时间: 2024-05-16 14:16:17 浏览: 196
Transform.Rotate 是 Unity 引擎中的一个函数,用于旋转指定的 Transform 组件。该函数可以接受多种不同的参数类型,包括 Vector3、float、Quaternion 等。例如:
// 绕着 Y 轴旋转 30 度
transform.Rotate(0, 30, 0);
// 绕着指定的轴旋转指定的角度
Vector3 axis = new Vector3(1, 1, 0);
float angle = 45;
transform.Rotate(axis, angle);
// 使用四元数来旋转
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 45);
上述代码分别演示了通过欧拉角、向量和角度、以及四元数来旋转 Transform 组件的方法。需要注意的是,Transform.Rotate 函数会修改该 Transform 的旋转值,而不是在原有基础上进行增量旋转。如果需要进行增量旋转,可以使用 Transform.RotateAround 或者 Quaternion.AngleAxis 函数。
Transform.Rotate is a method used in Unity game engine to rotate an object in 3D space.
The syntax for using Transform.Rotate is as follows:
transform.Rotate(Vector3 axis, float angle, Space relativeTo);
The first parameter, Vector3 axis, represents the axis around which the rotation will occur. For example, if you want to rotate an object around the x-axis, you would pass in Vector3.right.
The second parameter, float angle, represents the amount of rotation in degrees.
The third parameter, Space relativeTo, determines whether the rotation is applied in local space (relative to the object's own coordinate system) or world space (relative to the global coordinate system).
Here's an example of how to use Transform.Rotate to rotate an object around the y-axis by 90 degrees in local space:
transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 90f, Space.Self);
#### 引用[.reference_title]
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