详细解释一下这段代码,每一句都要进行注解:for dataset in datasets: print(dataset) if dataset not in out_results: out_results[dataset] = {} for scene in data_dict[dataset]: print(scene) # Fail gently if the notebook has not been submitted and the test data is not populated. # You may want to run this on the training data in that case? img_dir = f'{src}/test/{dataset}/{scene}/images' if not os.path.exists(img_dir): continue # Wrap the meaty part in a try-except block. try: out_results[dataset][scene] = {} img_fnames = [f'{src}/test/{x}' for x in data_dict[dataset][scene]] print (f"Got {len(img_fnames)} images") feature_dir = f'featureout/{dataset}{scene}' if not os.path.isdir(feature_dir): os.makedirs(feature_dir, exist_ok=True) t=time() index_pairs = get_image_pairs_shortlist(img_fnames, sim_th = 0.5644583, # should be strict min_pairs = 33, # we select at least min_pairs PER IMAGE with biggest similarity exhaustive_if_less = 20, device=device) t=time() -t timings['shortlisting'].append(t) print (f'{len(index_pairs)}, pairs to match, {t:.4f} sec') gc.collect() t=time() if LOCAL_FEATURE != 'LoFTR': detect_features(img_fnames, 2048, feature_dir=feature_dir, upright=True, device=device, resize_small_edge_to=600 ) gc.collect() t=time() -t timings['feature_detection'].append(t) print(f'Features detected in {t:.4f} sec') t=time() match_features(img_fnames, index_pairs, feature_dir=feature_dir,device=device) else: match_loftr(img_fnames, index_pairs, feature_dir=feature_dir, device=device, resize_to=(600, 800)) t=time() -t timings['feature_matching'].append(t) print(f'Features matched in {t:.4f} sec') database_path = f'{feature_dir}/colmap.db' if os.path.isfile(database_path): os.remove(database_path) gc.collect() import_into_colmap(img_dir, feature_dir=feature_dir,database_path=database_path) output_path = f'{feature_dir}/colmap_rec_{LOCAL_FEATURE}' t=time() pycolmap.match_exhaustive(database_path) t=time() - t timings['RANSAC'].append(t) print(f'RANSAC in {t:.4f} sec')
时间: 2024-02-25 22:56:56 浏览: 117
for dataset in datasets: # 遍历数据集列表
print(dataset) # 输出当前数据集
if dataset not in out_results: # 如果当前数据集不在输出结果中
out_results[dataset] = {} # 添加一个空字典作为该数据集的输出结果
for scene in data_dict[dataset]: # 遍历当前数据集中的场景
print(scene) # 输出当前场景
# 如果在测试集中,但该场景的图像数据未被提供,则跳过
img_dir = f'{src}/test/{dataset}/{scene}/images'
if not os.path.exists(img_dir):
try: # 尝试匹配图像并执行三维重建
out_results[dataset][scene] = {} # 添加一个空字典作为该场景的输出结果
img_fnames = [f'{src}/test/{x}' for x in data_dict[dataset][scene]] # 获取当前场景中的图像文件名列表
print(f"Got {len(img_fnames)} images")
feature_dir = f'featureout/{dataset}{scene}' # 设置特征输出目录
if not os.path.isdir(feature_dir): # 如果特征输出目录不存在,则创建该目录
os.makedirs(feature_dir, exist_ok=True)
t = time()
# 获取图像对的候选列表
index_pairs = get_image_pairs_shortlist(img_fnames, sim_th=0.5644583, min_pairs=33,
exhaustive_if_less=20, device=device)
t = time() - t
print(f'{len(index_pairs)}, pairs to match, {t:.4f} sec')
gc.collect() # 执行垃圾回收以释放内存
t = time()
# 如果不使用LoFTR,则检测图像中的特征点
detect_features(img_fnames, 2048, feature_dir=feature_dir, upright=True,
device=device, resize_small_edge_to=600)
t = time() - t
print(f'Features detected in {t:.4f} sec')
# 匹配图像中的特征点
match_features(img_fnames, index_pairs, feature_dir=feature_dir, device=device)
# 如果使用LoFTR,则使用LoFTR进行特征匹配
match_loftr(img_fnames, index_pairs, feature_dir=feature_dir, device=device,
resize_to=(600, 800))
t = time() - t
print(f'Features matched in {t:.4f} sec')
database_path = f'{feature_dir}/colmap.db'
if os.path.isfile(database_path):
# 将特征匹配结果导入到COLMAP数据库中
import_into_colmap(img_dir, feature_dir=feature_dir, database_path=database_path)
output_path = f'{feature_dir}/colmap_rec_{LOCAL_FEATURE}'
t = time()
# 使用COLMAP执行RANSAC算法进行三维重建
t = time() - t
print(f'RANSAC in {t:.4f} sec')
except Exception as e: # 捕获任何异常
print(f'Scene {scene} failed. Error: {e}')