matlab程序:%cf对应的af不唯一,取af大于零的时候 ar=0:0.5:10; syms x assume(x>0) %根据魔术公式求导得到ar-cr的关系,求的cr,cf a0=1.5999;a1=-0.0048;a2=0.9328;a3=4.0847;a4=44.8338; a6=-0.0076;a7=-0.1807;a8=-0.0026;a9=0.0367; a11=0.0004;a12=-0.0115;a17=0.0009; F_zr=m*9.8*lf/(lf+lr)/1000; C=a0*(5-a)/4; D2=(a1*(F_zr^2)+a2*F_zr)*a; B2=(a3*sin(2*atan(F_zr/a4))/(C*D2))*(2-a); Sh2=a8*F_zr+a9; E2=(a6*F_zr+a7); cr=(1000*C*D2*cos(C*atan(E2*(atan(B2*ar) - B2*ar) + B2*ar)).*(B2 - E2*(B2 - B2./(B2^2*ar.^2 + 1))))./((E2*(atan(B2*ar) - B2*ar) + B2*ar).^2 + 1); cf=(m*V^2*lr*cr)./(cr*(lf+lr)*(lf+lr)-m*V^2*lf); % 已知参数 F_zf=m*9.8*(lr)/(lr+lf)/1000; D1=(a1*(F_zf^2)+a2*F_zf)*a; B1=(a3*sin(2*atan(F_zf/a4))/(C*D1))*(2-a); E1=a6*F_zf+a7; % 定义af-cf函数 f=@(x)(1000*C*D1*cos(C*atan(E1*(atan(B1*x) - B1*x) + B1*x)).*(B1 - E1*(B1 - B1./(B1^2*x.^2 + 1))))./((E1*(atan(B1*x) - B1*x) + B1*x).^2 + 1) - cf; % 反求af x0=[0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0]+1; af=fsolve(f,x0); %转化为弧度制 af1=af*pi/180;ar1=ar*pi/180; %求得侧偏角和横摆角速度 r=(V*(cetia-af1+ar1))/(lf+lr); betia=(lf*(cetia-af1)-lf*ar1)/(lf+lr); figure(5); plot(betia,r); axis([-40,40,-40,40]); title('betia-r'); xlabel('betia');ylabel('r'); hold on;报错警告: Trust-region-dogleg algorithm of FSOLVE cannot handle non-square systems; using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm instead. > 位置:fsolve (第 342 行) 位置: untitled2 (第 36 行) No solution found. fsolve stopped because the last step was ineffective. However, the vector of function values is not near zero, as measured by the value of the function tolerance. <stopping criteria details> >> 请修改
时间: 2023-12-16 13:03:12 浏览: 213
根据错误提示,可以看出问题出现在 fsolve 函数中,具体原因是“Trust-region-dogleg algorithm”算法不能处理非方阵系统。建议尝试使用其他算法,比如 Levenberg-Marquardt 算法。可以在 fsolve 函数中添加选项来指定算法类型,例如:
options = optimoptions('fsolve','Algorithm','levenberg-marquardt');
另外,可以尝试调整函数 f 的初始值 x0,或者增加迭代次数。如果仍然无法解决问题,建议检查一下输入参数是否正确,或者是否存在其他错误。
syms x
y1 = 0.2*exp(-0.5*x)*cos(4*pi*x);
y2 = 1.5*exp(-0.5*x)*cos(pi*x);
sol = solve(y1 == y2);
x_intersect = double(sol)
y_intersect = 0.2*exp(-0.5*x_intersect)*cos(4*pi*x_intersect)
hold on;
fplot(y1, [0, 10]);
fplot(y2, [0, 10]);
for i = 1:length(x_intersect)
plot(x_intersect(i), y_intersect(i), 'ro');
text(x_intersect(i), y_intersect(i), ['(', num2str(x_intersect(i)), ', ', num2str(y_intersect(i)), ')']);
hold off;
syms t; p = 2; f = matlabFunction(sqrt(1/(2*p))*exp(-0.5*t^2)); f_fun = @(x) integral(@(t) f(t), 0.5, x); g_fun = @(x) f_fun(x) - 0.45; w = [5/9, 8/9, 5/9]; x_nodes = [-sqrt(3/5), 0, sqrt(3/5)]; x0 = 0.5; tol = 1e-6; df_fun = matlabFunction(diff(f(t), t)); g1_fun = @(x) f_fun(x0) + w(1)*f_fun(x0 + 0.5*(x-x0)*x_nodes(1)) + w(2)*f_fun(x) + w(3)*f_fun(x0 + 0.5*(x-x0)*x_nodes(3)); g2_fun = @(x) x - g1_fun(x)/integral(@(t) f(t)/df_fun(t), 0, x); n = 0; xn = x0; while true n = n + 1; gx = g_fun(xn); gpx = diff(g_fun(t)); gpx = subs(gpx, t, xn); fprintf('迭代次数:%d, xn = %.6f, g(xn) = %.6f, g''(xn) = %.6f\n', n, xn, gx, gpx); xn1 = g2_fun(xn); if abs(xn1 - xn) < tol break; end xn = xn1; end fprintf('方程的根为:%.6f,迭代次数:%d\n', xn1, n); root = fzero(g_fun, x0); fprintf('使用fzero函数检验,方程的根为:%.6f\n', root);修改代码用matlabR2015bb
syms t; p = 2; f = matlabFunction(sqrt(1/(2*p))*exp(-0.5*t^2)); f_fun = @(x) integral(@(t) f(t), 0.5, x); g_fun = @(x) f_fun(x) - 0.45; w = [5/9, 8/9, 5/9]; x_nodes = [-sqrt(3/5), 0, sqrt(3/5)]; x0 = 0.5; tol = 1e-6; df_fun = matlabFunction(diff(f(t), t)); g1_fun = @(x) f_fun(x0) + w(1)*f_fun(x0 + 0.5*(x-x0)*x_nodes(1)) + w(2)*f_fun(x) + w(3)*f_fun(x0 + 0.5*(x-x0)*x_nodes(3)); g2_fun = @(x) x - g1_fun(x)/integral(@(t) f(t)/df_fun(t), 0, x); n = 0; xn = x0; while true n = n + 1; gx = g_fun(xn); gpx = diff(g_fun(t)); gpx = subs(gpx, t, xn); fprintf('迭代次数:%d, xn = %.6f, g(xn) = %.6f, g''(xn) = %.6f\n', n, xn, gx, gpx); xn1 = g2_fun(xn); if abs(xn1 - xn) < tol break; end xn = xn1; end fprintf('方程的根为:%.6f,迭代次数:%d\n', xn1, n); root = fzero(g_fun, x0); fprintf('使用fzero函数检验,方程的根为:%.6f\n', root);