This checks whether LACP fallback feature is configured on this LAG. One and only one member port can be put into fallback mode per LAG. And the server is supposed to use only the member port in fallback mode to communicate with switch.这句话怎么理解
时间: 2024-04-05 21:29:42 浏览: 212
这句话的意思是,这段代码检查了是否在此链路聚合组(LAG)上配置了 LACP 回退功能。每个 LAG 只能有一个成员端口处于回退模式。服务器应该只使用处于回退模式的成员端口与交换机通信。换句话说,这段代码的作用是检查 LAG 中是否有成员端口处于回退模式,并确保服务器只使用回退模式的成员端口进行通信。
It is said that in ancient Indian holy temples, there was a game called Hanoi. The game is on a copper plate device with three rods (numbered a, B and C). there are many plates are placed in order from bottom to top and from large to small in rod A. The goal of the game: move all the gold plates on pole A to pole C, and keep the original order. Operating rules: only one plate can be moved at a time, and the large plate is always kept under the three rods and the small plate is on the top. During the operation, the plate can be placed on any rod A, B and C. Solve the above problems with programs, try to propose an optimized algorithm.
The Hanoi game is a classic problem in computer science and can be solved using recursion. Here is a Python implementation of the Hanoi game:
def move(n, source, target, auxiliary):
if n > 0:
# Move n-1 plates from source to auxiliary using target as auxiliary
move(n-1, source, auxiliary, target)
# Move the largest plate from source to target
# Move the remaining n-1 plates from auxiliary to target using source as auxiliary
move(n-1, auxiliary, target, source)
# Example usage
source = [3, 2, 1]
target = []
auxiliary = []
move(len(source), source, target, auxiliary)
The `move` function takes four arguments: `n` is the number of plates to move, `source` is the source rod, `target` is the target rod, and `auxiliary` is the auxiliary rod. The function recursively moves `n-1` plates from the source rod to the auxiliary rod using the target rod as an auxiliary, then moves the largest plate from the source rod to the target rod, and finally moves the `n-1` plates from the auxiliary rod to the target rod using the source rod as an auxiliary.
The optimized algorithm for the Hanoi game is to use an iterative approach instead of recursion. Here is a Python implementation of the iterative Hanoi game:
def move(n, source, target, auxiliary):
if n % 2 == 0:
auxiliary, target = target, auxiliary
source, target = target, source
for i in range(1, 2**n):
if i % 3 == 1:
source, target = target, source
elif i % 3 == 2:
source, auxiliary = auxiliary, source
auxiliary, target = target, auxiliary
if i & (i-1) == 0:
plate = source.pop()
# Example usage
source = [3, 2, 1]
target = []
auxiliary = []
move(len(source), source, target, auxiliary)
The `move` function takes the same arguments as before. The function first determines the order in which to move the plates based on the parity of `n` and the index of the plate. Then, the function uses a loop to move each plate in the correct order. Finally, the function checks if the current plate is the largest plate on the source rod and moves it to the target rod if it is. This approach is more efficient than the recursive approach because it avoids the overhead of function calls and stack frames.
详细举例This code represents a class named "PropertyManagementCompany" which manages a portfolio of real estate properties. The class has a name, liquidity and a set of properties that it manages. The liquidity represents the amount of money the company has available to purchase new properties or sell existing ones. The class has two constructors, one that creates an empty portfolio and sets the liquidity to zero, and another that takes a list of properties and adds them to the portfolio. Both constructors also require the company name and liquidity as parameters. The class has two methods to buy and sell real estate properties. The "buyProperty" method takes a property and a purchase price as parameters and adds the property to the portfolio if the company has enough liquidity to buy it. The "sellProperty" method takes a property and removes it from the portfolio while adding the property's current valuation to the company's liquidity. The class also has getters for the name, liquidity, and portfolio. The "checkName" method is a private helper method that checks if the company name is empty and throws an exception if it is. Overall, this code uses encapsulation to hide the implementation details of the PropertyManagementCompany class. The class has private fields that can only be accessed through its public methods. This approach makes the code more modular and easier to maintain.
class PropertyManagementCompany:
def __init__(self, name, liquidity, properties=None):
self.checkName(name) = name
self.liquidity = liquidity
if properties is None:
self.portfolio = []
self.portfolio = properties
def buyProperty(self, property, purchasePrice):
if self.liquidity >= purchasePrice:
self.liquidity -= purchasePrice
def sellProperty(self, property):
if property in self.portfolio:
self.liquidity += property.currentValuation
def getName(self):
def getLiquidity(self):
return self.liquidity
def getPortfolio(self):
return self.portfolio
def checkName(self, name):
if name == '':
raise ValueError('Company name cannot be empty.')
For example, we can create a new PropertyManagementCompany as follows:
properties = [Property('123 Main St.', 100000), Property('456 Oak Ave.', 200000)]
company = PropertyManagementCompany('ABC Company', 500000, properties)
This creates a company named "ABC Company" with $500,000 liquidity and a portfolio containing two properties. We can then buy a new property and sell an existing property using the `buyProperty` and `sellProperty` methods:
newProperty = Property('789 Elm St.', 150000)
company.buyProperty(newProperty, 150000)
propertyToSell = properties[0]
This would add the new property to the portfolio and remove the first property from the portfolio while adding its current valuation to the company's liquidity.