yolov1 network structure

时间: 2023-11-09 07:26:06 浏览: 33
Yolov1 is an object detection network that uses a single neural network to detect objects in images. The network is composed of 24 convolutional layers followed by two fully connected layers. Here is the detailed network structure of Yolov1: 1. Input image of size 448 x 448. 2. Convolutional layer with 64 filters, 7x7 kernel size, 2x2 stride, and ReLU activation. 3. Max pooling layer with 2x2 window size and 2x2 stride. 4. Convolutional layer with 192 filters, 3x3 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 5. Max pooling layer with 2x2 window size and 2x2 stride. 6. Convolutional layer with 128 filters, 1x1 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 7. Convolutional layer with 256 filters, 3x3 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 8. Convolutional layer with 256 filters, 1x1 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 9. Convolutional layer with 512 filters, 3x3 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 10. Max pooling layer with 2x2 window size and 2x2 stride. 11. Convolutional layer with 256 filters, 1x1 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 12. Convolutional layer with 512 filters, 3x3 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 13. Convolutional layer with 256 filters, 1x1 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 14. Convolutional layer with 512 filters, 3x3 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 15. Convolutional layer with 256 filters, 1x1 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 16. Convolutional layer with 512 filters, 3x3 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 17. Convolutional layer with 256 filters, 1x1 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 18. Convolutional layer with 512 filters, 3x3 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 19. Convolutional layer with 512 filters, 1x1 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 20. Convolutional layer with 1024 filters, 3x3 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 21. Max pooling layer with 2x2 window size and 2x2 stride. 22. Convolutional layer with 512 filters, 1x1 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 23. Convolutional layer with 1024 filters, 3x3 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 24. Convolutional layer with 512 filters, 1x1 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 25. Convolutional layer with 1024 filters, 3x3 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 26. Convolutional layer with 1024 filters, 3x3 kernel size, 1x1 stride, and ReLU activation. 27. Convolutional layer with 1024 filters, 3x3 kernel size, 2x2 stride, and ReLU activation. 28. Flatten layer. 29. Fully connected layer with 4096 neurons and ReLU activation. 30. Dropout layer with 0.5 probability. 31. Fully connected layer with 1470 neurons. The output of the network is a vector of length 1470, which is then reshaped to a 7x7x30 tensor representing the predicted bounding boxes and their associated class probabilities.






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即使训练集和测试集的准确率都很高,但是在实际的预测中表现不佳,可能会有以下几个原因: 1. 数据质量问题:模型训练和测试的数据可能存在问题,比如数据标签错误、数据集采样不均衡、数据集中存在异常值等问题,这些问题可能会导致模型在实际预测中表现不佳。 2. 特征工程问题:模型的特征工程可能存在问题,导致模型无法很好地捕捉数据的特征,从而影响预测效果。 3. 模型选择问题:模型的选择可能不合适,比如选择的模型太简单,无法很好地拟合数据,或者选择的模型太复杂,导致过拟合等问题。 4. 超参数调整问题:模型的超参数可能没有调整到最佳状态,需要进行调整。 针对以上可能的原因,可以采取相应的措施进

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