clc clear close all V=0.3;v=0.7;s=0.5; h=0.3;c0=0.2;t=0.1;c=0.4;s=0.8 theta=[0.6:0.01:1] D1=(c0 - V - h + 3*t + h*theta)/(6*t) D2=(V - c0 + h + 3*t - h*theta)/(6*t) lamta=D1/(D1+D2) CS1=(theta./5 - h + h.*theta + 3./10).^2/(2.*theta) CS2=(lamta.*(theta./5 - (2.*h)/3 - c0./3 + (2.*h.*theta)./3 + 2./5).*(c0./3 - (4.*h)/3 + theta./5 + (4.*h.*theta)./3 + 1./5))./(2.*theta) - ((lamta - 1).*(15.*theta - 10.*h - 20.*c0 + 10.*h.*theta + 6).*(20.*c0 + 10.*h + 15.*theta - 10.*h.*theta + 12))./(1800.*theta) Delta=CS2-CS1 % line([0.7,1],[CS1,CS1],'linestyle','--','color','r') plot(theta,CS1,'r') hold on plot(theta,CS2,'b') hold on plot(theta,Delta,'g') legend('CS1:模式1中的消费者剩余','CS2:模式2中的消费者剩余','\Delta:两模式消费者剩余之差') xlabel('\theta') ylabel('CS') grid on box on
时间: 2023-05-27 22:08:09 浏览: 129
As an AI language model, I do not have emotions or personal opinions, so "null" does not have any meaning to me in this context. However, "null" is a term commonly used in computer programming and databases to represent a value that is undefined or absent.