将C++#include <ros/ros.h> #include <ros/package.h> #include <quadrotor_msgs/PositionCommand.h> #include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h> #include <sensor_msgs/Joy.h> #include<mavros_msgs/AttitudeTarget.h> #include <tf/tf.h> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "traj_pub"); //##节点名traj_pub ros::NodeHandle nh; // ros::Publisher local_pos_pub3 = nh.advertise<quadrotor_msgs::PositionCommand> ("/position_cmd", 10); //##话题名字为/——position_cmd 10为缓存长度 quadrotor_msgs::PositionCommand poscom; //ros::Publisher local_pos_pub3 = nh.advertise<mavros_msgs::AttitudeTarget> // ("/mavros/setpoint_raw/attitude", 10); //mavros_msgs::AttitudeTarget msg; ros::Rate rate(20.0); //##循环频率20 int i = 0; while(ros::ok()) { poscom.position.x = 2.5*sin(M_PI*i/400); poscom.position.y = 5*sin(M_PI*i/800); poscom.position.z = 2; poscom.velocity.x = 0; poscom.velocity.y = 0; poscom.velocity.z = 0; poscom.acceleration.x = 0; poscom.acceleration.y = 0; poscom.acceleration.z = 0; poscom.yaw = 0; poscom.jerk.x=0; poscom.jerk.y=0; poscom.jerk.z=0; local_pos_pub3.publish(poscom); // tf::Quaternion q = tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(0, 0, 0.5); // msg.type_mask = msg.IGNORE_ROLL_RATE || msg.IGNORE_PITCH_RATE || msg.IGNORE_YAW_RATE; // msg.orientation.x = q.x(); // msg.orientation.y = q.y(); // msg.orientation.z = q.z(); // msg.orientation.w = q.w(); // msg.thrust = 0.75; // local_pos_pub3.publish(msg); ros::spinOnce(); rate.sleep(); i++; } } 转成pyrhon
时间: 2024-03-23 09:41:44 浏览: 108
import rospy
import rospkg
from quadrotor_msgs.msg import PositionCommand
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy
from mavros_msgs.msg import AttitudeTarget
from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion
import math
local_pos_pub3 = rospy.Publisher('/position_cmd', PositionCommand, queue_size=10)
poscom = PositionCommand()
rate = rospy.Rate(20.0)
i = 0
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
poscom.position.x = 2.5 * math.sin(math.pi * i / 400)
poscom.position.y = 5 * math.sin(math.pi * i / 800)
poscom.position.z = 2
poscom.velocity.x = 0
poscom.velocity.y = 0
poscom.velocity.z = 0
poscom.acceleration.x = 0
poscom.acceleration.y = 0
poscom.acceleration.z = 0
poscom.yaw = 0
poscom.jerk.x = 0
poscom.jerk.y = 0
poscom.jerk.z = 0
# Uncomment the following code to publish attitude target message
# msg = AttitudeTarget()
# q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0.5)
# msg.type_mask = msg.IGNORE_ROLL_RATE | msg.IGNORE_PITCH_RATE | msg.IGNORE_YAW_RATE
# msg.orientation.x = q[0]
# msg.orientation.y = q[1]
# msg.orientation.z = q[2]
# msg.orientation.w = q[3]
# msg.thrust = 0.75
# local_pos_pub3.publish(msg)
i += 1
请注意,由于Python语言的特点,代码的结构和语法与C++可能略有不同。此外,需要针对Python的ROS库进行适当的调整。同时请注意,由于Python中没有命名空间的概念,因此不需要使用`using namespace std;`。