifstream input(filename);
if (!input.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Failed to open file: " << filename << std::endl;
return pointCloud;
float x, y, z;
while (input >> x >> y >> z) {
pointCloud.push_back({x, y, z});
return pointCloud;
接下来,我们需要实现一个函数,将输入像素坐标形成矩形锚框,并根据锚框切割点云。假设输入的锚框信息为左上角坐标(x1, y1),右下角坐标(x2, y2),则可以按如下方式实现:
std::vector<Point3D> cropPointCloud(const std::vector<Point3D>& pointCloud, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
// 确保锚框位置合法
if (x1 < 0 || y1 < 0 || x2 >= IMAGE_WIDTH || y2 >= IMAGE_HEIGHT || x1 > x2 || y1 > y2) {
std::cerr << "Invalid anchor box: (" << x1 << ", " << y1 << ") - (" << x2 << ", " << y2 << ")" << std::endl;
return pointCloud;
// 计算锚框对应的点云索引范围
size_t start = y1 * IMAGE_WIDTH + x1;
size_t end = y2 * IMAGE_WIDTH + x2;
// 切割点云
return std::vector<Point3D>(pointCloud.begin() + start, pointCloud.begin() + end + 1);
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
const int IMAGE_WIDTH = 640;
const int IMAGE_HEIGHT = 480;
struct Point3D {
float x, y, z;
std::vector<Point3D> readPointCloud(const std::string& filename) {
std::vector<Point3D> pointCloud;
std::ifstream input(filename);
if (!input.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Failed to open file: " << filename << std::endl;
return pointCloud;
float x, y, z;
while (input >> x >> y >> z) {
pointCloud.push_back({x, y, z});
return pointCloud;
std::vector<Point3D> cropPointCloud(const std::vector<Point3D>& pointCloud, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
// 确保锚框位置合法
if (x1 < 0 || y1 < 0 || x2 >= IMAGE_WIDTH || y2 >= IMAGE_HEIGHT || x1 > x2 || y1 > y2) {
std::cerr << "Invalid anchor box: (" << x1 << ", " << y1 << ") - (" << x2 << ", " << y2 << ")" << std::endl;
return pointCloud;
// 计算锚框对应的点云索引范围
size_t start = y1 * IMAGE_WIDTH + x1;
size_t end = y2 * IMAGE_WIDTH + x2;
// 切割点云
return std::vector<Point3D>(pointCloud.begin() + start, pointCloud.begin() + end + 1);
int main() {
std::vector<Point3D> pointCloud = readPointCloud("point_cloud.xyz");
std::vector<Point3D> croppedPointCloud = cropPointCloud(pointCloud, 100, 100, 200, 200);
std::cout << "Original point cloud size: " << pointCloud.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Cropped point cloud size: " << croppedPointCloud.size() << std::endl;
return 0;