bool constant_medium::hit(const ray& r, double t_min, double t_max, hit_record& rec) const { // Print occasional samples when debugging. To enable, set enableDebug true. const bool enableDebug = false; const bool debugging = enableDebug && random_double() < 0.00001; hit_record rec1, rec2; if (!boundary->hit(r, -infinity, infinity, rec1)) return false; if (!boundary->hit(r, rec1.t+0.0001, infinity, rec2)) return false; if (debugging) std::cerr << "\nt_min=" << rec1.t << ", t_max=" << rec2.t << '\n'; if (rec1.t < t_min) rec1.t = t_min; if (rec2.t > t_max) rec2.t = t_max; if (rec1.t >= rec2.t) return false; if (rec1.t < 0) rec1.t = 0; const auto ray_length = r.direction().length(); const auto distance_inside_boundary = (rec2.t - rec1.t) * ray_length; const auto hit_distance = neg_inv_density * log(random_double()); if (hit_distance > distance_inside_boundary) return false; rec.t = rec1.t + hit_distance / ray_length; rec.p =; if (debugging) { std::cerr << "hit_distance = " << hit_distance << '\n' << "rec.t = " << rec.t << '\n' << "rec.p = " << rec.p << '\n'; } rec.normal = vec3(1,0,0); // arbitrary rec.front_face = true; // also arbitrary rec.mat_ptr = phase_function; return true; }
时间: 2023-06-26 18:10:30 浏览: 195
class ArmConnect: public rclcpp::Node { public: ArmConnect(const arm_connect::TopicType &topic_param); ~ArmConnect() = default; Camera::ImageInfo& GetImageInfo(Camera::CameraNum num); std::vector<std::vector<double>>& GetPointCloudInfo(); void SaveCalibrationDataInfo(const std::string &filename); std::vector<CalibrationData::detection>& GetCalibrationDataInfo(); bool IsGetCalibrationIdInfo(); bool IsGetCakubrationDataInfo(); private: void ImageCallback(const sensor_msgs::msg::Image &msg); void PointCloudCallback(const sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 &msg); void CalibrationDataCallback(const apriltag_msgs::msg::AprilTagDetectionArray &msg); private: rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::Image>::SharedPtr image_subscriber_; Camera::ImageInfo camera_image_; std::mutex image_lock_; rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2>::SharedPtr pointcloud_subscriber_; rclcpp::Publisher<sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2>:: SharedPtr pointcloud_publisher_; std::vector<std::vector<double>> pointcloud_vector_; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr point_cloud_; std::mutex pointcloud_lock_; rclcpp::Subscription<apriltag_msgs::msg::AprilTagDetectionArray>::SharedPtr calibrationdata_subscriber_; std::vector<CalibrationData::detection> calibrationdata_vector_; mutable bool calibrationdata_flag_ = false; mutable bool calibrationboard_flag_ = false; std::mutex Calibrationdata_lock_; int CalibrationID; }; 上述是一个类的定义,如何在main函数中给上述类中的 int CalibrationID 赋值
要在 main 函数中给 ArmConnect 类中的 CalibrationID 成员变量赋值,你需要先创建 ArmConnect 类的对象,然后调用该对象的成员函数来赋值。由于 CalibrationID 是一个私有成员变量,因此你需要使用 ArmConnect 类中提供的公有成员函数来操作它。
#include "ArmConnect.hpp"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
// 创建 ArmConnect 类的对象
ArmConnect arm_connect("topic_name");
// 给 CalibrationID 成员变量赋值
arm_connect.CalibrationID = 10;
return 0;
在上述代码中,我们首先调用 rclcpp::init() 函数来初始化 ROS 2 节点,然后创建了一个 ArmConnect 类的对象 arm_connect。接下来,我们通过 arm_connect 对象来直接给 CalibrationID 成员变量赋值为 10。
最后,我们使用 rclcpp::spin() 函数来使 ROS 2 节点开始运行,然后在节点关闭前调用 rclcpp::shutdown() 函数来清理资源。
error: cannot convert ‘DceHelper::GlobalSeatFilter’ from type ‘bool (DceHelper::)(const string&, const string&, std::string&, int, int, bool) {aka bool (DceHelper::)(const std::basic_string<char>&, const std::basic_string<char>&, std::basic_string<char>&, int, int, bool)}’ to type ‘bool (*)(const string&, const string&, std::string&, int, int, bool) {aka bool (*)(const std::basic_string<char>&, const std::basic_string<char>&, std::basic_string<char>&, int, int, bool)}’
该错误提示表明不能将类型为“bool (DceHelper::)(const string&, const string&, std::string&, int, int, bool)”的成员函数指针转换为类型为“bool (*)(const string&, const string&, std::string&, int, int, bool)”的自由函数指针。
class MyClass {
bool myFunction(const string& str);
MyClass obj;
auto funcPtr = std::bind(&MyClass::myFunction, &obj, std::placeholders::_1);
bool (*freeFuncPtr)(const string&) = funcPtr;