maxmin algorithm matlab
时间: 2023-09-05 22:09:05 浏览: 117
Maxmin algorithm is a decision-making technique that involves finding the maximum gain and minimum loss for each possible strategy in a game or situation. It is commonly used in game theory and decision theory.
In MATLAB, you can implement the maxmin algorithm using the "fminimax" function. This function finds the minimum value of the worst-case scenario for a given function and range of variables. Here's an example code:
% Define the function to be optimized
fun = @(x) x(1)^2 - x(2)^2;
% Define the range of variables
lb = [-1,-1];
ub = [1,1];
% Use the fminimax function to find the optimal strategy
[x,fval] = fminimax(fun,lb,ub)
In this example, the function "fun" is defined as x(1)^2 - x(2)^2, which is the function to be optimized. The range of variables is defined using the lower bound "lb" and upper bound "ub". Finally, the "fminimax" function is used to find the optimal strategy, which is stored in the variables "x" and "fval".