时间: 2024-11-13 11:22:38 浏览: 22
1. 硬件连接
- 需要的基本组件:Arduino Uno或其他兼容板、两个红外线发射接收模块(如IRrecv和IROnewire)、直流电机驱动器、轮子和编码器(可选,用于精确速度控制)。
2. 代码结构
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "IRremote接收库.h"
// IR Sensor pins
int irPin = A0;
SoftwareSerial irSensor(irPin);
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication for debugging
irSensor.begin(4800); // Set up infrared sensor baud rate
void loop() {
// Read IR sensor data
int value = irSensor.read();
// Process the data and decide steering direction based on the received signal
if (value > THRESHOLD) { // If a black line is detected...
// Code to turn left or right
} else { // If a white line is detected...
// Code to keep straight or adjust speed
// Motor control using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
analogWrite(motorLeftPin, speedValue);
analogWrite(motorRightPin, speedValue); // Assuming both motors have same speed
// Optional: Implement encoder feedback for smoother movement and precise position tracking
delay(MOVE_DELAY); // Pause between iterations for stability
// Additional helper functions for motor control and encoder management
void updateEncoderPosition() {}
int motorLeftPin, motorRightPin; // Motor pins
int speedValue;
static const int THRESHOLD = 500; // Adjust as needed
static const int MOVE_DELAY = 100; // Time in milliseconds between iterations