时间: 2023-06-01 12:03:57 浏览: 279
unity SetTrigger
在Unity引擎中,`SetTrigger` 是 `Animator` 类的一个方法,用于向动画控制器发送一个预设的触发(Trigger)信号。触发不同于普通的转换(Transition),触发不会自动引发动画的流程变化,而是作为一种外部控制手段,当调用 `SetTrigger` 方法时,可以立即激活指定的动画片段、行为或者特定的交互效果。
例如,如果你有一个名为 "Jump" 的触发,当你在游戏中的人物需要跳跃时,可以在脚本中像这样操作:
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
public Animator animator;
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Ground"))
animator.SetTrigger("Jump"); // 当角色触碰到地面时,激活 Jump 触发
在这个例子中,当玩家的角色撞到地面时,触发器 "Jump" 被激活,可能会导致角色执行预先配置好的跳跃动画序列,同时可能关联了一些跳跃相关的物理反应。
unity2d eventTrigger
Unity2D EventTrigger is a component that allows you to set up callbacks or events to be triggered when certain events occur on a UI element or GameObject. These events include things like when the user clicks on a button, when the mouse enters or exits a UI element, when a value changes, or when a custom event is triggered.
To add an EventTrigger component to a UI element or GameObject, you can do the following:
1. Select the element or object in the Unity Editor.
2. In the Inspector panel, click the "Add Component" button.
3. Type "EventTrigger" in the search bar and select it from the list.
4. The EventTrigger component will be added to the element or object.
Once you have added the EventTrigger component, you can add events to it by clicking the "+" button next to the "Events" section in the Inspector panel. You can then select the type of event you want to trigger (e.g. Pointer Enter, Pointer Click, etc.) and assign a function or method to be called when the event is triggered.
For example, you could set up an EventTrigger on a button so that when the user clicks on it, a function is called to play a sound effect or to load a new scene in your game. Alternatively, you could set up an EventTrigger on a slider so that when the user changes the value of the slider, a function is called to update other elements in your game or to perform some other action.
Overall, EventTrigger is a powerful tool for creating interactive and responsive UI elements in your Unity2D games.