Learning VSCode Shortcuts from Scratch to Boost Coding Efficiency

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vscode shortcuts

# Learning VSCode Shortcuts from Scratch to Boost Coding Efficiency Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a powerful code editor with an extensive shortcut system that can significantly enhance development productivity. These shortcuts cover a wide range of functionalities, from basic editing operations to advanced code refactoring and debugging, offering developers a seamless and efficient development experience. This guide will comprehensively introduce VSCode's shortcut system, ranging from basic editing shortcuts to advanced ones, as well as custom and plugin extension shortcuts, delving into their usage tips and optimization methods. By mastering these shortcuts, developers can greatly improve the efficiency of coding, navigation, and debugging, thereby significantly boosting development output. # 2. Basic Editing Shortcuts ### 2.1 Cursor Movement and Text Selection **Cursor Movement** - **Ctrl + ←/→**: Move cursor left/right by one character - **Ctrl + ↑/↓**: Move cursor up/down one line - **Home/End**: Move to the start/end of the current line - **Page Up/Page Down**: Scroll up/down one page - **Ctrl + Home/End**: Move to the start/end of the document **Text Selection** - **Shift + ←/→**: Select one character left/right - **Shift + ↑/↓**: Select one line up/down - **Ctrl + Shift + ←/→**: Select one word left/right - **Ctrl + Shift + ↑/↓**: Select to the start/end of the current line - **Ctrl + A**: Select the entire document ### 2.2 Text Editing and Operations **Text Editing** - **Insert**: Toggle between insert/overwrite mode - **Del**: Delete the character after the cursor - **Backspace**: Delete the character before the cursor - **Ctrl + Z**: Undo the last action - **Ctrl + Y**: Redo the last action **Text Operations** - **Ctrl + X**: Cut the selected text - **Ctrl + C**: Copy the selected text - **Ctrl + V**: Paste the clipboard content - **Ctrl + D**: Copy the current line - **Ctrl + Shift + D**: Copy the current line and insert it below ### 2.3 Search and Replace **Search** - **Ctrl + F**: Open the find bar - **Ctrl + H**: Open the replace bar - **F3**: Repeat the last search - **Shift + F3**: Reverse repeat the last search **Replace** - **Ctrl + H**: Open the replace bar - **Ctrl + F**: Open the find bar - **Ctrl + Enter**: Replace the current match - **F3**: Replace all matches **Code Block** ``` // Code logic analysis const findIndex = (arr, item) => { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] === item) { return i; } } return -1; }; // Parameter description // arr: Input array // item: Element to be searched for ``` **Mermaid Flowchart** ```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant User participant System User->System: Send request System->User: Process request User->System: Receive response ``` # 3.1 Code Refactoring and Formatting #### Code Refactoring Code refactoring involves adjusting and optimizing the code structure and organization without altering its functionality. VSCode provides a rich set of code refactoring features, including: - **Rename symbol**: Rename variables, functions, or classes to more descriptive names. - **Extract method**: Move code blocks into a new method to improve code readability and maintainability. - **Inline variable**: Inline variable declarations into their usage positions to eliminate unnecessary variables. - **Move type**: Move type declarations to more appropriate locations to enhance code r
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