python from rotation matrix to euler angle
时间: 2023-09-24 08:10:48 浏览: 64
import numpy as np
def rotation_matrix_to_euler_angles(R):
# Extract sin and cos of pitch angle
sin_pitch = R[2,0]
cos_pitch = np.sqrt(1 - sin_pitch**2)
# Check if pitch is close to +/- 90 degrees
if np.abs(cos_pitch) < 1e-6:
# Roll is zero so just set yaw
yaw = np.arctan2(R[1,2], R[0,2])
pitch = np.pi/2 if sin_pitch > 0 else -np.pi/2
roll = 0
# Compute roll and yaw
yaw = np.arctan2(R[1,0]/cos_pitch, R[0,0]/cos_pitch)
roll = np.arctan2(R[2,1]/cos_pitch, R[2,2]/cos_pitch)
# Ensure yaw stays within [-pi, pi]
if yaw < -np.pi:
yaw += 2*np.pi
elif yaw > np.pi:
yaw -= 2*np.pi
# Ensure roll stays within [-pi/2, pi/2]
if roll < -np.pi/2:
roll += np.pi
yaw += np.pi
pitch = np.pi - np.arctan2(-sin_pitch, np.sqrt(R[2,1]**2 + R[2,2]**2))
elif roll > np.pi/2:
roll -= np.pi
yaw += np.pi
pitch = -np.pi + np.arctan2(-sin_pitch, np.sqrt(R[2,1]**2 + R[2,2]**2))
pitch = np.arcsin(sin_pitch)
return np.array([roll, pitch, yaw])
其中,输入参数 `R` 是一个 $3 \times 3$ 的旋转矩阵,输出是一个包含三个欧拉角(roll、pitch、yaw)的 NumPy 数组。请注意,欧拉角的顺序是 roll-pitch-yaw。