时间: 2023-09-26 17:14:48 浏览: 78
1. 先找到一个初始点x0,从这个点开始计算;
2. 计算f(x0),f'(x0),其中f(x) = x^5 + 2x^4 + 3x^3 + 4x^2 + 5x + 6, f'(x)表示f(x)的一阶导数;
3. 计算下一个点x1,x1 = x0 - f(x0)/f'(x0);
4. 若f(x1)足够接近0,则已求得一个近似根,结束迭代;
5. 反之,重复步骤2-4,直到满足收敛条件。
用Fortran编写牛顿法求解下面非线性方程组的过程x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2 + x_4^2 + x_5^2 = 10 \ x_1x_2 - x_3x_4 + x_4x_5 = 0 \ x_1^3 + x_2^3 + 1 = 0 \ x_2x_3 - x_1x_5 + 1 = 0 \ x_1x_4 + x_2x_5 - 1 = 0
program newton_method
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 5 ! 方程组中未知数的个数
real*8 :: x(n), f(n), df(n,n), dx(n) ! 定义变量
real*8, parameter :: eps = 1e-10 ! 精度要求
integer :: i, j, k, iter ! 循环计数器和迭代次数
logical :: converged ! 是否收敛标志
x = 1.0 ! 初始值
iter = 0
converged = .false.
do while (.not. converged)
! 计算函数值和雅可比矩阵
call calc_func(x, f)
call calc_jacobian(x, df)
! 解线性方程组
call solve_linear_equations(df, f, dx)
! 更新未知数
x = x - dx
! 判断是否收敛
converged = all(abs(dx) < eps)
iter = iter + 1
if (iter > 100) then
! 迭代次数过多,可能无法收敛
print *, "Cannot converge within 100 iterations!"
end if
end do
! 输出结果
print *, "Solution:"
do i = 1, n
print *, "x(", i, ") = ", x(i)
end do
print *, "Number of iterations = ", iter
subroutine calc_func(x, f)
! 计算函数值
real*8, intent(in) :: x(n)
real*8, intent(out) :: f(n)
f(1) = x(1)**2 + x(2)**2 + x(3)**2 + x(4)**2 + x(5)**2 - 10.0d0
f(2) = x(1)*x(2) - x(3)*x(4) + x(4)*x(5)
f(3) = x(1)**3 + x(2)**3 + 1.0d0
f(4) = x(2)*x(3) - x(1)*x(5) + 1.0d0
f(5) = x(1)*x(4) + x(2)*x(5) - 1.0d0
end subroutine calc_func
subroutine calc_jacobian(x, df)
! 计算雅可比矩阵
real*8, intent(in) :: x(n)
real*8, intent(out) :: df(n,n)
df(1,1) = 2.0d0*x(1)
df(1,2) = 2.0d0*x(2)
df(1,3) = 2.0d0*x(3)
df(1,4) = 2.0d0*x(4)
df(1,5) = 2.0d0*x(5)
df(2,1) = x(2)
df(2,2) = x(1)
df(2,3) = -x(4)
df(2,4) = -x(3) + x(5)
df(2,5) = x(4)
df(3,1) = 3.0d0*x(1)**2
df(3,2) = 3.0d0*x(2)**2
df(3,3) = 0.0d0
df(3,4) = 0.0d0
df(3,5) = 0.0d0
df(4,1) = -x(5)
df(4,2) = x(3)
df(4,3) = x(2)
df(4,4) = x(2)
df(4,5) = -x(1)
df(5,1) = x(4)
df(5,2) = x(5)
df(5,3) = 0.0d0
df(5,4) = x(1)
df(5,5) = x(2)
end subroutine calc_jacobian
subroutine solve_linear_equations(a, b, x)
! 解线性方程组
real*8, intent(in) :: a(n,n), b(n)
real*8, intent(out) :: x(n)
integer :: i, j, k, pivrow
real*8, dimension(n) :: tmprow
x = 0.0d0
do k = 1, n-1
! 选主元
pivrow = k
do i = k+1, n
if (abs(a(i,k)) > abs(a(pivrow,k))) then
pivrow = i
end if
end do
! 交换行
if (pivrow /= k) then
tmprow = a(k,:)
a(k,:) = a(pivrow,:)
a(pivrow,:) = tmprow
tmprow = b(k)
b(k) = b(pivrow)
b(pivrow) = tmprow
end if
! 消元
do i = k+1, n
if (a(i,k) /= 0.0d0) then
tmprow = a(i,:) * (a(k,k) / a(i,k))
a(i,:) = a(i,:) - tmprow
b(i) = b(i) - b(k) * (a(i,k) / a(k,k))
end if
end do
end do
! 回代
x(n) = b(n) / a(n,n)
do i = n-1, 1, -1
x(i) = b(i)
do j = i+1, n
x(i) = x(i) - a(i,j) * x(j)
end do
x(i) = x(i) / a(i,i)
end do
end subroutine solve_linear_equations
end program newton_method
xn+1 = xn - f(xn) / f'(xn)
1. 定义一个常数EPSILON,作为精度要求的阈值。
2. 定义一个函数f(x),输入参数为x,输出对应的函数值。
3. 定义一个函数fPrime(x),输入参数为x,输出对应的一阶导数值。
4. 定义一个函数newtonMethod(x0),输入参数为初始点x0,输出迭代得到的近似零点值。
5. 在newtonMethod函数中,循环计算xn+1并更新xn,直至满足预设的精度要求或达到最大迭代次数为止,返回最终得到的近似零点值。
public class NewtonMethod {
private static final double EPSILON = 1e-10; // 精度要求
private static final int MAX_ITERATIONS = 100; // 最大迭代次数
// 定义原函数f(x)
private static double f(double x) {
return 2 * Math.pow(x, 3) - 4 * Math.pow(x, 2) + 3 * x - 6;
// 定义一阶导数函数f'(x)
private static double fPrime(double x) {
return 6 * Math.pow(x, 2) - 8 * x + 3;
// 牛顿迭代法求解函数的零点
public static double newtonMethod(double x0) {
double x = x0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ITERATIONS; i++) {
double fx = f(x);
double fpx = fPrime(x);
double delta = fx / fpx;
x = x - delta;
if (Math.abs(delta) < EPSILON) {
return x;
throw new RuntimeException("Newton method failed to converge");
public static void main(String[] args) {
double x0 = 1.5; // 初始点
double root = newtonMethod(x0);
System.out.printf("The root near %.2f is %.10f\n", x0, root);