Advanced Techniques: Managing Multiple Projects and Differentiating with VSCode

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Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 - 2009 - TSO 考试认证.zip

# 1.1 Creating and Managing Workspaces In VSCode, a workspace is a container for multiple projects. It provides a centralized location for managing multiple projects and allows you to customize settings and extensions. To create a workspace, open VSCode and click "File" > "Open Folder". Browse to the folder containing your projects and select it. You can also add other folders to an existing workspace by clicking "File" > "Add Folder to Workspace". To manage workspaces, use the Workspace Manager. You can open it by clicking "View" > "Workspace Manager" or by using the shortcut key (Ctrl/Cmd + B). The Workspace Manager allows you to view all projects in a workspace, open and close projects, and manage workspace settings. # 2. VSCode Multi-Project Management Practices ### 2.1 Workspace and Configuration of Projects #### 2.1.1 Creating and Managing Workspaces **Creating a Workspace** * Open VSCode, click "File" > "Open Folder" to select the project folder you want to use as a workspace. * You can also use the command line: `code <project-directory>`. **Managing a Workspace** ***Add Folder:** Right-click on the "Explorer" panel within the workspace and select "Add Folder". ***Remove Folder:** Right-click on the folder in the "Explorer" panel and select "Remove from Workspace". ***Save Workspace:** Click "File" > "Save Workspace", or use the shortcut `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`S`. #### 2.1.2 Configuring Project Settings and Extensions **Project Settings** * Open the "Settings" panel (`Ctrl`+`,`), search for "Workspace Settings". * Configure project settings as needed, for example: * `files.exclude`: Exclude specific files or folders. * `editor.fontSize`: Set the editor font size. **Extensions** * VSCode Marketplace offers a wide range of extensions to enhance multi-project management capabilities. * Install an extension: Click on the "Extensions" panel (`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`X`), search for and install the desired extension. * Enable an extension: After installation, the extension will be enabled automatically. ### 2.2 Collaboration and Sharing of Multiple Projects #### 2.2.1 Code Sharing and Version Control **Version Control** * Integrate Git or another version control system to track code changes. * Create a repository: Run `git init` in the project folder. * Commit changes: Use `git add` and `git commit` to commit changes. * Push changes: Use `git push` to push changes to a remote repository. **Code Sharing** ***Local Sharing:** Use the file system or shared drives to share code among team members. ***Remote Sharing:** Use cloud services (such as GitHub or Bitbucket) to share code. #### 2.2.2 Team Collaboration and Project Management **Team Collaboration** ***Code Review:** Use extensions (such as Code Review Assistant) for code reviews. ***Real-time Collaboration:** Use extensions (such as Live Share) for real-time collaborative editing. **Project Management** ***Task Tracking:** Use extensions (such as Tasks) to track tasks and issues. ***Kanban:** Use extensions (such as Scrum Board) to create a kanban to visualize project progress. # 3.1 Project Organization and Navigation #### 3.1.1 File Browser and Project Tree VSCode offers two primary tools to assist with organizing and navigating mult
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