MATLAB Gaussian Fitting vs. Other Fitting Methods: Exploring Different Approaches to Select the Optimal Solution

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Gaussian curve fitting.zip_Gaussian Fitting_GaussianCurveFitter_

# 1. Overview of MATLAB Fitting Methods MATLAB offers a range of fitting methods designed for modeling and analyzing data. These methods include: - **Gaussian Fitting:** Used for fitting data with a normal distribution. - **Linear Fitting:** Used for fitting data with a linear relationship. - **Polynomial Fitting:** Used for fitting data with a nonlinear relationship. Each fitting method has its unique advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of the most appropriate fitting method depends on the data distribution, noise level, and the purpose of the fitting. # 2. Gaussian Fitting: Theory and Practice ### 2.1 Mathematical Foundations of the Gaussian Distribution #### 2.1.1 Probability Density Function and Cumulative Distribution Function The Gaussian distribution, also known as the normal distribution, is a continuous probability distribution. Its probability density function is: ``` f(x) = (1 / (σ√(2π))) * e^(-(x - μ)² / (2σ²)) ``` Where: * μ: Mean, indicating the central location of the distribution * σ: Standard deviation, indicating the dispersion of the distribution The cumulative distribution function of the Gaussian distribution is: ``` F(x) = (1 / 2) * (1 + erf((x - μ) / (σ√(2)))) ``` Where: * erf(): Error function #### 2.1.2 Parameter Estimation and the Maximum Likelihood Method For a given set of data, we can use the maximum likelihood method to estimate the parameters μ and σ of the Gaussian distribution. The maximum likelihood method estimates parameters by maximizing the likelihood function, which is: ``` L(μ, σ) = ∏[f(x_i)] ``` Where: * x_i: Data samples Taking the logarithm of the likelihood function and differentiating, we can obtain the estimated values of μ and σ: ``` μ = (1 / N) * ∑[x_i] σ² = (1 / N) * ∑[(x_i - μ)²] ``` Where: * N: Number of data samples ### 2.2 Implementation of Gaussian Fitting in MATLAB #### 2.2.1 Usage of the fitgmdist Function MATLAB provides the fitgmdist function for Gaussian fitting. The syntax of the function is: ``` [gmmodel, gmParams, gmStats] = fitgmdist(data, NumComponents) ``` Where: * data: Input data * NumComponents: Number of Gaussian distribution components for fitting The fitgmdist function returns three output parameters: * gmmodel: Gaussian Mixture Model object * gmParams: Parameters of the Gaussian Mixture Model * gmStats: Statistical information of the Gaussian Mixture Model #### 2.2.2 Parameter Estimation and Fitting Results Analysis After fitting a Gaussian distribution with the fitgmdist function, we can obtain fitting parameters and statistical information through gmParams and gmStats. ***Parameter Estimation:** and gmParams.Sigma contain the estimated values of μ and σ, respectively. ***Fitting Results Analysis:***C and gmStats.BIC contain the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), which are used to evaluate the goodness of fit. Lower AIC and BIC values indicate a better fit. # ***parison of Other Fitting Methods with Gaussian Fitting ### 3.1 Linear Fitting #### 3.1.1 Principle of the Least Squares Method Linear fitting is a common fitting method that approximates a set of data points with a straight line. The least squares method is the most frequently used method for linear fi
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