当time.scale为0时,fixed update和update哪一个可以运行?
时间: 2024-03-11 17:45:33 浏览: 72
当 `Time.timeScale` 为 0 时,`Update` 将停止运行,而 `FixedUpdate` 仍然会按照固定的时间间隔运行。这是因为 `Time.timeScale` 控制了游戏的时间流逝速度,当其为0时代表时间静止。因此,`FixedUpdate` 仍然会按照固定的时间间隔运行,而 `Update` 不会运行。
unity编辑器设置 Time
1. Time.timeScale:控制游戏时间的缩放比例。默认值为1,表示正常速度。您可以将其设置为0来暂停游戏,设置为2来加快游戏速度等。
2. Time.fixedDeltaTime:固定的物理更新时间间隔。默认值为0.02秒(50次每秒)。您可以根据需要进行调整。
3. Time.deltaTime:上一帧和当前帧之间的时间间隔。在Update函数中使用它可以使您的游戏对象在不同帧率下以恒定的速度移动。
4. Time.fixedTime:已经过的固定时间,以秒为单位。在FixedUpdate函数中使用它可以实现固定的时间间隔更新逻辑。
5. Time.realtimeSinceStartup:从游戏启动到当前帧的实际时间,以秒为单位。它不会受到Time.timeScale的影响。
Time.timeScale = 0; // 设置时间缩放为0,暂停游戏
Time.fixedDeltaTime = 0.01f; // 设置固定时间间隔为0.01秒
我需要以下在cocos creator中的js代码解决方案:我有多个三个子节点为一组的父节点,,每个三个子节点分别是固定桩节点,绳子节点,和气球节点。我需要绳子可以弹性连接固定桩与气球,绳子随着气球飘动而摆动,同时相邻的气球也被绳子连接
Here is a possible solution in JavaScript for your scenario in Cocos Creator:
1. Create a prefab for the balloon with a rope attached to it. The rope can be created using a Line Renderer component in Cocos Creator.
2. Create a script component that will handle the physics of the balloon and the rope. Add this script component to the balloon prefab.
3. In the script component, use Cocos Creator's physics engine to create a distance joint between the balloon and the fixed anchor point. This will keep the balloon attached to the anchor point while allowing it to swing freely.
4. Use the same distance joint to attach the rope to the balloon. This will create the illusion of the rope being attached to the balloon.
5. Use a script to move the balloon and its attached rope. You can use a simple physics simulation to simulate the movement of the balloon, and use Cocos Creator's physics engine to update the position of the rope.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for each group of three nodes.
Here is some sample code to get you started:
// Attach the balloon to the fixed anchor point using a distance joint
let anchorPoint = this.node.getChildByName('AnchorPoint');
let balloon = this.node.getChildByName('Balloon');
let distanceJoint = balloon.addComponent(cc.DistanceJoint);
distanceJoint.connectedBody = anchorPoint.getComponent(cc.RigidBody);
distanceJoint.distance = 0;
// Attach the rope to the balloon using the same distance joint
let rope = this.node.getChildByName('Rope');
distanceJoint = rope.addComponent(cc.DistanceJoint);
distanceJoint.connectedBody = balloon.getComponent(cc.RigidBody);
distanceJoint.distance = 0;
// Update the position of the balloon and its attached rope
let velocity = // calculate the velocity of the balloon
balloon.getComponent(cc.RigidBody).linearVelocity = velocity;
rope.getComponent(cc.LineRenderer).points[0] = balloon.position;
rope.getComponent(cc.LineRenderer).points[1] = anchorPoint.position;
Note that this is just a sample code and you may need to adjust it to fit your specific scenario. Also, make sure to set up the physics properties of your nodes properly in Cocos Creator, such as mass, gravity scale, and friction.