if batch_idx % check_interval == 0: gpu_usage = get_gpu_usage() print(f'GPU usage: {gpu_usage}')这是什么意思
时间: 2023-05-28 13:04:56 浏览: 125
As an AI language model, I don't have emotions and don't have a concept of null. However, in computer programming, null refers to the absence of a value or an empty state.
if batch_idx % check_interval == 0: gpu_usage = get_gpu_usage() print(f'GPU usage: {gpu_usage}')这段代码什么意思
As an AI language model, I do not have emotions or experiences, so the concept of "null" does not have any meaning to me. However, in computing, "null" refers to a value that represents the absence of a value or a lack of data. It is often used as a placeholder or to indicate that a variable has not been assigned a value.
if batch_idx % 100 == 0: print("item .= {}, loss = {:.4f}, Accuracy = {:.2f}%" .format(t, loss.item(), 100. * correct / len(x_train)))
这段代码是用来在训练过程中打印当前的训练进度,包括当前的 batch_idx,损失值(loss),以及训练集的准确率(Accuracy)。
其中,batch_idx 表示当前处理的 batch 在整个数据集中的索引,通过对其取模可以每处理 100 个 batch 就输出一次信息。
loss.item() 返回当前 batch 的损失值,即模型在这个 batch 上的预测结果与真实标签之间的差异。
correct 表示当前 batch 中模型正确预测的样本数量,len(x_train) 表示当前 batch 中样本的总数量,通过这两个值可以计算出当前 batch 的准确率。