ubuntu carla安装
时间: 2023-07-22 08:57:18 浏览: 203
1. 首先,确保您的系统已安装好Python 3和PIP。可以在终端中运行以下命令进行安装:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
2. 下载CARLA的最新版本。可以在CARLA的官方GitHub页面上找到下载链接。使用终端进入希望安装CARLA的目录,然后运行以下命令进行下载:
git clone https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla.git
3. 安装CARLA的依赖项。进入CARLA目录,运行以下命令安装依赖项:
cd carla
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
4. 编译CARLA。运行以下命令进行编译:
make launch
5. 启动CARLA。运行以下命令启动CARLA模拟器:
ubuntu carla
Carla is a powerful open-source autonomous driving simulator developed by the CARLA team. It provides a realistic virtual environment for testing and developing autonomous driving algorithms. To install Carla on Ubuntu, you can follow these steps:
1. Install Unreal Engine 4: Carla requires Unreal Engine 4 to run. You can download and install it from the Epic Games Launcher.
2. Download Carla: Visit the Carla GitHub repository (https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla) and clone or download the source code.
3. Build Carla: Navigate to the Carla source code directory and run the following commands to build Carla:
$ ./Update.sh
$ make launch
This will download and build all the necessary dependencies.
4. Launch Carla: Once the build process is complete, you can launch Carla by running the following command:
$ ./CarlaUE4.sh
This will start the Carla simulator.
Please note that Carla is a complex software, and there might be additional steps or requirements depending on your system configuration. Make sure to carefully read the documentation provided in the Carla repository for more detailed instructions.
1. 首先,您需要将LLVM存储库添加到您的系统中,可以使用以下命令:
sudo apt-add-repository "deb http://apt.llvm.org/focal/ llvm-toolchain-focal main"
2. 然后,安装构建所需的依赖项,包括build-essential clang-10 lld-10 g++-7 cmake ninja-build libvulkan1 python python-dev python3-dev python3-pip libpng-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg-dev tzdata sed curl unzip autoconf libtool rsync libxml2-dev git。您可以使用以下命令安装它们:
sudo apt-get install build-essential clang-10 lld-10 g++-7 cmake ninja-build libvulkan1 python python-dev python3-dev python3-pip libpng-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg-dev tzdata sed curl unzip autoconf libtool rsync libxml2-dev git
3. 接下来,使用以下命令将clang设置为默认的C/C++编译器:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/lib/llvm-10/bin/clang 180 && sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/lib/llvm-10/bin/clang++ 180
4. 最后,您可以从官方网站或仓库中获取Carla源代码,并按照其提供的说明进行构建和安装。